服务器响应为: 5.7.0

tech2024-03-22  63

服务器响应为: 5.7.0

Why do spammers keep on spamming in spite of miserable response rates? The answer is that because even though the vast majority of people ignore spam, or filter it out completely, there are those few suckers who actually order products via unsolicited emails and end up making spam profitable for the slime who do it. As a result of the naivety of the few, the rest of us are forced to suffer — because, let’s face it, even the best spam filters aren’t 100% effective, especially for high volume email users that get hundreds of legit messages daily.

为什么垃圾邮件发送者尽管答复率很差,但仍然继续发送垃圾邮件? 答案是因为即使绝大多数人都忽略了垃圾邮件,或完全将其过滤掉,但也有少数傻瓜实际上通过不请自来的电子邮件订购产品,最终使垃圾邮件对那些制造垃圾的公司有利可图。 由于极少数的天真,我们其余的人被迫遭受痛苦-因为,让我们面对现实,即使是最好的垃圾邮件过滤器也不是100%有效的,尤其是对于每天收到数百条合法邮件的高容量电子邮件用户而言。

According to a 2008 study by researchers at the University of California, Berkeley and UC, San Diego, spammers get a response just once for every 12.5 million emails they send — a response rate of 0.000008%. Despite that, though, spammers are still able to turn a profit.

根据加利福尼亚大学伯克利分校和圣地亚哥分校的研究人员在2008年进行的一项研究,垃圾邮件发送者每发送1250 万封电子邮件,只会收到一次答复,答复率为0.000008%。 尽管如此,垃圾邮件发送者仍然能够获利。

Earlier this year, the research team took control of a botnet of 75,869 hijacked machines that actually send out spam for real spammers, and used that network to send out their own fake spam messages advertising a fictitious pharmacy site that sold an herbal remedy to increase the taker’s sex drive. “After 26 days, and almost 350 million e-mail messages, only 28 sales resulted,” wrote the researchers in a paper explaining their project.

今年早些时候,研究小组控制了一个由75,869个被劫持机器组成的僵尸网络,该僵尸网络实际上向真正的垃圾邮件发送者发送了垃圾邮件,并使用该网络发送了自己的虚假垃圾邮件消息,宣传一个虚构的药房,该站点出售了草药以增加服用者的性欲。 研究人员在一份解释他们的项目的论文中写道:“经过26天,几乎有3.5亿封电子邮件,仅产生了28笔销售。”

That’s a miserable response rate — and well below the 2.15% rate that legit direct mail companies report — but still, it represents revenue of about $100 per day. The researchers estimate that if they scaled up their operation to the volume that actual spammers deal in, they could make about $7,000 per day and $2 million per year. That may not be a huge number given how many sales messages are being sent out, but it is well above operating costs. Spam is cheaper than legitimate marketing, and at scale can apparently be effective at generating profits.

这真是令人痛苦的回应率,远低于合法的直接邮件公司所报告的2.15%的响应率,但仍然代表着每天约100美元的收入。 研究人员估计,如果将他们的业务规模扩大到实际的垃圾邮件发送者所能处理的数量,他们每天的收入大约为7,000美元,每年可以达到200万美元。 鉴于发出了多少销售消息,这可能不是一个很大的数目,但它远高于运营成本。 垃圾邮件比合法的营销便宜,而且大规模地显然可以有效地产生利润。

Spammers and online scammers continue to ply their dark trade because a sucker is born every minute. A recent Microsoft-backed survey done in western Europe found that 1 out of 44 people have fallen victim to an Internet scam such as a 419 fraud email. That’s a startlingly high number and illustrates why spam and scam emails are still such a huge problem.

垃圾邮件发送者和在线诈骗者继续利用自己的黑手,因为每分钟都有一个傻逼。 微软最近在西欧支持的一项调查发现,在44人中,有1人成为互联网骗局的受害者,例如419欺诈邮件 。 这是一个惊人的数字,说明了为什么垃圾邮件和欺诈邮件仍然是一个巨大的问题。

Better filtering technology has done a lot to lessen the burden of spam, but spammers aren’t dumb. They’ll always find ways to get around the latest filters. The only way to stop spam completely is to stop responding to it. That should be common sense, but apparently there are enough people out there for which it is not that we’re going to have to keep saying it.

更好的过滤技术在减轻垃圾邮件负担方面起到了很多作用,但垃圾邮件发送者并不愚蠢。 他们总会找到解决最新过滤器的方法。 完全阻止垃圾邮件的唯一方法是停止对其进行响应。 这应该是常识,但显然有足够的人为此而不必继续说下去。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/spam-roi-profit-on-1-in-125m-response-rate/

服务器响应为: 5.7.0
