
tech2024-03-19  84

Forum and directory web site Webmasters.org sold late last night on SitePoint’s Marketplace for $50,000. The site was established in 1999 and is currently run as a small forum and directory site for webmasters.

论坛和目录网站Webmasters.org昨晚在SitePoint的Marketplace上以50,000美元的价格售出。 该网站成立于1999年,目前是网站管理员的小型论坛和目录网站。

Though the site was listed in the Established Web Sites category, with under 10,000 page views per month and reported revenue of about $25 monthly, the major asset of value was the domain. “[The] real value is in the domain. Secondary value is in age of site and number and age of links,” said seller Chad Horstman, who bought the property from the original owner.

尽管该网站被列在“已建立的网站”类别中,每月访问量不到10,000次,并且每月报告的收入约为25美元,但域名的主要价值在于资产。 “ [真正的价值在于领域。 次要价值在于网站的年龄,链接的数量和年龄。”从原始所有者那里购买财产的卖方查德·霍斯特曼说。

The domain is a PR7, and though a .org TLD it clearly had enough value to place it among the top-tier of .org domain sales over the past year. Blogger Jeremy Schoemaker accurately predicted that Webmasters.org would sell in the $50k range, and thinks that it is a good buy for someone. “For someone who knows how to create a good subscription service for webmasters that could easily be a monthly profit within a year or so,” he said.

该域名是PR7,尽管它是.org TLD,但它显然具有足够的价值,使其在过去一年中跻身顶级.org域名销售之列。 博客作者Jeremy Schoemaker准确地预测Webmasters.org的售价将在$ 50k左右,并认为这对某人来说是一个不错的选择 。 他说:“对于知道如何为网站管理员创建良好的订阅服务的人来说,可以轻松地在一年左右的时间里每月获利。”

The $50k sale price is the highest we know of for a domain at SitePoint (though larger sales may have occurred in the pat via private message). Though this wasn’t strictly a domain sale, most observers of the auction agreed that Horstman was able to fetch his mid-five figures sale price due to the strength of the TLD.

5万美元的销售价格是我们在SitePoint上了解的最高域名(尽管通过私人信息在拍拍中可能发生了更大的销售)。 尽管这并非严格意义上的域名销售,但拍卖的大多数观察者都认为,由于TLD的实力,霍斯特曼能够拿到他的5位数字的销售价格。

Horstman, who has sold sites before via SitePoint, told us he was happy with the experience. “Other sites are like eBay and take a commission while SitePoint is so much better because it is a one time fee,” he said via email. “The taxman is already going to take enough! Also for a webmaster related site I figured this is the place to sell it.”

霍斯特曼曾经通过SitePoint出售过网站,他告诉我们他对这种体验感到满意。 他在电子邮件中说:“其他站点都像eBay,但要收取佣金,而SitePoint则要好得多,因为这是一次性费用,” “收税员已经受够了! 另外,对于网站管理员相关的网站,我认为这是出售它的地方。”

Congratulations to Horstman and the lucky buyer.


翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/webmastersorg-sells-for-50k-on-sitepoint/
