99designs荣获SmartCompany Awards最佳网站奖

tech2024-03-20  91

A quick shout out to the guys who work at SitePoint’s sister company, 99designs.com, who last week took out the “Top Website Award” in the 2008 SmartCompany Awards. The awards honor the fastest growing and most innovative companies of Australia in 2008.

快速向在SitePoint的姊妹公司99designs.com工作的人们大喊大叫 ,他们上周获得了2008 SmartCompany Awards的“最佳网站奖”。 该奖项旨在表彰2008年澳大利亚发展最快,最具创新力的公司。

99designs.com founder Mark Harbottle and friends at the SmartCompany awards

99designs.com创始人Mark Harbottle及其朋友参加了SmartCompany大奖

The top website award was judged by the SmartCompany team in conjunction with David Trewern, the founder of DTDigital, one of Australia’s leading web design and development businesses. David is not only a judge for the prestigious International Webby Awards, he’s one of Australia’s most well known and respected designers.

最佳网站奖由SmartCompany团队与DTDigital的创始人David Trewern共同评出,DTDigital是澳大利亚领先的网页设计和开发业务之一。 大卫不仅是著名的国际韦比奖的评委,还是澳大利亚最知名和最受尊敬的设计师之一。

Here’s what David had to say about 99designs.com…


99designs.com is extremely simple and reasonably well executed, evidenced by the fact that a large number of quality connections have been made to date. Being a trained designer, this site received my full attention. It has the potential to deliver value to buyers, but perhaps also commoditise design in the process. It could be viewed as a piece of destructive technology.

99designs.com非常简单,执行起来也很合理,事实证明,迄今为止已经建立了许多高质量的连接。 作为一个受过训练的设计师,这个站点引起了我的全部关注。 它有可能为买家带来价值,但在此过程中也可能商品化设计。 它可以被看作是一种破坏性技术。

In a very ‘web democratic’ way, the long term impact of this website will now be decided by its community of users. My view is that any website that has the potential to create a paradigm shift should be recognised as an important contribution to progress and innovation.

通过非常“网络民主”的方式,该网站的长期影响现在将由其用户社区决定。 我的观点是,任何可能引起范式转变的网站都应被视为对进步和创新的重要贡献。

A huge congratulations to the 99designs team—I know the guys have been working extremely hard, especially over the past few months, implementing features incorporating feedback from their user base. It’s nice to see them getting some recognition for their efforts.

衷心祝贺99designs团队-我知道他们在努力工作,特别是在过去的几个月中,实现了功能并结合了用户群的反馈。 很高兴看到他们的努力得到了认可。

And on a related note, sitepoint.com is also in the running for an award! We’re a finalist in the eBusiness category of the MyBusiness Awards, to be announced next month in Sydney. Fingers crossed!

与此相关的是,sitepoint.com也正在争取奖项! 我们是MyBusiness大奖的电子商务类别的决赛选手, 该奖项将于下个月在悉尼宣布。 手指交叉!

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/99designs-voted-best-web-site-at-smartcompany-awards/
