
tech2024-03-22  78

Any college student is well acquainted with the evils of printing web pages. Many web sites don’t offer printable versions of their content, or when they do, the printable page still has ads, full color pictures, or other ink wasters. Or, they’re so poorly formatted that they take up more sheets of paper than they should.

任何大学生都熟悉打印网页的弊端。 许多网站不提供其内容的可打印版本,或者当它们提供内容时,可打印页面上仍然有广告,全彩图片或其他墨水浪费者。 或者,它们的格式太差,以至于占用过多的纸张。

Worst of all, printable versions of web content are usually automatically created with no thought given to how the content will actually print. I can’t tell you how many pieces of blank paper I’ve inadvertently turned into scrap over the years when a printable version of a web site printed just a web page’s footer text on an entire sheet of paper, or just a footer advertisement.

最糟糕的是,通常会自动创建Web内容的可打印版本,而不考虑内容的实际打印方式。 我无法告诉您,多年来,当一个可打印版本的网站仅在一张整页纸上打印网页的页脚文本,或仅在页脚广告中,我无意间变成了废纸。

Some content, of course, doesn’t offer a printable page option at all. In that case, people usually have to copy and paste content into a blank Word document and print from there — a clumsy process that often leads to wasted time spent formatting copied text so it is readable after printing.

当然,某些内容根本不提供可打印的页面选项。 在这种情况下,人们通常必须将内容复制并粘贴到空白的Word文档中并从那里进行打印-这种笨拙的过程通常会浪费时间来格式化复制的文本,因此在打印后就可以读取。

Enter PrintWhatYouLike.com, a Google App Engine-hosted service that lets users strip out only the textual or graphical content that they want to print from any web page, do some light formatting, and ultimately save ink and paper as a result.

输入PrintWhatYouLike.com (一项由Google App Engine托管的服务),该服务使用户可以从任何网页上仅剥离要打印的文本或图形内容,进行一些浅色格式化,最终节省墨水和纸张。

Users enter pages they want to print on the PrintWhatYouLike.com home page (or via a bookmarklet) and the site loads up the page along with a tool bar in a frame on the side. Users then select and remove text they don’t want (or isolate text they do want), remove images or background images, and can even change fonts, font sizes, or change the column width of the content. The idea is that users can print only portions of articles that they like and format any page for printing, regardless of if a printer ready option is offered. The site executes very well on that concept and worked well with every page we tested.

用户在PrintWhatYouLike.com主页上(或通过小书签)输入要打印的页面,然后站点将页面以及工具栏加载到侧面的框架中。 然后,用户可以选择和删除不需要的文本(或隔离他们想要的文本),删除图像或背景图像,甚至可以更改字体,字体大小或更改内容的列宽。 这个想法是,无论是否提供打印机就绪选项,用户都只能打印自己喜欢的文章的一部分并格式化任何页面以进行打印。 该网站在该概念上的执行效果非常好,并且在我们测试的每个页面上都运行良好。

PrintWhatYouLike.com is a very simple, but extremely useful service. We’d love to see them build upon it, and add some additional features, such as the ability to save bits and pieces from multiple different web pages to a clipboard for printing on a single page. Or the ability to save information (title, URL, author) about any page you print to a user account area for reference purposes. We wager that would be a service some people would pay for.

PrintWhatYouLike.com是一个非常简单但非常有用的服务。 我们希望看到它们建立在上面,并添加一些其他功能,例如将多个不同网页中的片段和片段保存到剪贴板以在单个页面上打印的功能。 或将有关您打印的任何页面的信息(标题,URL,作者)保存到用户帐户区域以供参考的功能。 我们打赌这将是某些人愿意支付的服务。

According to a blog post, the site’s creator is already planning a couple of cool additional features, including the ability to save print settings so that if you print a lot of articles from a specific web site, you can just apply saved rules to each new article (that feature was live but was turned off after its initial implementation hogged too many resources and caused the site to go over quota at Google App Engine; it is currently being reworked). And an “odometer” that measures how much paper you’ve saved using the service.

根据博客文章 ,该网站的创建者已经在计划几个很酷的附加功能,包括保存打印设置的功能,这样,如果您从特定网站打印很多文章,则只需将保存的规则应用于每个新网站即可。文章(该功能已启用,但在其最初实施时占用了太多资源并导致该网站超出了Google App Engine的配额,因此已关闭;目前正在重做)。 还有一个“里程表”,用于衡量您使用该服务节省了多少纸张。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/easily-create-printable-pages-with-printwhatyoulikecom/
