
tech2024-03-18  79


Much has been made today about Yahoo!’s Open Strategy, which Yahoo! describes as a way to leverage its 500 million unique users to encourage innovation across the web. Yahoo!’s strategy seems to be, the more we let people interact with the rest of the web from within Yahoo!, the more they’ll keep coming back to Yahoo!. That seems like a sound proposition — it worked for Google, after all, which built itself on the concept of sending people away to outside content as quickly as possible.

今天,有关Yahoo!的开放策略 (Yahoo! 描述了一种利用其5亿唯一用户来鼓励网络创新的方法。 雅虎(Yahoo!)的策略似乎是,我们让人们从Yahoo!中与Web的其余部分进行交互的次数越多,他们越会继续回到Yahoo!。 这似乎是一个合理的主张-毕竟它对Google有用,它建立在将人们尽快转移到外部内容这一概念上。

The open strategy is one that AOL is also now employing, as we wrote last week. Companies are starting to understand that the value of the web now lies in the free flow of information and data — the more open, the better.

正如我们上周写的那样,开放战略是AOL现在也采用的一种战略。 公司开始认识到,Web的价值现在在于信息和数据的自由流通–越开放越好。

Yahoo! demoed some of their new open platform to journalists yesterday, showing off third-party applications running inside its Yahoo! Mail service. And Yahoo! is hosting its annual hackday today at its Sunnyvale, California campus where developers build applications running on its platform. Yahoo! said that it will be rolling out more third party apps on Yahoo! over the coming months, and with recent projects like BOSS and Search Monkey, they’ve demonstrated that they’ll be opening up more to all comers as well.

雅虎! 昨天向记者演示了他们的一些新开放平台,展示了其Yahoo!中运行的第三方应用程序。 邮件服务。 还有雅虎! 今天在加利福尼亚州桑尼维尔市校园举办年度黑客日活动,开发人员在该校平台上构建运行应用程序。 雅虎! 表示将在Yahoo!上推出更多第三方应用程序 在接下来的几个月中,通过BOSS和Search Monkey等最新项目,他们已经证明了他们还将向所有用户开放。

Some are suggesting that Yahoo!’s Open Strategy is an attempt to take on Google. “There’s no guarantee that the release, a key step in what the company calls its Yahoo Open Strategy, will improve Yahoo’s financial misfortunes,” writes CNET’s Stephen Shankland. “But it holds promise a strategy that could help Yahoo without having to try to out-Google Google.”

有人认为Yahoo!的开放战略是对Google的一种尝试。 CNET的史蒂芬·尚克兰德(Stephen Shankland)写道:“不能保证该版本是雅虎开放战略的关键一步,它将改善雅虎的财务状况。” “但它有望实现一项战略,该战略可以帮助雅虎而不必尝试超越Google谷歌。”

But Yahoo! isn’t and shouldn’t be trying to take on Google. The Open Strategy actually plays quite nicely with Google. Yahoo! is not trying to create the web operating system the way that Google is — Yahoo! is trying to create the application platform for the Web OS (bearing in mind that “OS” as it applies to the web means something rather different than it traditionally means for computer operating systems). The Web OS race is really a three horse race, and Yahoo! isn’t among the contenders. But Yahoo! is at the forefront of a secondary race to provide a platform and tools for application providers to build on that OS. Google is in that race too, but Yahoo! is positioning itself to plug right into the web operating system — whoever creates it. They should really concern themselves with other platform providers, such as Facebook.

但是雅虎! 不是也不应该尝试取代Google。 实际上,开放战略与Google的配合很好。 雅虎! 并没有尝试像Google那样创建Web操作系统-Yahoo! 正在尝试为Web OS创建应用程序平台 (请记住,“ OS”应用于Web的含义与传统上用于计算机操作系统的含义有所不同)。 Web OS竞赛实际上是一场三匹马,而Yahoo! 不在竞争者之列。 但是雅虎! 处于次要的比赛,为应用提供一个平台和工具来构建OS上的最前沿。 Google也参加了比赛,但是Yahoo! 正在将自己定位为可以直接插入Web操作系统(无论创建者是谁)。 他们应该真正关注其他平台提供商,例如Facebook。

The Yahoo! platform is a plan for fixing Yahoo! that I suggested over a year ago. The ability to give developers access to a massive audience and rich social graph information is the number one driving force for a platform’s success (quality of tools is an important number two). There may not be anyone better suited to deliver in each of those areas than Yahoo!

雅虎! 平台是修复Yahoo!的计划。 我一年多前建议的 。 使开发人员能够访问大量受众和丰富的社交图谱信息的能力是平台成功的第一推动力(工具的质量是第二重要的推动力)。 在这些领域中,可能没有人比Yahoo!更适合提供服务了。

There’s no reason that Yahoo! should be trying to compete with Google at this point — Google has already won. Their search advertising deal would appear to concede that point. But Yahoo! should be able to do quite well in Google’s shadow supplying a platform for the development of applications that run on Google’s Web OS (or Mozilla’s, or Microsoft’s, or whoever ends up winning).

雅虎没有理由! 现在应该尝试与Google竞争-Google已经赢了。 他们的搜索广告交易似乎承认了这一点。 但是雅虎! 应该能够在Google的阴影下做得很好,为开发在Google的Web OS(或Mozilla的,Microsoft的或最终获胜的人)上运行的应用程序开发提供一个平台。

And finally, Yahoo! reportedly has Girl Talk playing at hackday tonight, which gives them enough style points for a slight edge. But the race is just beginning.

最后,雅虎! 据报道,今晚在hackday上玩了Girl Talk ,这给了他们足够的风格点。 但是比赛才刚刚开始。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/open-yahoos-will-play-nice-with-google-not-compete/


相关资源:雅虎地图yahoomaps 1.0