John McCain是否鼓励垃圾评论?

tech2024-03-18  92

Encouraging your supporters to get out and support you through social media, including blog comments, seems like fair game, but US presidential candidate Senator John McCain (R-AZ) is taking a step further and perhaps a step too far, according to some observers. McCain’s web site has an area under the header Spread the Word in which the campaign encourages visitors to “spread the word about John McCain on news and blog sites” by leaving comments about why to support McCain. The site links to a number of prominent political blogs, both liberal and conservative, with instructions to “go there, and make your opinions supporting John McCain known.”

鼓励您的支持者走出去,并通过社交媒体(包括博客评论)为您提供支持,这似乎是公平的游戏,但据一些观察家称,美国总统候选人参议员约翰·麦凯恩(R-AZ)正在走得更远,甚至可能走得太远。 麦凯恩(McCain)网站的标题为“传播单词( Spread the Word)”下的区域,活动旨在鼓励访问者通过留下为什么支持麦凯恩的评论“在新闻和博客网站上传播有关约翰·麦凯恩(John McCain)的信息”。 该网站链接到一些著名的政治博客,包括自由派和保守派,并附有指示“去那里,发表支持约翰·麦凯恩的观点”。

What has rubbed people the wrong way is that McCain is incentivizing blog comments with a points system. “Once you’ve commented on a post, video or news story, report the details of your comment by clicking the button below. After your comments are verified, you will be awarded points through the McCain Online Action Center,” says the site. The points can be redeemed for McCain merchandise and items, such as signed books and VIP seating at events.

误导人们的是麦凯恩通过积分系统激励博客评论。 “一旦您对帖子,视频或新闻报道发表了评论,请点击下面的按钮,以报告评论的详细信息。 验证您的评论后,您将通过麦凯恩在线行动中心获得积分。”该网站说。 积分可用于兑换麦凯恩的商品和物品,例如签名的书籍和活动中的VIP座位。

In essence, McCain is paying supporters to comment on blogs with McCain talking points (the “Spread the Word” page links to daily talking points, though to be fair it does fall short of providing an actual script for comments, as implied by some media reports).


The Washington Post compares the points-for-comments scheme to “political AstroTurfing,” an old practice in which volunteers or paid staff are used to seed radio call-in shows or newspaper editorials with what seems to be genuine calls and letters. We don’t think it’s quite that bad — McCain is encouraging actual supporters to post blog comments, not paid staff or campaign volunteers, so he isn’t really manufacturing grassroots support. But he is leaning on his supporters to do something that sets a bad precedent.

《华盛顿邮报》 将评分方案与“政治AstroTurfing”进行了比较,这是一种古老的做法,在这种做法中,志愿者或带薪人员被用来播送广播节目或报纸社论,其中包括真正的电话和信件。 我们认为情况并没有那么糟-麦凯恩(McCain)鼓励实际的支持者发布博客评论,而不是带薪员工或竞选志愿者,因此,他实际上并没有提供基层支持。 但是他依靠他的支持者做一些开创先例的事情。

And there are some real problems with how he’s set up the program, points or no points, according to the Washington Post:


[Michael] Cornfield (an executive with a company that markets political-organizing software) says McCain’s program has a couple of bugs.


The first, he says, is the lack of disclosure instructions to participants. To rise above AstroTurf — a practice considered ethically dubious by many political operatives — Cornfield says participants should use their real names and identify themselves as part of a campaign participation program (as in, “I’m Mike Cornfield, and I’m part of the McCain Action Team”).

他说,首先是缺乏对参与者的披露说明。 为了超越AstroTurf(许多政治人员在道德上认为这是一种可疑的做法),Cornfield说参与者应该使用真实姓名并将自己标识为竞选参与计划的一部分(例如,“我是Mike Cornfield,我是麦凯恩行动小组”)。

He also says “germaneness” is an issue: “Talking points are fine, but a comment should refer specifically to something that was said or written previously in the thread where it is intended to appear.”


By essentially paying to seed third-party blogs with comments from supporters, McCain’s tactics remind us of BuyBlogComments, a service that was launched last summer and was almost universally panned by bloggers (including by me). Paying for blog comments is not a good way to win support among the Internet grassroots, and we’d advise McCain to drop the program and focus efforts elsewhere (like perhaps trying to keep his surprising new lead in YouTube views).

麦凯恩的策略实质上是通过向第三方博客提供支持者的意见来支付种子的费用,从而使我们想起了BuyBlogComments ,该服务于去年夏天启动,几乎被博客( 包括我 )普遍批评。 支付博客评论并不是赢得互联网基层支持的好方法,我们建议麦凯恩放弃该计划,将精力集中在其他地方(例如,也许试图保持他在YouTube上的惊人领先地位 )。

