
tech2024-03-20  81


Over on the ASP.net weblogs, Microsoft has just announced that jQuery will ship with future releases of Visual Studio. The library will be supported with Intellisense code completion, and will work nicely alongside ASP.NET AJAX. Microsoft will also contribute tests and patches to the project, and will be shipping it “as-is”, meaning developers will be able to take advantage of all the existing jQuery libraries and samples.

在ASP.net网络日志上,Microsoft刚刚宣布jQuery将随Visual Studio的将来版本一起提供 。 该库将受Intellisense代码完成的支持,并且可以与ASP.NET AJAX很好地配合使用。 微软还将为该项目提供测试和补丁,并将“按原样”发布,这意味着开发人员将能够利用所有现有的jQuery库和示例。

Currently, developing Javascript on ASP.NET typically involves the ASP.NET AJAX framework, Microsoft’s own JS offering. While it’s certainly a powerful framework, it slots in as the Prototype of the ASP world, and lacks some of jQuery’s terseness and simplicity. On the announcement blog, Scott Guthrie identifies some jQuery samples to demonstrate the power of the library, and explain why it was chosen to be part of the platform. Scott Hanselman has an interesting demo on his Computer Zen blog, demonstrating the nature of the integration.

当前,在ASP.NET上开发Javascript通常涉及Microsoft自己的JS产品ASP.NET AJAX框架 。 尽管它肯定是一个功能强大的框架,但它却可以作为ASP世界的原型,并且缺少jQuery的简洁性和简单性。 在公告博客上,Scott Guthrie标识了一些jQuery示例以演示该库的功能,并解释了为什么选择该库作为平台的一部分。 Scott Hanselman在他的Computer Zen博客上有一个有趣的演示 ,演示了集成的本质。

Similarly, Nokia will be making jQuery available on their Web Run-Time platform. The library would be distributed on all phones that include the run-time, enabling developers to use jQuery when building applications for the platform.

同样,诺基亚将在其Web Run-Time平台上提供jQuery。 该库将在包括运行时在内的所有电话上分发,使开发人员在为平台构建应用程序时可以使用jQuery。

This is clearly a big win for ASP.NET developers, giving them the power of a mature JS library out of the box; jQuery does a great job of abstracting the quirks of the major browsers and getting the job done. But what does it mean for the LAMP world? jQuery has been quite popular for the past couple of years, and has no shortage of high profile users. These two announcements represent another major win for the jQuery platform.

对于ASP.NET开发人员来说,这显然是一个巨大的胜利,因为它们使开发人员可以立即使用成熟的JS库。 jQuery出色地抽象了主要浏览器的怪癖并完成了工作。 但这对LAMP世界意味着什么? jQuery在过去的两年中非常流行,并且不乏高知名度的用户 。 这两个公告代表了jQuery平台的又一重大胜利。

Back in 2005, Saddam Azad constructed a huge list of Javascript libraries and frameworks; looking back on that list, most projects never reached critical mass, some were merged, while others still were simply orphaned in favour of the major players. As the market for Javascript libraries consolidates, Prototype, jQuery and Mootools have emerged as the choice of developers; Google seems to agree (n.b. “prototype” ambiguity.).

早在2005年,萨达姆·阿扎德(Saddam Azad)构造了大量Javascript库和框架 ; 回顾该清单,大多数项目从未达到临界质量,有一些项目被合并,而另一些项目仍然只是孤立而成为主要参与者。 随着Javascript库市场的整合,Prototype,jQuery和Mootools成为了开发人员的选择。 谷歌似乎同意 (nb“原型”模棱两可。)。

Drupal adopted jQuery a while back, and with Nokia’s announcement, the library is becoming increasingly popular in platforms. Whether you’re developing a CMS plugin or a mobile web-app, there’s now a pretty good chance that jQuery’s around — and there are countless other examples. As a framework, jQuery is something of a mature Visual Basic — it solves the problem of developing interactivity for the web, and while it may not be the most powerful option around, it’s arguably the most popular choice. If you’ve been considering your JS framework, maybe it’s time to give jQuery a go.

Drupal不久前就采用了jQuery,随着诺基亚的宣布,该库在平台中变得越来越受欢迎。 无论您是要开发CMS插件还是开发移动网络应用程序,jQuery都有很大的机会出现-还有无数其他示例。 作为一个框架,jQuery是一种成熟的Visual Basic,它解决了开发Web交互性的问题,尽管它可能不是最强大的选择,但可以说是最受欢迎的选择。 如果您一直在考虑您的JS框架,也许是时候尝试一下jQuery。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/microsoft-nokia-adopt-jquery/

