Adobe CTO对谷歌,微软进行强硬谈判

tech2024-03-18  82

eWeek has an absolutely can’t miss interview with Adobe CTO Kevin Lynch in advance of November’s Adobe MAX conference in San Francisco. Lynch talks about a broad range of topics, including open source efforts at Adobe, the recently revealed CS 4 product updates, current and future development tools, and Adobe’s product road map. What is most interesting, though, is his take on the growing competition Adobe is facing from Microsoft and Google.

在11月在旧金山举行的Adobe MAX会议之前,eWeek绝对不能错过对 Adobe CTO Kevin Lynch的采访 。 Lynch讨论了广泛的主题,包括Adobe的开源工作,最近发布的CS 4产品更新,当前和将来的开发工具以及Adobe的产品路线图。 不过,最有趣的是,他面对Adobe面临的来自Microsoft和Google的日益激烈的竞争。

在Google的Chrome浏览器上 (On Google’s Chrome)

Google’s recently launched Chrome browser (our coverage) is thought of by some to be a competitor to Adobe’s cross-platform AIR software. AIR allows web application developers to create desktop versions of their applications that have access to operating system-level assets. Chrome, on the other hand, allows users to create launch icons for web applications that will automatically open web apps in a dedicated Chrome window. When teamed with Gears, Chrome can also take web applications offline and make them function more like desktop apps.

谷歌最近推出的Chrome浏览器( 我们的报道 )被认为是Adobe跨平台AIR软件的竞争对手。 AIR允许Web应用程序开发人员创建可以访问操作系统级资产的应用程序的桌面版本。 另一方面,Chrome允许用户为网络应用创建启动图标,这些图标会在专用的Chrome窗口中自动打开网络应用。 与Gears结合使用时,Chrome还可以使Web应用程序脱机,使其功能更像桌面应用程序。

Essentially, Chrome and AIR offer different solutions to the same problem. So is Lynch worried? The short answer is no.

本质上,Chrome和AIR针对同一问题提供不同的解决方案。 林奇担心吗? 最简洁的答案是不。

“[With AIR] you can actually install a Web application on your computer and it runs whether you’re online or offline and you can access information you couldn’t with a Web application — so being able to access your local documents and edit them in a word-processing application or a rich editing application,” he said. “That’s not possible inside the Web model with the sandbox. Doing things like notification on the screen and being able to drag and drop information between applications, these are things that AIR is enabling you to do on the computer that the Web browser doesn’t do.”

“ [使用AIR]您实际上可以在计算机上安装Web应用程序,无论您在线还是离线,它都可以运行,并且您可以访问Web应用程序无法访问的信息,因此可以访问本地文档并进行编辑在文字处理应用程序或丰富的编辑应用程序中,”他说。 “在带有沙箱的Web模型中这是不可能的。 诸如执行屏幕上的通知以及能够在应用程序之间拖放信息之类的事情,这些都是AIR使您能够在Web浏览器无法执行的计算机上执行的操作。”

Or, in other words, Adobe feels that their approach with AIR is superior to that of Chrome, and Mozilla’s Prism project , which uses a similar method to Google’s browser to bring web applications to the desktop.


Rather than feel threatened by Chrome, Lynch said that he’s thrilled to see more browser innovation happening. “Chrome is a Web browser and I’m excited to see more innovation in the Web browser space,” he explained to eWeek, saying that Adobe is working with Google to make sure Flash and PDF work well in Chrome. “We see that as a great thing at Adobe. And the more browsers there are in the world the better it is for us.”

Lynch并没有感到受到Chrome浏览器的威胁,他很高兴看到更多的浏览器创新正在发生。 他对eWeek解释说:“ Chrome是一种Web浏览器,我很高兴看到Web浏览器领域有更多创新,”他说Adobe正在与Google合作,以确保Flash和PDF在Chrome中正常运行。 “我们认为这对Adobe来说是很棒的事情。 世界上存在的浏览器越多,对我们来说就越好。”

在微软的Silverlight上 (On Microsoft’s Silverlight)

In recent years, Adobe’s dominant Flash runtime has begun to feel some heat from Silverlight, a competing technology from Microsoft that has recently scored some big distribution deals, such as powering the official Olympics video streaming web site for NBC last August. Lynch stressed that Adobe hasn’t seen a decrease in Flash adoption rates since Silverlight came on the scene. “In fact, acceleration is what we’re seeing,” he said, noting that over 90% of all web video is delivered in Flash.

近年来,Adobe的主导Flash运行时已经开始受到Silverlight的热烈影响。Silverlight是一项来自微软的竞争技术,最近获得了一些大发行协议,例如去年8月为NBC提供了官方的Olympics视频流网站。 Lynch强调,自Silverlight出现以来,Adobe的Flash采用率并未下降。 他说:“事实上,加速就是我们所看到的。”他指出,超过90%的网络视频都是通过Flash交付的。

Lynch also hit Microsoft for not having anything to compete with AIR. “But if you look at AIR, Microsoft has no solution in that space right now. While it’s competing with Flash via Silverlight, there is no competition for AIR right now from Microsoft,” he said, saying that on the client side they only have Windows, which isn’t really an AIR competitor. “So that’s kind of missing the point to say a particular OS is competing with AIR.”

Lynch还因为没有与AIR竞争的优势而打败了Microsoft。 “但是,如果您查看AIR,Microsoft目前在该领域还没有解决方案。 当它通过Silverlight与Flash竞争时,微软现在还没有与AIR竞争。”他说,并说在客户端他们只有Windows,而Windows并不是AIR的真正竞争对手。 “因此,那种说特定的操作系统正在与AIR竞争的观点有些失落。”

Last spring, however, I got a demo of Microsoft’s Live Mesh platform in their San Francisco offices, and one of the things they showed me was a prototype of a future application for the Mesh that would bring web apps offline by wrapping them in a dedicated browser window and using a local SQL database to store information. Clearly, based on Lynch’s view of Google’s Chrome, Adobe doesn’t think much of this approach to bringing web applications to the desktop, but there are definite indicators that Microsoft has plans in that area.

但是,去年春天,我在其旧金山办事处获得了Microsoft Live Mesh平台的演示,他们向我展示的一件事是Mesh未来应用程序的原型,该应用程序将Web应用程序包装在专用的程序中使其脱机。浏览器窗口并使用本地SQL数据库存储信息。 显然,根据林奇(Lynch)对Google Chrome的看法,Adobe对于将Web应用程序带到桌面的这种方法并不怎么认为,但是有明确的迹象表明微软在这一领域已经计划。

关于RIA的未来 (On the Future of RIAs)

Interestingly, on the future of rich Internet applications, Adobe has a lot in common with Microsoft. Lynch talked about three main shifts he identifies as changing the current web paradigm.

有趣的是,在富Internet应用程序的未来上,Adobe与Microsoft有很多共同点。 林奇谈到了他认为正在改变当前网络模式的三个主要转变。

The first is the shift from computing on computers to computing on devices. “[There is a] radical change in how people are interacting with the Internet using devices in addition to PCs. That is an incredible transformation. The number of devices already surpasses the number of PCs connected to the Internet,” he said. Adobe is addressing this change via initiatives like the Open Screen Project which seeks to put Flash on any device with a screen.

首先是从计算机上的计算向设备上的计算的转变。 “ [人们]除了使用PC外,人们与设备进行互联网交互的方式也发生了根本变化。 这是一个令人难以置信的转变。 设备数量已经超过了连接到Internet的PC数量。”他说。 Adobe正在通过诸如“ 开放屏幕项目”之类的举措来应对这一变化,该项目旨在将Flash放在任何带有屏幕的设备上。

Lynch also talked about the AIR runtime, which is cross platform, as a step toward addressing the changing computing landscape. According to Lynch, there have already been 35 million installs of AIR, with 100 million expected by year end.

林奇还谈到了跨平台的AIR运行时,以应对不断变化的计算环境。 根据Lynch的说法,已经安装了3500万个AIR,预计到年底将达到1亿个。

“And we’re working to bring that same technology to mobile devices. And I think that might be a trend toward a ‘mobile first’ experience, which is really a reversal of how people create applications,” he told eWeek. “Right now they create largely using large screens and PCs and think about creating stuff that will be displayed on large screens and PCs. And I think that need [sic] to change.”

“而且我们正在努力将相同的技术引入移动设备。 我认为这可能是“移动优先”体验的趋势,这实际上是人们创建应用程序方式的逆转。”他告诉eWeek。 “目前,他们主要使用大屏幕和PC进行创建,并考虑创建将在大屏幕和PC上显示的内容。 而且我认为需要改变。”

Some organizations are very cloud centric. Google for instance has the cloud in their soul. Others are very client centric still. I would put Microsoft in that camp. If you look at their revenue it’s largely client-oriented revenue; it’s Windows and Office. And that is something that, while they might talk about embracing the cloud and doing hosted services, I would say their soul is really still on the client. — Kevin Lynch, CTO Adobe

一些组织非常以云为中心。 例如,谷歌的灵魂深处就是云。 其他人仍然非常以客户为中心。 我会把微软放在那个阵营。 如果看他们的收入,主要是客户导向的收入; 是Windows和Office。 就是这样,虽然他们可能会谈论拥抱云和提供托管服务,但我想说他们的灵魂仍然在客户身上。 -Adobe首席技术官Kevin Lynch

The second trend is what Lynch called “client and cloud computing,” and defined as “a change from applications running on a client, to really a blend of using processing power on the client and processing power across services on the cloud.” Lynch cited AIR again as an innovation from Adobe in this area, talking about how it allows developers to deploy applications on the desktop that can take advantage of local computing resources and draw information and processing from the cloud as well.

第二个趋势是Lynch所谓的“客户端和云计算”,它的定义是“从客户端上运行的应用程序转变为使用客户端上的处理能力和跨云上的服务的处理能力的真正融合。” Lynch再次将AIR称为Adobe在这一领域的一项创新,谈论AIR如何使开发人员能够在桌面上部署应用程序,这些应用程序可以利用本地计算资源并从云中获取信息和进行处理。

Lynch told eWeek that Microsoft is still very client oriented, preferring to rely on client-side compute power to get things done. Clearly, Mr. Lynch hasn’t seen Craig Mundie’s keynote about Microsoft’s client + cloud future — the two executives even use the same terminology to describe their respective visions of the future of computing.

林奇告诉《 eWeek》,微软仍然非常面向客户端,宁愿依靠客户端的计算能力来完成任务。 显然,林奇先生还没有看到克雷格·芒迪(Craig Mundie)关于微软的客户+云未来的主题演讲-两位高管甚至使用相同的术语来描述他们各自对计算未来的愿景。

As we reported yesterday, Microsoft is firmly in the client and cloud computing camp. They describe a future that is very similar to the one that Kevin Lynch and Adobe are apparently working toward.

正如我们昨天报道的那样 ,Microsoft坚定地处于客户端和云计算阵营。 他们描述的未来与Kevin Lynch和Adobe显然致力于的未来非常相似。

The third trend that Lynch identified is social computing. That’s also something we’ve been talking about recently on this blog. Lynch said that all applications are going to have to start embracing that social aspect of computing or risk alienating users, who are beginning to expect it, but he didn’t expressly talk about how Adobe is addressing it.

林奇确定的第三个趋势是社交计算。 这也是我们最近在此博客上一直在谈论的内容 。 林奇表示,所有应用程序都将必须开始接受计算的社交方面,否则就有疏远用户的风险,这些用户开始期望这样做,但是他没有明确谈论Adobe如何解决它。

