
tech2024-03-20  88


Obviously the big news this week was that the first ColdFusion updater, 8.0.1, was released – and was subsequently re-announced by seemingly every blog in MXNA and Fullasagoog! In between all the announcements were some posts exploring the new features:

显然,本周的大新闻是发布了第一个ColdFusion更新程序8.0.1,随后,MXNA和Fullasagoog中的每个博客都重新宣布了该更新! 在所有公告之间有一些帖子探讨了新功能:

Ray Camden shows how it’s now easier to add PDF watermarks

雷·卡姆登(Ray Camden)演示了现在如何更加轻松地添加PDF水印

Brian Rinaldi and Barney Boisvert debate the best way to create dummy recordsets

Brian Rinaldi和Barney Boisvert讨论创建虚拟记录集的最佳方法

John Beynon discusses EULA changes, which will be of particular interest to those interested in virtualisation, and Vince Bonfanti of New Atlanta responds with the differences between ColdFusion and BloueDragon’s licensing models

John Beynon讨论了EULA的变更 ,这将对那些对虚拟化感兴趣的人特别感兴趣,New Atlanta的Vince Bonfanti回应了ColdFusion和BloueDragon许可模式之间的差异

Adobe’s Manjukiran Pacchhipulusu writes about taking advantage of the new 64-bit support

Adobe的Manjukiran Pacchhipulusu撰写了有关利用新的64位支持的文章

Fortunately, I also managed to find some more material NOT related to the update. There’s new features at Fusion Authority, home of the print journal FAQU. The first of a number of CFUnited video interviews has been posted, where Paul Vernon interviews New Atlanta’s Vince Bonfanti about – guess what! – BlueDragon open source. And I attempt to highlight some of the best CF-Talk mailing list threads from the previous week in my new ColdFusion-Talk Roundup #1.

幸运的是,我还设法找到了一些与更新无关的材料。 印刷期刊FAQU的所在地Fusion Authority提供了新功能。 CFUnited视频采访中的第一场已经发布, Paul Vernon在采访中采访了新亚特兰大的文斯·邦凡提(Vince Bonfanti) –猜猜是什么! – BlueDragon开源。 并且,我尝试在我的新ColdFusion-Talk综述#1中重点介绍上周的一些最佳CF-Talk邮件列表线程。

Short and sweet code cuts:


Seth Duffey shows how to work with multi-page TIFF images in ColdFusion 8

塞思·达菲(Seth Duffey)展示了如何在ColdFusion 8中处理多页TIFF图像

Michael Sharman shows how to dynamically flush a cached web service in CF 7 (and Raymond Camden points out in the comments that there’s now a supported method for doing the same thing in CF8)

迈克尔·沙曼(Michael Sharman)展示了如何在CF 7中动态刷新缓存的Web服务 (Raymond Camden在评论中指出,现在有一种受支持的方法可以在CF8中执行相同的操作)

Todd Sharp explores a new way to create screen captures in Converting HTML to an image with CF/Java – at the moment the method is dependent on CF 8 but Todd says he hopes to remove that requirement

Todd Sharp探索了一种通过CF / Java将HTML转换为图像的方式来创建屏幕截图的新方法-目前该方法依赖于CF 8,但是Todd说他希望删除该要求

Charlie Arehart talks about potential solutions to prevent CFMAIL from being flagged as spam

查理·阿哈特(Charlie Arehart)讨论了防止CFMAIL被标记为垃圾邮件的潜在解决方案

Autosuggest is Ajax topic of the week: Based on a question asked on the CF-Talk mailing list about allowing multiple auto-suggest items per field, Dominic Watson posted a solution that solves the problem and more, and then turned it into a custom tag and released it on RIAForge: Better Autosuggest. Original poster Steve Good also posted an alternative solution using JQuery.

Autosuggest是本周的Ajax主题:基于CF-Talk邮件列表中询问的有关每个字段允许多个自动建议项的问题, Dominic Watson发布了解决该问题的解决方案 ,然后将其变成自定义标签并在RIAForge: Better Autosuggest上发布了它。 原始海报Steve Good还发布了使用JQuery的替代解决方案 。

Advancing the CFGRID cause: Brian Love demonstrates how to dynamically set a CFWINDOW title from a CFGRID – a handy tip for those CFGRID-driven CRUD interfaces. Angela Buraglia reveals some CSS to enable word wrap in HTML/Ajax CFGRID – although this CF-Talk mailing list thread suggests that Angela’s code may need to be modified slightly to work with IE. And Todd Sharp has created a calendar date picker widget for editable CFGRIDs. Sweet!

推进CFGRID的原因: Brian Love演示了如何从CFGRID动态设置CFWINDOW标题 -这些CFGRID驱动的CRUD接口的方便提示。 Angela Buraglia揭示了一些CSS,以启用HTML / Ajax CFGRID中的自动换行功能 -尽管此CF-Talk邮件列表线程表明,Angela的代码可能需要稍作修改才能与IE一起使用。 并且Todd Sharp为可编辑的CFGRID创建了日历日期选择器小部件 。 甜!

SitePoint have published a beginner’s tutorial on BlueDragon, Enter the Dragon: Develop ColdFusion Apps for Free. If you’re interested in trying out alternative CFML engines, there’s also Railo – Gert Franz runs through how to configure Railo with IIS6. On the other hand, if you’re looking for heavy duty Adobe CF, Gary Gilbert let us know that web host have announced they are offering ColdFusion 8 Enterprise hosting plans. He has a look at their plans compared to hostmysite. Or if you’re going large scale self-hosted, Mike Brunt has kicked off a series of articles on clustering ColdFusion with HA – Clustering ColdFusion Part 1 – Installing CF. Mike intends to follow up with posts on hardware and software setup.

SitePoint在BlueDragon上发布了初学者教程“ Enter the Dragon:免费开发ColdFusion应用程序” 。 如果您有兴趣尝试使用替代CFML引擎,那么还有Railo – Gert Franz将介绍如何使用IIS6配置Railo 。 另一方面,如果您正在寻找重型Adobe CF,Gary Gilbert让我们知道, 网络托管公司Intermedia.net已宣布他们正在提供ColdFusion 8 Enterprise托管计划。 他查看了与hostmysite相比的计划。 或者,如果您要进行大规模的自托管,Mike Brunt会介绍有关使用HA群集ColdFusion的系列文章–群集ColdFusion第1部分–安装CF。 Mike打算跟进有关硬件和软件设置的文章。

Other randoms this time around include:


Sean Corfield posted links to the ColdFusion Weekly podcast’s public calendar of upcoming interviews and topics, which you can subscribe to in a number of different formats

肖恩·科菲尔德(Sean Corfield)发布了指向ColdFusion Weekly播客的即将进行的访谈和主题的公共日历的链接 ,您可以以多种不同的格式进行订阅

Bobby Hartfield, developer of CF4em, a new forum package for ColdFusion, is looking for people to help test drive the features before he releases it for beta testing

CF4em(ColdFusion的新论坛软件包)的开发人员Bobby Hartfield 希望人们在发布功能进行Beta测试之前帮助他们测试功能。

If you’re an Eclipse user, you might be interested in Mylyn, a “Task-Focused Interface for Eclipse” according to the official web site – Mike Henke raves about it, and links to some resources (and there’s lots more similar material on Mike’s blog, so check it out if you’re an Eclipse, Subversion or ANT user)

如果您是Eclipse用户,那么您可能会对Mylyn感兴趣, Mylyn是官方网站上的“面向任务的Eclipse界面” – Mike Henke对此赞不绝口,并链接到一些资源 (并且上有很多类似的资料) Mike的博客,因此请检查您是Eclipse,Subversion还是ANT用户)

Finally, from the “I didn’t realise that was even there” files, Nick Tong pointed out to me this week that his site cfFrameWorks is not only where he keeps his blog, but also a compendium of ColdFusion frameworks with a description and links for each one and a separate framework news feed. Nice resource Nick! My interview with Geoff Bowers on the FarCry CMS/Framework went live last week, and I hope to have more framework developer interviews coming soon.

最后,尼克•唐(Nick Tong)从“我什至没有意识到”文件中指出,他的网站cfFrameWorks不仅是他保留博客的地方,而且是ColdFusion框架的概要,带有描述和链接。每个都有一个单独的框架新闻提要。 好资源尼克! 我在上周对FarCry CMS / Framework的Geoff Bowers进行了采访,我希望不久能有更多的框架开发人员访谈。

That’s it for this week. If you have a ColdFusion tip for me, email me (kay at smoljak dot com), leave a comment or tag your links with for:kay.smoljak in Operators are standing by to receive your link!

本周就这样。 如果您有适合我的ColdFusion提示,请给我发送电子邮件(可以通过smoljak dot com来发邮件),在del.icio.us中发表评论或用for:kay.smoljak标记您的链接。 接线员正准备接收您的链接!


