
tech2024-03-18  95


So, a month or two back many of you spotted Jason Beaird’s ‘The Principles of Beautiful Web Design’ in our ‘Upcoming Titles’ list and you want to know where in the Sam Hill is it?

因此,一两个月后,你们中的许多人在我们的“即将到来的标题”列表中发现了Jason Beaird的“美丽的网页设计原理”,而您想知道它在Sam Hill中的哪个位置?

Officially… we’re not scheduled to release it till next week.

正式地 …我们不计划在下周发布。

However, given so many people are psyched about it, rather than answer one more email with ‘Hang in there — it’s coming‘, I can tell you it’s now available immediately, but only via the special link below.

但是,考虑到这么多人对此感到迷惑,而不是再用“ 挂在里面-它来了 ”再回答一封电子邮件,我可以告诉您它现在可以立即使用,但只能通过下面的特殊链接进行。



Amazon actually have this book listed, but they’ve already sold out of their initial stock run (which they only just received a few days ago). To be honest, the popularity of this book has blown us away – it had a sales rank of #59 early in the week and #2 in the Computers & Internet category — which is a stunning result. To put that into perspective for you, in the colossal book cosmos that is Amazon, we generally consider anything under 1,000 a top seller.

亚马逊实际上已经列出了这本书,但是他们已经卖完了最初的存货(几天前才收到)。 老实说,这本书的受欢迎程度震惊了我们-它在本周初的销售排名为第59位,在计算机与互联网类别中排名第2位-这是一个了不起的成绩。 为了让您更清楚地了解这一点,在庞大的书本《宇宙》(亚马逊)中,我们通常认为最畅销的商品不到1000件。

Consequently, right now sitepoint.com (at this link) is the only way you can get this book online – we’re stocked up to the hilt and ready to ship now!

因此,现在sitepoint.com( 在此链接上 )是您在线上获得此书的唯一途径-我们已经备货充足,可以立即发货!

And just to sweeten the deal a little more: For a limited time we’re not only matching Amazon’s price ($26.37) but also throwing in a Handy RGB Color & Font Reference Card.


Can’t be fairer than that.


I’m not sure if this is the best book we’ve ever done, but it’s undoubtedly my favorite to date. We’ve been kicking around the idea of a ‘Design Rules for Geeks’ book for five years now, but it all seemed too hard for a long time. It’s much easier to visualize a coder’s book from the start and finding someone able to ‘think art’ but ‘speak geek’ was a tough ask. Jason not only fits the bill perfectly, but injects his strange but very enjoyable humor too.

我不确定这是否是我们做过的最好的书,但这无疑是我迄今为止最喜欢的一本书。 五年来,我们一直在讨论“极客设计规则”这本书的想法,但是很长一段时间以来,这一切似乎都太难了。 从一开始就可视化编码员的书并找到能够“思考艺术”但“说极客”的人是一个难题,要容易得多。 杰森不仅完全符合要求,而且还注入了他奇怪但非常愉快的幽默。

Enough said. Check it out.

说够了。 看看这个。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/psst-the-principles-of-beautiful-web-design-now-available-here/

