aol dataset

tech2024-03-20  89

aol dataset

During these many months of the ongoing Microsoft-Yahoo! saga, Microsoft’s reason for wanting to acquire the web’s #2 search engine has changed more than once. At one time it was about Yahoo!’s talent — which dwindles with each passing day. At one time it was about technology. And it has always been about taking a slight step closer to Google in search.

在持续进行Microsoft-Yahoo!的这些月中 传奇,微软想要获得网络第二搜索引擎的原因已经改变了不止一次。 一次是关于Yahoo!的才能的,这一天数日渐减少 。 一次是关于技术的。 一直以来,它在搜索方面都离Google略近一步。

At the Microsoft Worldwide Partner Conference on July 9th in Houston, Texas, Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer summed up the real reason his company wants to acquire Yahoo!: volume.

在7月9日于德克萨斯州休斯顿举行的微软全球合作伙伴会议上,微软首席执行官史蒂夫·鲍尔默(Steve Ballmer) 总结了其公司想要收购Yahoo !: volume 的真正原因 。

There is a what shall I say? There’s kind of a return to scale, though, in Internet advertising. The more customers you have, the better, actually, the set of advertisers you have, the better advertisers and people actually like the ads in search. There are a lot of places people don’t like ads, but in search ads actually help the experience. So if you put together our volume and Yahoo!’s volume the thought was that should be a good thing.

我有什么要说的? 不过,互联网广告有一定规模的回报。 您拥有的客户越多,实际上拥有的广告商就越好,这些广告商和人们实际上更喜欢搜索广告。 人们在很多地方都不喜欢广告,但是在搜索广告中,它实际上可以帮助您获得体验。 因此,如果将我们的销量和Yahoo!的销量放在一起,那将是一件好事。

Based on the miniscule average eCPMS that web sites are reportedly seeing, advertising is clearly a volume game. However, if purchasing Yahoo! is really all about scale in advertising, AOL might be a better fit.

根据网站据报道的最小的平均eCPMS ,广告显然是一种大众游戏。 但是,如果购买Yahoo! 与广告规模有关,AOL可能更合适。

为什么AOL是更好的目标 (Why AOL is the Better Target)

When analytics firm Compete looked at the potential Microsoft-Yahoo! acquisition in February, they found there there is a significant overlap among the users of each property. Of Yahoo!’s 133.6 million total unique visitors, 96.5 million are also Microsoft users. The net gain in new users for Microsoft as a result of the acquisition would be just 33%. But the combined entity would be the largest on the web in terms of unique visitors and user attention.

当分析公司Compete考察潜在的Microsoft-Yahoo! 在2月份的收购中, 他们发现每个物业的用户之间存在重大重叠。 在Yahoo!的1.336亿唯一身份访问者中,有9650万也是Microsoft用户。 此次收购为微软带来的新用户净收益仅为33%。 但是就访问者和用户的关注度而言,合并后的实体将是网络上最大的实体。

On the other hand, if they’re after ad volume, then AOL might be the best choice. Reuters reported today that talks with Microsoft and Yahoo! over the fate of AOL are rumored to have heated up again, and that a merger or acquisition is likely within the next couple of weeks.

另一方面,如果他们追求广告量,则AOL可能是最佳选择。 路透社今天报道说 ,正在与微软和雅虎进行谈判。 有传言说,由于美国在线的命运再次升温,并且可能在未来几周内进行合并或收购。

According to comScore, AOL had the fourth most visited collection of sites with 111 million unique visitors per month. That’s not as much as the the 142.9 million that Yahoo! commands, but it’s not bad — and would come significantly cheaper (as little as $10 billion, and probably no more than $20 billion). The potentially more important metric from comScore, though, is the total audience of AOL’s Platform-A advertising network: 172 million unique visitors per month — good for the largest ad audience on the web and a 90% reach in the US.

根据comScore的数据 ,AOL的网站访问量排名第四,每月的独立访问者为1.11亿。 这与Yahoo!的1.429亿美元不一样。 命令,但这还不错-而且会便宜很多(低至100亿美元 ,可能不超过200亿美元)。 comScore可能更重要的指标是AOL Platform-A广告网络的总访问量:每月1.72亿独立访问者,这对网络上最大的广告受众来说是一个好消息,在美国有90%的覆盖率。

AOL’s annual ad revenue has grown each of the last 4 years, noted Larry Dignan in April, from $1 billion in 2004 to $2.23 billion last year. That’s less than half what Google pulls in each quarter, but AOL, according to some insiders, just hasn’t been managed well. Perhaps in the hands of Microsoft’s aQuantive ad folks, it would be able to make better use of all that inventory.

拉里·迪格南 ( Larry Dignan)在4月份指出 ,过去4年中,美国在线的年度广告收入逐年增长,从2004年的10亿美元增长到去年的22.3亿美元。 这不足谷歌每个季度的收入的一半,但据一些内部人士称 ,美国在线的管理不善。 也许在Microsoft的aQuantive广告专家的手中,它将能够更好地利用所有广告资源。

The one thing AOL doesn’t give Microsoft, is inroads in the search market. comScore’s latest search market stats have the company at 4.5%. Combined with Microsoft, that would still leave Redmond in a distant third place behind Microsoft and only marginally closer to Yahoo!

AOL不给微软的一件事就是进军搜索市场。 comScore的最新搜索市场统计数据表明该公司为4.5%。 与微软合并后,雷蒙德仍将微软排在第三位,仅次于雅虎!

But as Greg Sterling points out, Microsoft could still theoretically go after Yahoo!’s search business after buying AOL for its advertising platform.

但是正如格雷格·斯特林 ( Greg Sterling)指出的那样 ,在为广告平台购买AOL之后, 从理论上讲,微软仍然可以追赶雅虎的搜索业务。


aol dataset
