
tech2024-03-21  87


There’s a really interesting discussion going on at Hacker News right now about the merits of startup founders being in the same city or working virtually from different locations. “Most founders will tell you […] that being in the same physical location as your co-founders is critical to success,” writes thread starter shbrown. “My co-founder and I seem to work very well at a distance.”

关于Hacker News,关于Hacker News的优点,现在在Hacker News上有一个非常有趣的讨论。 “大多数创始人会告诉您[…]与共同创始人位于同一地理位置对成功至关重要,”线程入门者shbrown写道。 “我和我的联合创始人似乎在远处工作得很好。”

Working effectively at a distance is something that we face at SitePoint as well. Though SitePoint can’t really be classified as a startup anymore, most of the team is located in Melbourne, Australia, and I am located in Rhode Island in the USA. The huge distance (11,488 miles according to Google Maps) and the time difference (Melbourne is 14 hours ahead of me) does present some problems, certainly, but are they dealbreaking ones? We don’t think so.

在SitePoint上,我们还面临着远距离有效地工作的问题。 尽管不能再将SitePoint真正归类为初创企业,但大多数团队都位于澳大利亚墨尔本,而我位于美国罗得岛州。 巨大的距离(根据Google Maps为11488英里)和时差(墨尔本比我早14小时)确实带来了一些问题,但是确实令人难忘吗? 我们不这么认为。

虚拟工作的优点 (Pros of Working Virtually)

1. It’s cheaper. With no office space to rent and no daily commute, working out of your respective homes can be cheaper.

1.便宜。 由于没有办公室可租用,也没有日常通勤,因此在各自的房屋中工作可能会更便宜。

2. Working from home can be productive. Your home is comfortable, so as long as you can ignore the local distractions (keep the TV off!), you can theoretically be more productive due to being happy with your environment. 37signals founder Jason Fried chimed in at Hacker News to voice his support of startups staying away from the physical office, at least in the beginning. “FWIW, David and I worked together 7 time zones apart for 4 years or so before he finally came to Chicago in 2006,” he wrote. “David wrote the code for Basecamp in Copenhagen and I designed the interface in Chicago. The distance was a big advantage to us. It helped us each focus on what we were good at without too much meddling. When you’re close it’s real easy to spend time worrying about stuff that doesn’t matter. When you’re further apart you tend to actually focus on the work since that’s the only thing you can do.”

2.在家工作可以提高工作效率。 您的家很舒适,因此只要您不理会当地的干扰(请关闭电视!),理论上讲,您对环境就会感到满意,从而可以提高工作效率。 37signals的创始人Jason Fried在Hacker News进行了采访,表达了他对初创公司的支持,至少在开始的时候。 他写道:“ FWIW,大卫和我在7个时区之间共事了4年左右,直到他终于在2006年到达芝加哥。” “ David为哥本哈根的Basecamp编写了代码,而我在芝加哥设计了该接口。 距离对我们来说是一个很大的优势。 它帮助我们每个人专注于自己擅长的方面而无需过多干预。 当您关门时,花时间担心无关紧要的事情确实很容易。 当您离得更远时,您往往会真正专注于工作,因为这是您唯一可以做的事情。”

3. Online communication tools are pretty good. With Skype, IM, email, online whiteboards, video conferencing, groupware tools, concurrent version systems, etc. staying in touch remotely shouldn’t be a problem. In fact, at some offices, employees find themselves chatting with one another over instant messenger even though they’re just a few cubicles apart.

3.在线交流工具非常好。 使用Skype,IM,电子邮件,在线白板,视频会议,群件工具,并发版本系统等,远程保持联系不成问题。 实际上,在一些办公室中,员工虽然隔着几个隔间,却发现自己通过即时通讯程序彼此聊天。

虚拟工作的缺点 (Cons of Working Virtually)

1. Fundraising is more difficult. Not every startup can be bootstrapped from start through to profitability — many (most?) will need to seek funding, and VCs will want to meet everyone on your team. Most investors will want the team working together after you close that first round anyway, so it might be wise to find out ahead of time if you can all work well together.

1.筹款更加困难。 并非每家初创公司都能从一开始就被引导到盈利能力-许多(大多数?)将需要寻求资金,而风险投资家则希望与您团队中的每个人见面。 无论如何,大多数投资者都希望团队在第一轮比赛结束后就可以一起工作,因此,如果大家都可以一起工作,那么最好提前确认一下。

2. No office isn’t always cheaper. Strictly looking at your budget, nixing the cost of renting an office looks like a great deal. But what you may save on rent and utilities, you might lose on lost productivity. While some people might be well suited to working at home, others can’t deal with the distractions. And there are a lot of them: kids, neighbors, the mailman, the allure of the TV and refridgerator, the phone, etc. The lesson here, though, might be that you have to make sure you hire the right people for the working environment (or find the best working environment for your people).

2.没有办公室并不总是便宜。 严格考虑您的预算,可以省去租用办公室的费用。 但是,您可能节省的租金和水电费,却可能因生产力损失而损失。 虽然有些人可能非常适合在家工作,但其他人却无法应付这些干扰。 其中有很多:孩子,邻居,邮递员,电视和冰箱的魅力,电话等等。但是,这里的教训可能是您必须确保雇用合适的人来工作环境(或为您的员工找到最佳工作环境)。

3. Communication is better. Online communication tools are pretty good, but nothing really beats face-to-face contact. So much of human communication has to do with body language and facial expression, that chatting in person can have real advantages. Face-to-face contact is also tangibly faster. When your coder is having trouble understanding how the latest design mockup maps to the feature roadmap, for example, being able to sit down in person and work out the details will go a lot quicker than trading emails, IMs, or phone calls. And if you’re in the same city, you don’t have to deal with pesky timezones.

3.沟通更好。 在线交流工具相当不错,但是没有什么能比面对面的交流更胜一筹。 人类之间的交流与肢体语言和面部表情密切相关,因此亲自聊天可以带来真正的好处。 面对面的接触也明显更快 。 例如,当您的编码人员无法理解最新的设计模型如何映射到功能路线图时,能够亲自坐下来解决细节将比交易电子邮件,即时消息或电话快得多。 而且,如果您在同一个城市,则不必处理讨厌的时区。

4. You miss the social aspect. Working at a startup (or even many corporations) can be fun. Not necessarily the part where you slog through the work day, but the bit where you go out for a beer with your coworkers afterward. Working alone and in separate parts of the world can get lonely for many people and may negatively effect their job performance. (Again, though, this could be a hiring issue.)

4.您错过了社交方面。 在初创公司(甚至许多公司)工作可能很有趣。 不一定是您整天忙碌的部分,而是后来您与同事出去喝啤酒的部分。 在世界各个地方单独工作可能会使很多人感到孤独,并可能对其工作表现产生负面影响。 (不过,这又可能是一个招聘问题。)

那么虚拟工作可以工作吗? (So Can Working Virtually Work?)

Clearly, based on the success that virtual teams have had (my former employer, the very successful ReadWriteWeb blog, is completely virtual, with people working out of New Zealand, Oregon, Florida, Georgia, and elsewhere), it is very possible to find success with an all-virtual team. Being in the same city for a startup is not a necessity.

显然,基于虚拟团队的成功(我的前任雇主,非常成功的ReadWriteWeb博客是完全虚拟的,人们在新西兰,俄勒冈州,佛罗里达州,乔治亚州和其他地方工作)全虚拟团队的成功。 不必在同一城市创业。

However, as you grow, it might become more difficult to work in an all virtual environment. What worked great for 5 employees or a small group of founders might not work when you have 10 or 15 people working.

但是,随着您的成长,在全虚拟环境中工作可能会变得更加困难。 当您有10或15个人工作时,对5位员工或一小部分创始人有效的工作可能无法工作。

The key to a successful virtual work environment is to create open channels of communication. Make sure everyone feels in the loop no matter how far away they are physically, and make sure you hire people who can handle the unique pressures of working on their own. SitePoint has done a great job of making sure I feel like part of the team, even though I’m not in the office with them every day — from including me in meetings via Skype, to keeping in touch daily with Basecamp, instant messenger, and email, to making sure I get a copy of the monthly employee newsletter. At the same time, they’ve given me enough freedom that working out of my home office still feels like working out of my home office.

成功的虚拟工作环境的关键是创建开放的沟通渠道。 确保每个人无论身在何处都感觉自己处于循环中,并确保您聘请能够应对自己的独特压力的人员。 即使我不是每天都在办公室里,SitePoint仍然做得很好,以确保我感觉自己是团队的一员-从让我参加通过Skype进行的会议,到每天与Basecamp ,即时通讯工具,和电子邮件,以确保获得一份每月员工通讯。 与此同时,他们已经给了我足够的自由,我的家庭办公室的工作了还是感觉就像我的家庭办公室的工作了。

Do you have any experience working virtually? How does it compare to working in a physical office? Do you think startups founders who are in the same location have an advantage over those who aren’t? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

您有虚拟工作的经验吗? 与在实体办公室工作相比,它有何不同? 您是否认为位于同一地点的创业公司创始人比那些不在的公司具有优势? 在下面的评论中让我们知道您的想法。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/for-a-startup-is-a-virtual-office-enough/

