
tech2024-03-18  90


On BlueDragon Open Source: Vince Bonfanti, President of New Atlanta, has announced that BlueDragon Open Source will be unveiled at the cf.Objective() conference in May. Vince also speaks his mind on the latest instalment of the ColdFusion Weekly podcast, and is interviewed by Dan Wilson in this dzone article.

关于BlueDragon开源:新亚特兰大总裁文斯·邦凡蒂(Vince Bonfanti)宣布, BlueDragon开源将在5月的cf.Objective()会议上揭晓 。 文斯还对最新一期的ColdFusion每周播客发表了自己的看法, 丹威尔逊(Dan Wilson)在这篇dzone文章中接受了文斯的采访 。

From the Adobe camp:


CF Product Manger Kristen Schofield wants your feedback on the idea of a ColdFusion evangelism kit for potential customers. Do you think this would be useful? Let Kristen know your thoughts!

CF产品经理克里斯汀·斯科菲尔德(Kristen Schofield)希望您对潜在客户的ColdFusion福音套件的想法提供反馈。 您认为这有用吗? 让克里斯汀知道您的想法!

Last week the Adobe MAX locations were announced. Now, they’re looking for your thoughts on sessions and presenters

上周宣布了Adobe MAX的位置。 现在,他们正在寻找您对会议和演讲者的想法

Brian Rinaldi talks to Peter Bell in his CFUnited interview series. Peter will be presenting three sessions at the CFUnited conference, on CFCs, code generation, and OO. Brian’s Open Source Update also had lots of interesting announcements  on the frameworks front (ColdBox, FarCry, Mach-ii and Transfer related).

布赖恩•里纳尔迪(Brian Rinaldi)在他的CFUnited访谈系列中与彼得•贝尔谈话 。 Peter将在CFUnited会议上举行有关CFC,代码生成和OO的三个会议。 Brian的开源更新在框架方面(ColdBox,FarCry,Mach-ii和Transfer相关)也有很多有趣的公告。

Code and techniques, short and sweet:


Brian Ghidinelli shares a technique to minimize memory usage by bots in applications using session management

Brian Ghidinelli分享了一种技术,该技术可通过会话管理将应用程序中的漫游器最小化

Justin Carter has started a documentation wiki for ColdExt, the ExtJS tag library for CF, with a Getting Started tutorial

贾斯汀·卡特(Justin Carter) 使用入门教程 启动了ColdExt的文档Wiki(用于CF的ExtJS标记库)。

Ever wanted to use CFPOP over a secure connection? It’s not supported in CF, but Jake Munson shows how it can be done with a quick Java call

是否曾经想过通过安全连接使用CFPOP? CF不支持此功能,但Jake Munson展示了如何通过快速Java调用来完成

Brian Love has worked out how to determine if a particular request is coming from an Ajax request or not

Brian Love已解决如何确定特定请求是否来自Ajax请求

And finally, my new most favourite tag: CFGRID. Anuj Gakhar shows how to change the CFGRID pageSize attribute dynamically, and Dan Vega shares a nifty select element trick for editable grids.

最后,我最喜欢的新标签:CFGRID。 Anuj Gakhar展示了如何动态更改CFGRID pageSize属性 , Dan Vega分享了可编辑网格的漂亮选择元素技巧 。

Got a link for me? Think I should be covering other stuff? Leave a comment, drop me a line (kay AT smoljak DOT com) or tag your links in with for:kay.smoljak. Until next week…

有链接给我吗? 认为我应该涵盖其他内容吗? 发表评论,给我打个电话(可以在smoljak DOT com上找到我),或使用for:kay.smoljak在del.icio.us中标记您的链接。 直到下周…


