
tech2024-03-20  84


According to Tricia Duryee of paidContent, Twitter has been experiencing something of a resurgence lately. Traffic is at an all time high, its valuation is through the roof, and the service is even more stable than it has been in months. However, even if Twitter is “winning the microblogging arms race,” as Newsweek put it, one place Twitter may not be seen is in the halls of the US government.

根据paidContent的Tricia Duryee所说 ,Twitter最近经历了复苏。 流量史无前例,其估值很高,而且服务甚至比几个月前更加稳定。 然而,正如《新闻周刊》所说 ,即使Twitter“赢得了微博军备竞赛”,在美国政府的大厅里也可能看不到Twitter。

The microblogging site has been causing a minor brouhaha in the US capitol for the past couple of weeks. Because House of Representatives rules state that any official communications from Congressional members must be labeled as such, communicating with constituents via Twitter — which imposes a 140 character limit per message — becomes infeasible. Further proposed rules about communications on sites that may run political ads have added to flame to the fire.

在过去的几周中,微博网站一直在美国国会大厦引起轻微的骚动。 因为众议院的规则规定,国会议员的任何正式通讯都必须贴上这样的标签,所以通过Twitter与选民进行通讯(每条消息的字符数限制为140个字符)变得不可行。 关于可能会投放政治广告的网站上的交流的进一步拟议规则,更是惹火了。

For Texas Rep. John Culberson, a Republican, who has his own Twitter account, proposed rules by Massachusetts Democrat Rep. Michael Capuano are unacceptable. The rules would be meant “to prevent members from using public money to communicate on outside Web sites featuring commercial and political advertisements,” but Culberson claims that would all but kill his ability to communicate with constituents via Twitter, because seeking Congressional approval to tweet flies in the face of the instant appeal of Twitter. For his part, Capuano says the rules are aimed solely at video postings, and not any form of written communication.

对于拥有自己的Twitter帐户的共和党德克萨斯州众议员John Culberson来说,马萨诸塞州民主党众议员Michael Capuano提出的规则是不可接受的。 该规则的含义是“防止会员使用公款在带有商业和政治广告的外部网站上进行交流”,但库尔伯森声称,这将扼杀他通过推特与选民进行交流的能力,因为这要求国会批准推特苍蝇面对Twitter的即时吸引力。 Capuano表示,规则仅针对视频发布,而不是任何形式的书面交流。

Either way, Culberson, along with Democrat Rep. Tim Ryan of Ohio, who also Twitters, have backed an online, Twitter-powered petition at The site calls for Congress to “to embrace the communication technologies that we already use,” rather than adding barriers to tweeting. Anyone who tweets with the hashtag #LOCT08 will sign the petition (“signatures” are compiled by Summize, which is now owned by Twitter). So far, just over 600 people have signed.

无论哪种方式,Culberson,俄亥俄州民主党众议员众议员蒂姆·瑞安,沿谁也Twitter的 ,都支持在网上,微博供电请愿 。 该网站呼吁国会“拥抱我们已经使用的通信技术”,而不是在发推文时增加障碍。 任何使用#LOCT08主题标签进行推文的人都将在请愿书上签名(“签名”由Summize编译,现在归Twitter所有)。 到目前为止,已有600多人签署了协议。

“Citizens are overcoming their fears about engaging online, and Congress should follow suit,” said the Sunlight Foundation, the non-partisan group that set up the Let Our Congress Tweet petition. Large governments rarely seem to act fast when it comes to embracing consumer communications technologies, so it’s not surprising that something as seemingly benign as using Twitter to chat with constituents would be bogged down in bureaucracy.

设立了“让我们的国会推文”请愿书的无党派组织阳光基金会 ( Sunlight Foundation)说:“公民正在克服他们对上网参与的恐惧,国会也应效仿。” 大型政府在采用消费者通信技术方面似乎很少采取快速行动,因此毫不奇怪的是,像利用Twitter与选民聊天这样的看似良性的事物会在官僚机构中陷入困境。

In an interesting twist, Rep. Capuano is in his own district potentially facing a reelection campaign against an “Internet candidate” — one that would no doubt find embracing Twitter and other forms of online communication a necessity.

有趣的是,众议员Capuano在自己所在的地区可能面临针对“ 互联网候选人 ”的竞选连任-毫无疑问,这需要拥抱Twitter和其他形式的在线交流。

Note: Special thanks to my friend Kelli Shaver, who made the Twitter bird + Capitol building graphic when my limited Photoshop skills failed me.

注意:特别感谢我的朋友Kelli Shaver ,当我有限的Photoshop技能使我失败时,他制作了Twitter小鸟+ Capitol建筑图形。


