digg bt

tech2024-03-18  96

digg bt

It may be a bit ironic for me to complain about Digg’s inability to break news, because that’s hardly breaking news itself — Digg hasn’t been very good at timely reporting in a long while. But this morning, while reading my feed of tech “news” from Digg, I was struck by just how little of it was actually news to me.

对于我抱怨Digg不能发布新闻可能有点讽刺,因为这本身并不是新闻,而是Digg长期以来都不擅长及时报道。 但是今天早上,当我从Digg阅读我的技术“新闻”提要时,我几乎被它真正的新闻所震惊。

That’s a major difference from 2006, when Kevin Rose bragged about Digg’s news breaking speed at the Web 2.0 Summit. Back then, news of Donald Rumsfeld’s resignation from George W. Bush’s presidential cabinet reached the Digg front page in about 3 minutes — about 20 minutes faster that Google News had the story. “People can break news faster than machines,” said Rose.

与2006年的主要区别在于2006年,凯文·罗斯在Web 2.0峰会上吹嘘Digg的新闻报道速度很快 。 当时,唐纳德·拉姆斯菲尔德(Donald Rumsfeld)从乔治·W·布什(George W. Bush)总统内阁辞职的消息在大约3分钟内到达了Digg的首页,比Google新闻报道的时间快20分钟。 罗斯说:“人们新闻发布的速度比机器新闻发布的速度快。”

But Tuesday night’s fire at the Apple campus in Cupertino, California is a demonstration of just how much has changed at Digg since then.


This morning, while checking my feed of Digg’s front page tech news, one that I hadn’t check since yesterday afternoon, I noticed a store called “FIRE Breaks Out At Apple Campus” that had hit the front page at around 3pm PDT on August 13. Odd, I thought to myself. I’d been hearing about that story ad nauseum all over the web that day — surely Digg must have had something up before then.

今天早上,当我查看Digg头版技术新闻的提要时(自昨天下午以来一直未查看过)时,我注意到一家名为“ FIRE Breaks At Apple Campus”的商店在美国太平洋夏令时8月3日下午左右登上了头版。 13.奇怪,我对自己想。 那天我一直在网上听到有关这个故事的恶作剧-当然,在那之前Digg一定有一些事。

A quick search of Digg’s main page stories for “apple fire,” though, revealed that the late afternoon story was the first on the fire to hit the main page. Given the high concentration of Apple users on Digg, and how many Apple-related stories hit the front page each day, that seems like a ridiculously long time after the fire (the first media reports of which started flooding in within an hour after the fire started at 10pm PDT on August 12, and hit Twitter around the same time) for the story to finally get visibility on Digg.

快速搜索Digg的主页故事中的“苹果大火”,发现下午的故事是第一个登上主页的大火。 考虑到Apple用户高度集中在Digg上,以及每天有多少与苹果相关的故事登上头版,这在大火过后似乎是荒谬的长时间(第一份媒体报道称 ,大火过后一小时就开始泛滥)从8月12日美国太平洋夏令时间晚上10点开始,并在同一时间访问Twitter ),以使该故事最终在Digg上获得可见性。

I first heard the news on the “machine” curated aggregation site Techmeme, which had the story at 3:20am PDT (August 13) — a full 12 hours before Digg — according to their river of news, and kept it near the top of the site all day while everyone and their dog in the blogosphere chimed in.


That Digg is no longer a great place to read about the news first isn’t surprising — algorithm changes aimed at fighting spam and stopping people from “gaming” long ago robbed the site of that ability. But letting a fairly important news story (given the 1000+ diggs and 200+ comments that the story eventually got) sit for more than 24 hours after it happened (and 15 hours after the first version was submitted) before making it popular robs the site of its ability to at least function a worthwhile news discussion community, too.

Digg不再是一个首先了解新闻的好地方,这也就不足为奇了-很早以前,针对垃圾邮件和阻止人们进行“游戏”的算法更改就抢夺了这种能力。 但是,让一个相当重要的新闻故事(考虑到该新闻最终得到1000多个摘要和200多个评论)在事件发生后(超过第一个版本提交后的15个小时)放置了24小时以上,然后使其流行,抢了该站点至少也可以运作一个有价值的新闻讨论社区的能力。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/digg-sucks-at-finding-breaking-news/

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