早期统计:Google Chrome损害了Firefox,而不是IE

tech2024-03-17  81

Last week, Google declared its bold entry into the web browser market with the fully open source Chrome project (our coverage). It has been generally assumed that Google’s browser is a shot across Microsoft’s bow — either aiming at Internet Explorer or at Windows. But early evidence suggests that out of the gate, it is hurting Firefox more than anyone else.

上周,谷歌宣布通过完全开源的Chrome项目大胆进军网络浏览器市场( 我们的报道 )。 通常认为,谷歌的浏览器是微软的弓箭手—针对Internet Explorer或Windows。 但是早期的证据表明,它对Firefox的伤害最大。

A blog post at the StatCounter blog examining the first couple of days following the release of Chrome revealed that the browser gained an impressive 1% market share worldwide in just 24 hours. However, the stats also suggested that Firefox and Safari were the browsers shedding users for Chrome, and not IE.

StatCounter博客上的一篇博客文章对Chrome发布后的前几天进行了调查,结果显示该浏览器在短短24小时内在全球范围内获得了令人印象深刻的1%的市场份额。 但是,统计数据还表明,Firefox和Safari是导致Chrome(而非IE)用户流失的浏览器。

StatCounter reported that both Firefox and Safari saw market share declines after Chrome was released (while IE inexplicably gained a few percentage points). Two days isn’t a lot of data to go on, though, so I thought I’d take a look at SitePoint’s browser stats as well, bearing in mind that SitePoint is an atypical site where over 50% of our users come to us using Firefox. The chart below shows the browser share on SitePoint for the first five days of Chrome’s release, and the day prior.

StatCounter报告称,Chrome发布后,Firefox和Safari的市场份额均下降(而IE莫名其妙地上升了几个百分点)。 不过,两天的数据量并不多,因此,我想我还要看一下SitePoint的浏览器统计信息,请记住,SitePoint是一个非典型网站,其中有超过50%的用户来找我们使用Firefox。 下图显示了Chrome发布后的前五天以及前一天在SitePoint上的浏览器份额。

We saw a similar trend locally at SitePoint that StatCounter saw globally. By day 3, when Chrome hit its peak of 5.08% of all visits to SitePoint, Firefox had fallen off about 4.5%. Safari also saw a dip of a little over a percentage point.

在SitePoint,我们在本地看到了与StatCounter在全球看到的类似趋势。 到第3天,当Chrome浏览器达到对SitePoint的所有访问的5.08%的峰值时,Firefox下降了约4.5%。 Safari的跌幅也超过了一个百分点。

I saw a similar occurrence on my forum site, where Firefox dropped from 71.59% on Monday (it’s a very tech-centric crowd) to 65.74% on Saturday, as Chrome shot up to 4.68%.


外卖 (Takeaways)

It’s impossible to draw any real conclusions from these numbers, as there’s just not enough data yet to do so. Daily fluctuations of a couple of percentage points in browser share are normal. Further, it makes sense that Firefox would see the biggest drop in users, as early adopters who are more likely to be using Firefox than IE, are the most likely to try out Chrome.

从这些数字中得出任何真实的结论都是不可能的,因为还没有足够的数据可以这样做。 浏览器份额的每日波动是正常的。 此外,有道理的是,Firefox的用户数量下降幅度最大,因为比起IE,更可能使用Firefox的早期采用者最有可能试用Chrome。

And given that Chrome doesn’t run on Mac yet, it is somewhat odd to see the dip in Safari usage (which was seen on both SitePoint and my own site, as well as globally by StatCounter). That means that share change may have been a normal fluctuation, and further illustrates the need for more data before we can draw any conclusions.

而且鉴于Chrome尚未在Mac上运行,因此看到Safari使用率下降(在SitePoint和我自己的站点以及StatCounter的全球范围内都看到过)有点奇怪。 这意味着份额变化可能是正常的波动,并进一步说明在得出任何结论之前需要更多数据。

On both sites we looked at, Chrome has fallen off a bit since its peak at the middle of last week, though its share of the browser market is still above 4% on two very tech-centric sites. That’s impressive just a week after launch. It will be interesting to see how this plays out over the next few months. Will Chrome continue to draw users away from Firefox or will users switch back to Firefox until Chrome matures more? Will Google be able get it onto the desktops of mainstream IE users? When the Mac version of Chrome arrives, how will it affect Safari’s numbers? These are interesting questions that we can hopefully begin to answer over the next couple of months.

在我们考察的两个网站上,Chrome都比上周中旬的峰值有所下降,尽管在两个以技术为中心的网站上,Chrome在浏览器市场的份额仍超过4%。 发布后仅一周,这给人留下了深刻的印象。 看看接下来几个月该如何发展将是很有趣的。 Chrome会继续吸引用户离开Firefox还是会切换回Firefox,直到Chrome变得更成熟为止? Google能否将其安装到主流IE用户的桌面上? Mac版本的Chrome到货后,将如何影响Safari的编号? 这些是有趣的问题,我们希望可以在接下来的几个月中开始回答。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/early-stats-google-chrome-hurts-firefox-not-ie/

相关资源:Google Chrome 6.0.451.0 Dev 版(一个由Google公司开发的网页浏览器)