
tech2024-03-18  96


For some reason, the blogosphere absolutely exploded this week. Even if you subscribe to MXNA, Fullasagoog or one of the other CF blog aggregators, check this list out to see if you missed anything…

由于某种原因,博客圈本周绝对爆炸。 即使您订阅了MXNA,Fullasagoog或其他CF博客聚合者之一,也请查看此列表以查看是否错过任何内容……

The hype over the ColdFusion 8.0.1 release has died down a little, and there were a handful of items this week discussing what’s new. Raymond Camden discusses the changes to the CFEXECUTE tag in CF 8.0.1. With the changes to the CF licensing, John Beynon has put together a little ColdFusion license calculator in Flex to work out how many licenses are required (and their cost) based on the CF edition, number of CPUs and number of virtual machines.

对ColdFusion 8.0.1发行版的大肆宣传已经消失了一些,本周有一些项目讨论新功能。 Raymond Camden讨论了CF 8.0.1中对CFEXECUTE标记的更改 。 随着CF许可证的更改,John Beynon在Flex中组合了一个ColdFusion许可证计算器 ,根据CF版本,CPU数量和虚拟机数量来计算所需的许可证数量(及其成本)。

Not to be outdone, the alternative CFML engine Railo also released an updater, to version 2.0.1. The new release contains an ton of bug fixes and new features.

值得一提的是,替代CFML引擎Railo还发布了一个更新程序, 版本为2.0.1 。 新版本包含大量错误修复和新功能。

In the Open BlueDragon camp, the members of the new steering committee have been announced. Alan Williamson has posted interviews with committee members Andy Allan, Mike Brunt, and Sean Corfield, with more sure to follow.

在Open BlueDragon阵营中, 已经宣布了新的指导委员会的成员。 艾伦·威廉姆森(Alan Williamson)发布了对委员会成员安迪·艾伦 ( Andy Allan) , 迈克·布鲁特 ( Mike Brunt )和肖恩·科菲尔德 ( Sean Corfield)的采访,而且肯定还会跟进。

Speaking of open source, Greg Cerveny has posted an interview with Raymond Camden on developing open source ColdFusion applications. It’s interesting because it seems Greg has some strong opinions on what open source should and shouldn’t be. And from Brian Rinaldi’s open source round up, lots of new stuff has been released, including an OpenID integration component, a portal framework, a logging application, Robin Hilliard’s unit testing project, a file manager, and more. Whew!

谈到开源,Greg Cerveny发布了关于Raymond Camden开发开源ColdFusion应用程序的采访 。 这很有趣,因为Greg似乎对开放源代码应该和不应该有什么持肯定态度。 从Brian Rinaldi的开放源代码中 ,已经发布了许多新内容,包括OpenID集成组件,门户框架,日志记录应用程序,Robin Hilliard的单元测试项目,文件管理器等等。 ew!

Short and sweet code cuts:


Raymond Camden has started working on a new version of his YouTubeCFC wrapper, which now uses the updated YouTube API.

雷蒙德·卡姆登(Raymond Camden)已开始研究其YouTubeCFC包装器的新版本,该包装器现在使用更新的YouTube API。

Brian Rinaldi has released a new build of the wickedly-named Illudium PU-36 Code Generator.

布赖恩·里纳尔迪(Brian Rinaldi)发布了新版本的邪恶名称为Illudium PU-36代码生成器 。

Brian Love shares a user defined function to easily manage image uploads.

Brian Love共享一个用户定义的功能,可以轻松管理图像上传 。

If you’re after something a little more heavy duty, here some’s topics to stretch the grey matter:


Raymond Camden discusses best practises for handling session and cgi variables inside CFCs, from both a real world and theoretical perspective.

雷蒙德·卡姆登(Raymond Camden)从现实世界和理论角度讨论了在CFC中处理会话和cgi变量的最佳实践 。

Mike Brunt discusses Vertical and Horizontal Clustering in his continuing post series on the topic.

Mike Brunt在他关于主题的后续系列文章中讨论了垂直和水平聚类 。

Peter Bell discusses treating an object as a struct – both how you would do it and why you might want to.

彼得·贝尔(Peter Bell)讨论了将对象视为结构 -您将如何做以及为什么要这么做。

Nathan Strutz tells us that ColdFusion is a Domain Specific Language, designed to solve one problem really well: “ColdFusion is meant to be the dream language for web applications. Its original goals were to make your HTML web site database-enabled and dynamic. That goal was basically perfected with version 1.0 and the cfquery tag.”

Nathan Strutz告诉我们ColdFusion是一种领域特定的语言 ,旨在真正很好地解决一个问题:“ ColdFusion旨在成为Web应用程序的理想语言。 其最初的目标是使HTML网站具有数据库功能并具有动态性。 该目标基本上是通过1.0版和cfquery标签完善的。”

One of the things that makes ColdFusion great is the community. Jim Priest has posted a community-driven CFML IDE survey… where he’s making the results publicly available. Already there are over 300 responses, so fill it out and have your say. Kristen Schofield, ColdFusion product manager, has posted some ColdFusion 8 customer case studies that have been posted to the Adobe web site. And over at Fusion Authority, I’ve picked out five interesting threads from discussions this week on the CF-Talk mailing list: Database schema comparison tools, ordering numeric query columns alphabetically, advanced pagination, open source shopping cart systems and Application.cfm versus Application.cfc.

使ColdFusion出色的一件事就是社区。 吉姆·普里斯特(Jim Priest)发布了一项社区驱动的CFML IDE调查 ……他正在将结果公开发​​布。 已经有300多个回复,请填写并发表您的意见。 ColdFusion产品经理Kristen Schofield已发布了一些ColdFusion 8客户案例研究 ,这些研究已发布到Adobe网站上。 在Fusion Authority上,我从本周关于CF-Talk邮件列表的讨论中选择了五个有趣的话题 :数据库模式比较工具,按字母顺序排列数字查询列,高级分页,开源购物车系统以及Application.cfm与Application.cfc。

ColdFusion conferences are spread nicely over the year, it seems. On the CFUnited conference blog, they’ve posted the top 10 reasons to attend the upcoming CFUnited. However, these same reasons could apply to almost any conference – it’s just great to get out and meet like-minded CF developers while learning new skills! I’m probably going to miss out on WebDU this year (Geoff has posted some OSX Dashboard widgets to countdown the days until the southern hemisphere’s CF conference), but I have high hopes for next year. Nick Tong has announced that there will be a new ColdFusion conference in the UK in September, under the old moniker CFDevCon. More details coming soon!

看来,ColdFusion会议在一年中分布良好。 在CFUnited会议博客上,他们发布了参加即将举行的CFUnited的十大理由 。 但是,这些相同的原因几乎可以适用于所有会议-能够在学习新技能的同时走出去并结识志同道合的CF开发人员真是太好了! 我今年可能会错过WebDU(Geoff发布了一些OSX仪表板小部件,以倒计时到南半球CF会议之前的日子 ),但是我对明年寄予厚望。 尼克•唐(Nick Tong)宣布,将于9月在英国举行新的ColdFusion会议,其名称为CFDevCon。 更多细节即将推出!

Finally, some framework-related announcements:


Geoff Bowers presented an Adobe eSeminar on FarCry 5.0 several weeks ago, and has announced that the recording of the hour-long session is now available. If you miss a live sessions, recordings of previous eSeminars are available “on demand” from Adobe’s site. And Jeff Coughlin has released the jcFarcryFlvPlayer plugin for the FarCry CMS/framework, which embeds a Flash-based video player into a FarCry site.

几周前,Geoff Bowers 在FarCry 5.0上展示了一个Adobe网络研讨会 ,并宣布现在可以进行长达一个小时的会议录音。 如果您错过了现场会议,可以从Adobe网站“按需”获得以前的电子研讨会的录音 。 Jeff Coughlin已经发布了FarCry CMS / framework的jcFarcryFlvPlayer插件,该插件将基于Flash的视频播放器嵌入FarCry网站。

Nathan Strutz has updated his Fusebox XML cheat sheet for Fusebox 5.5.

Nathan Strutz更新了他的Fusebox 5.5 Fusebox XML速查表。

Matt Quackenbush talks about how to use mapped views – view files common to multiple applications – in ColdBox.

Matt Quackenbush讨论了如何在ColdBox中使用映射视图-多个应用程序共有的视图文件 。

Sean Corfield explains how to use Transfer ORM in a cluster. And speaking of Transfer, Dan Wilson has let on that Mark Mandel is hard at work finishing up documentation for the release of Transfer 1.0 at the CF.Objective conference.

Sean Corfield解释了如何在集群中使用Transfer ORM 。 说到Transfer,丹·威尔逊(Dan Wilson)让Mark Mandel努力工作,在CF.Objective会议上完成了Transfer 1.0发行的文档。

That’s it for this week! As always, leave a comment, email me (kay AT smoljak DOT com) with any tips, or tag your links for:kay.smoljak in

本周就这样! 像往常一样,发表评论,给我发电子邮件(在AT smoljak DOT com上有建议),或在del.icio.us中标记您的链接:kay.smoljak。


