
tech2024-03-19  93


Lots of news in open source this week! I sneaked in news last week of the Railo open source announcement. There’s been a lot of discussion and it seems that the move is seen, in general, as a very positive one.

本周开源中有很多新闻! 我上周偷偷了解了Railo开源公告的新闻。 已经进行了很多讨论,并且似乎总体上认为此举是非常积极的一步。

Gert Franz has posted an official announcement on the Railo blog, as well as some followup comments about standardisation of the CFML language, which seems to be an emerging theme (see Jim Priest’s comments on the topic)

Gert Franz在Railo博客上发布了官方公告 ,以及有关CFML语言标准化的一些后续评论 ,这似乎是一个新兴主题( 请参阅Jim Priest关于该主题的评论 )

Ben Forta has posted a very positive open message to Gert and Railo

本·佛塔(Ben Forta)向盖特(Gert)和雷欧(Ralo)发表了非常积极的公开信息

Adam Lehman from Adobe is supportive of the move, stating that it has been done for “all the right reasons” (the comments on this post are also worth reading)

Adobe的亚当·莱曼(Adam Lehman)支持此举,并表示此举是出于“所有正确的理由” (这篇文章的评论也值得一读)

Alan Williamson from the Open BlueDragon project has welcomed the news

Open BlueDragon项目的Alan Williamson对此消息表示欢迎

Kai Koenig, who was in Edinburgh the initial announcement at Scotch on the Rocks, has posted some more thoughts

凯恩·科尼格(Kai Koenig)曾在爱丁堡岩石上的苏格兰(Scotch on the Rocks)首次宣布这一消息,他发表了更多想法

There has also been some controversy. Vince Bonfanti posted an announcement for New Atlanta’s CFML to Java and CFML to .NET migration services, which referred to ColdFusion applications as “legacy”. Sean Corfield posted a scathing attack titled “New Atlanta calls you legacy”, a title which was later changed to “New Atlanta offers ColdFusion to .NET/Java migration assistance”  after Vince changed his wording to be more neutral. It seems this incident sparked some debate on the Open Blue Dragon steering committee mailing list, leading to Sean stepping down from his position on that committee. Mark Drew has also stepped down, although that appears to be an earlier decision and he states that it’s because of a lack of resources. It would seem that the initial skepticism about New Atlanta and Open BlueDragon’s motivations from some sectors of the CF community was not unfounded.

也有一些争议。 文斯·邦凡蒂(Vince Bonfanti)发布了新亚特兰大从CFML到Java以及从CFML到.NET迁移服务的公告,该服务将ColdFusion应用程序称为“旧版”。 肖恩·科菲尔德(Sean Corfield)发布了名为“新亚特兰大,呼唤您的遗产”的严厉攻击 ,在文斯(Vince)将措辞更改为中立之后,其标题后来更改为“新亚特兰大提供ColdFusion到.NET / Java迁移帮助”。 似乎此事件在“开放蓝龙”指导委员会的邮件列表上引发了一些辩论,导致肖恩(Sean)退出该委员会的职位 。 马克·德鲁(Mark Drew)也下台了 ,尽管这似乎是一个较早的决定,但他说这是由于缺乏资源。 似乎对CF社区某些部门对新亚特兰大和Open BlueDragon动机的最初怀疑并不是没有根据的。


Brian Kotek stirred up a bit of a debate with his post Don’t Comment Your Code – calling for developers to refactor code to be clearer and simpler, rather than slapping explanatory comments on complicated sections. Ben Nadel responded with Not Commenting And The Tipping Point Of Poor Programming – positing that it’s dangerous for “thought leaders” or advanced programmers like Brian to make such sweeping claims, when most developers are not able to code to a high enough standard to follow his advice. Both posts make excellent points, and both have sparked long debates in their respective comments!

Brian Kotek在他的文章《 不要评论您的代码》中激起了一些辩论–呼吁开发人员将代码重构得更清晰,更简单,而不是对复杂的部分进行解释性评论。 Ben Nadel的回应是“ 未发表评论”和“不良编程的临界点” ,它认为“思想领袖”或像Brian这样的高级程序员提出如此笼统的声明是危险的,因为大多数开发人员都无法按照足够高的标准进行编程以遵循他的观点。建议。 这两篇文章都提出了很好的观点,并且在各自的评论中都引发了长期的辩论!

In a belated contribution to Regular Expression Day, Steve Bryant has shared an example of a regular expression that solves a particular problem in Lists, Email Addresses, Regular Expressions

在对正则表达式日的一项迟来的贡献中,史蒂夫·布莱恩特(Steve Bryant)分享了一个正则表达式的示例,该正则表达式可以解决列表,电子邮件地址,正则表达式中的特定问题

Brian Kotek has posted More on Extending ColdSpring: A Custom BeanFactory

Brian Kotek发布了更多关于扩展ColdSpring:自定义BeanFactory的信息。

Paul Marcotte shares Model Glue Event Security Using Broadcasts and Results

Paul Marcotte 使用广播和结果分享了Model Glue事件安全性

Jason Dean wraps up his exploration of password security in ColdFusion

Jason Dean 在ColdFusion中总结了对密码安全性的探索

Other Bits and Pieces


Raymond Camden has relaunched an all-new – with a new visual look and simpler structure designed to let you get the user defined functions you need and get out quick.  Ray used Model-Glue 3, ColdSpring and Transfer for the new version, although he strongly cautions against using alpha software in production for anyone else (Model-Glue 3 is still in alpha release stages). Check out the new CFLIB for yourself – it looks great, so kudos to Ray.

Raymond Camden 重新启动了一个全新的具有新的视觉外观和更简单的结构,旨在让您获得所需的用户定义功能并快速入门 。 Ray使用新版本的Model-Glue 3,ColdSpring和Transfer,尽管他强烈警告不要在其他任何人的生产环境中使用alpha软件(Model-Glue 3仍处于alpha发布阶段)。 亲自检查一下新的CFLIB,它看起来很棒,所以Ray感到很荣幸 。

Todd Sharp has released a new open source learning managment system called iLearn 

托德·夏普(Todd Sharp)发布了一种新的开源学习管理系统,名为iLearn

Nick Tong tips us off that CFDevCon has extended their early bird registration pricing

尼克•唐(Nick Tong)向我们提示CFDevCon已延长其早鸟注册价格

I have posted the third interview in my series on ColdFusion framework developers – Mark Mandel on Tranfer ORM. If you haven’t already seen them, check out the first two installments: Geoff Bowers on FarCry and John Farrar on COOP.

我已经在我的系列中发布了有关ColdFusion框架开发人员的第三次采访– Tranfer ORM上的Mark Mandel 。 如果您还没有看到它们,请查看前两期文章: FarCry上的Geoff Bowers和COOP 上的 John Farrar 。

I’m writing this post on the plane back from WebDU 2008 in Sydney. The conference was very interesting as well as exhausting and a lot of fun, and I’ll have Day 1 and Day 2 reports up soon.

我是在从WebDU 2008悉尼回来的飞机上写这篇文章的。 会议非常有趣,而且很累人,也很有趣,我很快就会收到第一天和第二天的报告。

As always, if you have any tips for me, email kay at smoljak dot com, tag your links with for:kay.smoljak or leave a comment.

与往常一样,如果您有关于我的任何提示,请通过smoljak dot com向kay发送电子邮件,使用for:kay.smoljak标记您的del.icio.us链接或发表评论。


