
tech2024-03-20  92


A couple of days ago, when Cuil launched to the public there were a lot of bloggers and media outlets talking about the new search engine excitedly as a Google killer. Given the grandiose way in which the company described itself — taking shots at Google’s “superficial popularity metrics” and calling itself three times as big — those comparisons were probably warranted. But after trying the service, we all realized that, at least for now, they’re unfounded.

几天前,当Cuil面向公众发布时,许多博客作者和媒体都热烈地谈论着新的搜索引擎是Google的杀手er 。 考虑到公司描述自己的宏伟方式(拍摄Google的“表面人气指标”,并称自己为三倍),这些比较可能是必要的。 但是,在试用了该服务之后,我们都意识到,至少到目前为止,它们是没有根据的。

With Cuil search results so consistently worse than Google’s some bloggers began to wonder why they launched with such a flash. Surely they knew their technology wasn’t yet good enough to truly compete with Google, right? “I think it’s a play for Microsoft money,” wrote Robert Scoble. And he could be right. Powerset, another over-hyped search engine that failed to impress at launch cashed out early to Microsoft, who is sitting on piles of cash with the Yahoo! deal off.

与Cuil相比,Cuil的搜索结果一向差劲,一些博客开始怀疑为什么他们会发布这种Flash。 他们当然知道他们的技术还不足以与Google真正竞争,对吗? 罗伯特·斯科布尔(Robert Scoble)写道: “我认为这是微软赚钱的一种方式。” 他可能是正确的。 Powerset是另一个被过度炒作的搜索引擎,在发布时没有给人留下深刻的印象,它很快就被兑现给了Microsoft,后者正与Yahoo!坐拥大量现金。 脱掉。

But then again, you don’t have to kill Google to make a killing at search. Don Dodge did some back of the envelope math last year and found that for Google, every 1% of the search market is worth about $100 million in revenue and the market values each percentage point at $1-3 billion in market cap.

但是话又说回来,您不必杀死Google就能在搜索中杀人。 唐·道奇(Don Dodge)去年做了一些数学计算 ,发现对于Google来说,搜索市场的每1%收入约为1亿美元,而每个市值的市场价值为13亿美元。

“VCs are investing big bucks trying to find the next Google,” he concluded. “New comers like Powerset and Hakia would be quite happy with 2 or 3 percent market share although they have aspirations of much bigger things. Do the math…it is staggering.”

他总结道:“风投们正投入巨资试图寻找下一个谷歌。” “尽管Powerset和Hakia这样的新手都渴望拥有更大的产品,但他们对2%或3%的市场份额感到非常满意。 算一下……这是惊人的。”

If every one percent of the market is worth $100 million in yearly revenue (or perhaps a bit less since the smaller your share of the market the harder it seems to be to sell ads against your search results), a few percentage points could be a huge deal for some of these smaller, independent search entries. “Even the small search engine players can generate huge revenues and are extremely valuable. Search is not a winner take all game,” said Dodge in the comments on his May 2007 post.

如果市场的每一个百分点的年收入价值为1亿美元(或者可能少一点,因为您在市场中所占的份额越小,则针对搜索结果出售广告似乎就越困难),那么可能会有几个百分点这些较小的独立搜索条目中的某些交易量很大。 “即使是小型搜索引擎公司也可以产生巨大的收入,而且价值非凡。 搜索并不是赢家所有游戏的赢家,”道奇在2007年5月的帖子中说。

And of course, Cuil or any other search competitor doesn’t need to steal those percentage points from Google — they can take them from Ask, or AOL, or Yahoo!, or Microsoft, all of whom might be easier to compete with on technology at the consumer level than Google.


翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/you-dont-have-to-kill-google-to-make-a-killing/

