
tech2024-03-19  83


Cloud computing is a term that has been bandied about a lot the past couple of years. Like “Web 2.0,” it’s a term that has been adopted by companies and used for marketing purposes and for which everyone has their own definition. In a session this week at the Web 2.0 Expo in New York, Albert Wenger of Union Square Ventures — which invests in some cloud computing startups, such as 10gen — laid out his thoughts on what makes the cloud the cloud.

在过去的两年中,云计算这个词已经被广泛使用。 像“ Web 2.0”一样,该术语已被公司采用并用于营销目的,每个人都有自己的定义。 在本周于纽约Web 2.0 Expo举行的一次会议上,Union Square Ventures的Albert Wenger(投资了10gen等云计算初创企业)对如何使云成为云的想法进行了阐述。

Wenger laid out four principles of cloud computing that he thinks define what the cloud really is. His requirements are simple, but fairly strict, and has lead him to the possibly controversial conclusion that Google App Engine is the only true cloud computing platform available today.

温格提出了云计算的四项原则,他认为这四项原则定义了云的真正含义。 他的要求很简单,但相当严格,这使他得出了一个可能引起争议的结论,即Google App Engine是当今唯一可用的真正的云计算平台。

4种云计算的定义原则 (4 Defining Principles of Cloud Computing)

No more machines. Cloud computing is, ideally, “post machine computing,” says Wenger. By this Wenger means that when deploying cloud infrastructure you shouldn’t have to worry about individual machines. And it is for this reason that he believes that Amazon’s EC2 is a transitional stop on the road to true cloud computing. Using Amazon means dealing with machine instances, so it isn’t post machine computing.

没有更多的机器。 温格说,理想情况下,云计算是“后机器计算”。 Wenger表示,在部署云基础架构时,您不必担心单个计算机。 正是由于这个原因,他认为亚马逊的EC2是迈向真正的云计算之路的过渡站。 使用Amazon意味着处理机器实例,因此它不是后期机器计算。

Code over configuration. The cloud should be really easy to deploy. The set up should basically take care of itself and there should be no reason for you to waste valuable time worrying about configuring your cloud set up. Spend your time writing actual code that does stuff not setting up your cloud, says Wenger.

配置代码。 云应该真的很容易部署。 设置基本上应该照顾好自己,没有理由让您浪费宝贵的时间来担心配置云设置。 温格说,请花时间编写实际的代码,这些代码不会建立您的云。

No fail whale. The cloud must painlessly scale and your code should keep working like it did the day you first wrote it no matter how much you grow. In order to be a real cloud computing platform by Wenger’s definition, code needs to scale without unreasonable expectations placed on the developer.

没有失败的鲸鱼。 云必须毫不费力地扩展,并且无论增长多少,您的代码都应像最初编写时一样保持运转。 为了按照Wenger的定义成为真正的云计算平台,代码需要扩展而不会给开发人员以不合理的期望。

It’s mashable. Cloud computing should make it really easy to bring web services together, according to Wenger.

可以捣碎。 Wenger认为,云计算应该使将Web服务整合在一起确实非常容易。

Because Google App Engine is the only current platform that meets Wenger’s definition, at times his session at the Web 2.0 Expo felt a lot like a commercial for App Engine. Wenger gushed about how Google’s platform requires virtually no configuration and the first 5 million page views are free. He showed examples of applications built on the platform and bragged about how quickly they were created and deplayed. In other words, he really likes App Engine.

由于Google App Engine是当前唯一符合Wenger定义的平台,因此有时他在Web 2.0 Expo上的会议感觉很像App Engine的广告。 温格对谷歌的平台实际上不需要任何配置以及头500万次页面浏览是免费的感到困惑。 他展示了在平台上构建的应用程序示例,并夸耀了它们创建和播放的速度。 换句话说,他真的很喜欢App Engine。

But the ease at which developers can get started on App Engine is not without a price. One of the reasons App Engine can be virtually config free is that it only works with Python. So you get ease of use, but the price you pay is lack of flexibility. And that’s essentially what the Amazon Web Services team told me when I caught up with them on the Expo floor. Amazon was hesitant to compare AWS with App Engine, or any other cloud platform, but basically said that everyone has different requirements and App Engine won’t be a fit for everyone.

但是,开发人员开始使用App Engine的难易程度并非没有代价。 App Engine实际上可以免费进行配置的原因之一是它仅适用于Python。 这样您就可以轻松使用,但是所付出的代价是缺乏灵活性。 从本质上讲,这就是我在世博会地板上与Amazon Web Services团队联系时告诉我的。 亚马逊不愿将AWS与App Engine或任何其他云平台进行比较,但基本上说每个人都有不同的要求,App Engine并不适合每个人。

结论 (Conclusion)

Though Wenger was clearly in love with Google’s offering, he also doesn’t want to see Google dominate the cloud. Who controls the cloud is very important, and Wenger hopes for a future where the cloud is open and there is a healthy ecosystem of developers working on making it better.

尽管Wenger显然爱上了Google的产品,但他也不想看到Google主导云。 控制云的人员非常重要,Wenger希望云开放的未来,并有一个健康的开发人员生态系统致力于改善云。

These are still early days in cloud computing, says Wenger, and it will “have a profound impact on how we innovate” going forward.


翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/what-makes-the-cloud-the-cloud/

