
tech2024-03-17  88

If only the US could elect Barack Obama president every day, the American newspaper industry wouldn’t be in so much trouble. As it is, however, advertising at newspapers both print and online has been dropping like a rock the past few years according to the Newspaper Association of America, and circulation for US print newspapers has shed some five million daily readers over the past five years. The most severe percentage losses in ad revenue have come this year, and prominent entrepreneurs have even placed newspapers on “deathwatch” in anticipation of the demise.

如果只有美国能每天选举巴拉克·奥巴马(Barack Obama)总统,那么美国报纸业就不会有那么大麻烦。 然而,根据美国报纸协会的统计,过去几年来,平面和在线报纸上的广告一直在下降 ,而在过去五年中,美国平面报纸的发行量使每天的读者减少了约500万。 广告收入中百分比损失最严重的是今年 ,而且杰出的企业家甚至将报纸放到“ 死亡监视 ”中,以期日渐消亡。

However, amid all that doom and gloom, people around the world still turn mainly the mainstream press for news during major events. That was evident yesterday when news began to spread that the United States had elected the first African American president in Senator Barack Obama and traffic to news web sites spiked. Content Delivery Network Akamai’s Net Usage Index recorded the largest traffic ever for global news sites (or least in the past three years) with a peak of 8,572,042 visitors per minute. That’s twice the normal rate, and 18% more than the previous high spike in 2006 when Ghana ousted the US from the World Cup in football (soccer). Akamai serves as the CDN for a large number of a major mainstream news sites, including NBC, the BBC, and CNN.

然而,在所有的厄运和忧郁之中,世界各地的人们仍然主要将重大事件期间的新闻新闻变成主流。 昨天,当新闻开始传开时,美国已经当选美国参议员巴拉克·奥巴马(Barack Obama)的第一任非裔美国总统,新闻网站的访问量激增,这一点就显而易见了。 内容交付网络Akamai的净使用率指数记录了有史以来全球新闻网站的最大访问量(或至少过去三年中),每分钟的访问者峰值为8,572,042。 这是正常速度的两倍,比2006年加纳将美国从世界杯足球赛中踢出美国时的最高峰值提高了18%。 Akamai是许多主要主流新闻站点(包括NBC,BBC和CNN)的CDN。

Those sites almost all saw record traffic. Yahoo! News, which was the top news delivery site, saw an 80% boost in traffic over the 2004 presidential election, while CNN saw traffic jump 146% over the previous day. According to Hitwise, 9 of the top 10 most visited news web sites during the election night were mainstream news destinations (or sources like Yahoo! and Google that reprint mostly mainstream content). The lone exception was the Drudge Report. CNN.com received 30 million unique visitors on election day — double its previous high set earlier this year during so-called Super Tuesday in February, another election related event. The New York Times reported a record 2.7 million page views on its mobile site.

这些站点几乎都看到了创纪录的流量。 雅虎! 新闻是最主要的新闻发布网站,与2004年总统大选相比,访问量增长了80%,而美国有线电视新闻网(CNN)的访问量比前一天增长了146%。 根据Hitwise的说法,在选举之夜访问量最大的前十个新闻网站中,有九个是主流新闻目的地(或Yahoo!和Google之类的资源大多转载了主流内容)。 唯一的例外是《苦难报告》。 CNN.com在选举日当天接待了3000万独立访客,这是今年早些时候在2月的所谓的“超级星期二”(与选举有关的另一个事件)期间创下的先前最高纪录的两倍。 纽约时报报道其移动网站上的浏览量达到创纪录的270万。

Meanwhile, a record 70 million people were glued to their televisions watching election returns.


Perhaps most surprising, though, was the resurgence of interest in dead tree printed news. The Associated Press reported that newspapers were selling out all over the United States as people clamored for a keepsake. Copies of the New York Times, Chicago Tribune, USA Today, and other newspapers have been selling on eBay for hundreds of dollars, and many papers restarted printing presses for extra print runs to meet demand.

也许最令人惊讶的是,人们对死树印刷新闻的兴趣再次兴起。 美联社报道 ,由于人们热衷于纪念品,报纸在美国各地都卖光了。 《纽约时报》,《芝加哥论坛报》,《今日美国》和其他报纸的副本已经在eBay上以数百美元的价格出售,许多报纸重新启动印刷机以增加印刷量以满足需求。

“A newsstand in Evanston, Illinois, sold 100 copies of the [New York] Times in 10 minutes — even as the major local papers, the Tribune and the Chicago Sun-Times, rushed to print hundreds of thousands of extra copies,” reported the AP. “The [New York] Times decided to print another 75,000 copies for sale in New York, while […] vending machines and retail stores sold out by midmorning. The Tribune restarted its presses for an extra 200,000 — 10 times more than the increase it had planned. The Washington Post decided at midday to publish 350,000 copies of a slimmed-down commemorative edition. Some papers, such as USA Today, plan to sell reprints of Wednesday’s edition through their Web sites, while Detroit’s two daily newspapers were shipping more than 110,000 reprints combined for sale at stores Thursday.”

“伊利诺伊州埃文斯顿的报摊在10分钟内售出100份《纽约时报》,尽管当地主要报纸《论坛报》和《芝加哥太阳时报》都急于印刷成千上万本。” AP。 “ [纽约]时报决定再印刷75,000份在纽约出售,而[…]自动售货机和零售店在上午间售罄。 《论坛报》重新启动了印刷机,增加了200,000台,这是其计划增幅的10倍。 《华盛顿邮报》决定在午间发行精简纪念版的35万份。 一些报纸,例如《今日美国》,计划通过他们的网站出售周三版的重印本,而底特律的两份日报则在本周四的商店中出售了合计超过11万本的重印本。”

Indeed, the Chicago Sun-Times posted an alert on its web site informing readers where to buy a special reprint of Wednesday’s paper on Thursday, and the New York Times put up a picture of the long lines that formed outside its headquarters yesterday as people clamored for a copy. The same thing happened outside the Washington Post headquarters. It is not out of the realm of possibility that this could be the biggest news day since US newspaper circulation peaked in the late 1980s.

确实,《芝加哥太阳时报》在其网站上发布了警报 ,告知读者在星期四哪里可以买到特别版的星期三报纸,《纽约时报》 对昨天人们在总部外面排起长队的情况进行了描述。复制。 华盛顿邮报总部外也发生了同样的事情。 这可能是自1980年代后期美国报纸发行量达到顶峰以来最大的新闻日,这并非没有可能。

Unfortunately for the mainstream news industry, history can’t be made every day. It would be nice if the mainstream newspapers and news web sites could build on the momentum that the historic US election has created for them, but that doesn’t seem likely given the trend over the past couple of years.

不幸的是,对于主流新闻业而言,历史不可能每天都有。 如果主流报纸和新闻网站可以建立在历史性的美国大选为其创造的势头上,那将是很好的选择,但是鉴于过去几年的趋势,这似乎不太可能。

While many news sites have been making positive strides by embracing social media and link journalism, their audience has likely been forever fractured by blogs and social news aggregators and readership will never reach the highs of the 80s and 90s.


Still, yesterday was a pretty amazing day for the news industry.


翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/us-election-breaks-records-for-news-consumption/
