
tech2024-03-20  83


The latest issue of Fusion Authority Quarterly Update (FAQU), the only print journal on ColdFusion, is now available from Fusion Authority.

现在可以从Fusion Authority获取有关ColdFusion的唯一印刷期刊的最新一期Fusion Authority季度更新(FAQU)。

First, a bit of background. Once upon a time, there was a ColdFusion magazine, The ColdFusion Developer’s Journal (CFDJ). Produced as part of a stable of technical journals by publishing company Sys-Con Media, it was a glossy affair, packed with advertisements, and included articles by many of the world’s best ColdFusion authors.

首先,有一点背景。 很久以前,有一本ColdFusion杂志,《 ColdFusion开发人员杂志》(CFDJ)。 它是由出版公司Sys-Con Media作为技术期刊的一部分而出版的,这是一件光鲜的事,上面充斥着广告,并收录了许多世界上最好的ColdFusion作者的文章。

The publishing world is cut-throat. Over time, advertising started to take over the content, and nowhere was this more apparent than the accompanying web site, which became overrun with popups, intrusive flash ads which covered the articles and auto-playing video commercials. The quality of the print magazine started to decrease, and allegations of Sys-Con using blog material without permission started to rile developers.

出版界十分艰难。 随着时间的流逝,广告开始接管内容,而随处可见的网站随处可见。随处可见的弹出窗口,覆盖文章的侵入性Flash广告以及自动播放视频广告的网站随处可见。 印刷杂志的质量开始下降,关于未经许可使用博客材料的Sys-Con指控开始激怒开发人员。

At some point, Adobe decided it no longer wanted to support Sys-Con by purchasing ads in CFDJ, given it had lost a lot of community support. Sys-Con inked a deal with Microsoft instead, and decided to discontinue CFDJ in favour of a publication on Silverlight. Which was all fine – no one would have missed it much – until they decided to announce the new deal with a series of inflammatory and childish articles damning ColdFusion, blaming Adobe for the death of the journal and suggesting that Adobe’s decision not to advertise in their low-quality magazine showed a lack of support for ColdFusion.

在某个时候,Adobe决定不再希望通过在CFDJ中购买广告来支持Sys-Con,因为它已经失去了很多社区支持。 Sys-Con与Microsoft达成了交易,并决定终止CFDJ,转而支持Silverlight上的出版物。 一切都很好–没有人会错过很多–直到他们决定宣布这项新协议时,发表了一系列煽动性和幼稚的文章,这些文章毁了ColdFusion,将Adobe的死归咎于Adobe,并暗示Adobe决定不刊登广告。低质量杂志显示缺乏对ColdFusion的支持。

All this is old news – it’s done the rounds on the ColdFusion blogs and been done to death in the process. What’s also old news, but perhaps less widely known, is that at the time of CFDJ’s demise, there was already another print journal for ColdFusion to take its place, put out by ColdFusion community leaders Michael and Judith Dinowitz: the excellent Fusion Authority Quarterly Update. Michael and Judith also run, home of the CFTALK mailing list which is the largest and oldest community resource for ColdFusion.

所有这些都是老新闻–它已在ColdFusion博客上进行了全面讨论,并在此过程中被处以死刑。 还有一个老新闻,但也许鲜为人知:在CFDJ消亡之时,已经有另一本ColdFusion印刷刊物被其取代,由ColdFusion社区负责人Michael和Judith Dinowitz发表:出色的Fusion Authority季度更新。 Michael和Judith还经营 ,这是CFTALK邮件列表的主页,该列表是ColdFusion上最大,最古老的社区资源。

FAQU features in-depth articles, often with code samples, and each edition is loosely based around a theme. Having been a contributing author in the past, I can say from personal experience that the quality and thoroughness of the editing and technical review process is second to none – as you would expect in a professional technical journal.

FAQU提供深入的文章,通常带有代码示例,并且每个版本都是以主题为基础的。 过去曾是特约作者,我可以根据个人经验说编辑和技术审核过程的质量和彻底性是首屈一指的-正如您期望在专业技术期刊上所期望的那样。

The current issue – Volume II Issue II, the fourth released – focuses on usability, with articles on user interface design, prototyping, separating layout and logic. A section on Flex covers ColdFusion/Flex integration, reporting and printing from Flex, building Flex components, the Cairngorm framework and two articles on Adobe AIR (the desktop runtime engine for Flash). Part II of a very interesting article by Michael Dinowitz on Google AdSense – titled “Making Google Pay” – is probably worth the purchase price alone (a yearly subscription starts from USD $49.95, and individual back editions are available for purchase in physical or PDF format from US $6.95).

本期(第二期,第二期,第四期)专注于可用性,并提供有关用户界面设计,原型设计,布局和逻辑分离的文章。 有关Flex的部分介绍了ColdFusion / Flex集成,Flex的报表和打印,构建Flex组件,Cairngorm框架以及有关Adobe AIR(Flash的桌面运行时引擎)的两篇文章。 迈克尔·迪诺维茨(Michael Dinowitz)在Google AdSense上一篇非常有趣的文章的第二部分,标题为“制作Google Pay”,很可能值得单独购买(每年的订阅费用为49.95美元起,并且可以以实物或PDF格式购买单独的反向版本)从6.95美元起)。

The first issue is available for download from the web site in PDF format so you can get an idea of what the journal is about. That issue – which focuses on new features in CFMX 7 – includes the now infamous article where I rip the guts out of ColdFusion Integrated Reporting. Although if you read that, bear in mind that in the next issue I do a run-through of the updates Adobe released in the CFMX 7.0.2 updater, where they fix a lot of the bugs.

第一期可以从网站以PDF格式下载,因此您可以了解该期刊的内容。 该期(着重于CFMX 7的新功能)包括我现在从臭名昭著的文章中摘录自ColdFusion Integrated Reporting的内容。 尽管您读过这篇文章,但请记住,在下一期中,我将对CFMX 7.0.2更新程序中Adobe发布的更新进行完整介绍,其中将修复许多错误。

Fusion Authority Quarterly Update – well worth checking out.

Fusion Authority季度更新 –非常值得一试。


