
tech2024-03-20  84


The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) today released the 1.0 version of their Mobile Web Best Practices document. The guidelines offer mobile web developers a consistent set of best practices to apply when creating content for consumption on mobile devices. “The principal objective is to improve the user experience of the Web when accessed from [mobile web] devices,” according to the W3C.

万维网联盟 (W3C)今天发布了其移动Web最佳实践文档的1.0版本。 该准则为移动Web开发人员提供了一致的最佳做法集,以在创建供移动设备使用的内容时应用。 W3C表示:“主要目标是改善从[移动Web]设备访问Web时的用户体验。”

In Japan, there are already more mobile web users than PC users, and the rest of the world is catching up. Jupiter Research expects that mobile Web 2.0 revenues will hit $22.4 billion by 2014, with the biggest growth areas in mobile social networking and user generated content.

在日本, 移动Web用户已经超过PC用户 ,并且世界其他地方也在追赶 。 Jupiter Research预计, 到2014年 ,移动Web 2.0收入将达到224亿美元 ,其中最大的增长领域是移动社交网络和用户生成的内容。

Developing content across such a wide array of mobile devices and creating a consistent and enjoyable user experience is not an easy task. The W3C hopes that its new mobile best practices guidelines will make it easier for developers to create content and applications for cell phones and other mobile devices.

在如此众多的移动设备上开发内容并创建一致且令人愉悦的用户体验并非易事。 W3C希望其新的移动最佳实践指南能够使开发人员更轻松地为手机和其他移动设备创建内容和应用程序。

“Mobile Web content developers now have stable guidelines and maturing tools to help them create a better mobile Web experience,” said Dominique Hazaël-Massieux, W3C Mobile Web Activity Lead in a press release. “In support of the W3C mission of building One Web, we want to support the developer community by providing tools to enable a great mobile Web user experience.”

W3C移动Web活动负责人DominiqueHazaël-Massieux说:“移动Web内容开发人员现在有了稳定的准则和成熟的工具,可以帮助他们创建更好的移动Web体验。” “为了支持W3C建立一个Web的使命,我们希望通过提供工具来支持开发人员社区,以提供出色的移动Web用户体验。”

The W3C also announced the release of the XHTML Basic 1.1 Recommendation today as the preferred markup language for the best practices document. “Until today, content developers faced an additional challenge: a variety of mobile markup languages to choose from,” said the W3C. “With the publication of the XHTML Basic 1.1 Recommendation today, the preferred format specification of the Best Practices, there is now a full convergence in mobile markup languages, including those developed by the Open Mobile Alliance (OMA).”

W3C还宣布了今天发布的XHTML Basic 1.1 Recommendation ,它是最佳实践文档的首选标记语言。 W3C表示:“直到今天,内容开发人员还面临着另一项挑战:多种移动标记语言可供选择。” “随着今天发布的XHTML Basic 1.1建议书(最佳实践的首选格式规范),移动标记语言已经完全融合,包括由开放移动联盟(OMA)开发的标记语言。”

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/w3c-releases-mobile-web-best-practices/


相关资源:W3C建议的移动Web标记语言XHTML Basic 1.1