
tech2024-03-18  94


Microsoft Research is throwing their hat in the social search game with the release of an experimental search engine called U Rank (found via LiveSide). U Rank, which is US-only, allows users to share, edit, annotate, and reorder search results.

微软研究院通过发布名为U Rank (通过LiveSide找到)的实验搜索引擎,在社交搜索游戏中大放异彩 。 U等级(仅限美国)允许用户共享,编辑,注释和重新排列搜索结果。

“We believe that finding something on the web is only the first step for many tasks,” says the U Rank page. “To better support people as they are exploring a topic, comparing information, keeping track of what they’re learning, and collaborating with others, U Rank has general support for organizing, annotating, remembering, and sharing search results.”

“我们认为,在网上找到东西只是许多任务的第一步,” U Rank页面说。 “为了更好地支持人们探索主题,比较信息,跟踪他们所学的知识并与他人合作,U Rank为组织,注释,记忆和共享搜索结果提供了一般支持。”

Because U Rank is just a research prototype, it appears to ignore the potential privacy concerns that crop up with social search. So anyone planning to give it a test should be aware that their searches may be shared with friends.

由于U Rank只是一个研究原型,因此似乎忽略了社交搜索中潜在的隐私问题。 因此,任何打算进行测试的人都应该意识到,他们的搜索可能会与朋友分享。

The U Rank project homepage lists a number of use cases for the experimental software, including sharing search result recommendations, keeping lists of things organized, and most interestingly, collaborating on research. The latter makes a lot of sense — U Rank certainly may have useful applications in academic and corporate environments where group research could be conducted on the web more easily by sharing and rating search results.

U Rank项目主页列出了该实验软件的许多用例,包括共享搜索结果建议,整理事物列表以及最有趣的是在研究上进行协作。 后者很有意义-U Rank当然可以在学术和公司环境中有有用的应用程序,通过共享和评估搜索结果可以更轻松地在网上进行小组研究。

Unfortunately, I have been unable to actually try U Rank, which seems to developed the mistaken idea that I’m located outside the US and has locked me out.

不幸的是,我无法真正尝试使用U Rank,这似乎产生了一个错误的想法,即我位于美国以外的国家,并将我拒之门外。

We’d love to hear your thoughts on U Rank. If you’re able to get in an try it out, let us know what you think of it in the comments below.

我们希望听到您对U Rank的看法。 如果您可以尝试一下,请在下面的评论中告诉我们您的想法。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/microsoft-research-opens-social-search-engine/

