Google从Pack中删除了StarSuite; Firefox下一个?

tech2024-03-22  83

Google Pack, a downloadable package of free Internet and productivity software for Windows users, has mysteriously dropped Sun’s StarOffice suite from its lineup, reports PC Pro. The pack, which includes a number of Google and third-party software programs, including Google Desktop, Firefox, Skype, and Norton Security Scan, previously included the Microsoft Office alternative StarOffice.

据PC Pro报道 , Google Pack是可供Windows用户下载的免费Internet和生产力软件的免费下载包,它神秘地从其产品阵容中删除了Sun的StarOffice套件。 该程序包包括许多Google和第三方软件程序,包括Google桌面,Firefox,Skype和Norton Security Scan,以前包含了Microsoft Office替代StarOffice。

StarOffice, which is based on the open source program, also competes with Google’s own suite of online office applications, Google Docs. Is Google trying to push users toward its own suite of online office tools? Perhaps, though for now the Pack doesn’t appear to include any sort of desktop launcher for Google’s Docs applications (which do support offline access via the Gears plugin).

基于开源OpenOffice.org程序的StarSuite还可以与Google自己的在线办公应用程序套件Google Docs竞争。 Google是否在尝试将用户推向自己的在线办公工具套件? 也许,尽管到目前为止,该Pack似乎并未包括用于Google Docs应用程序的任何桌面启动程序(该应用程序确实支持通过Gears插件进行脱机访问)。

PC Pro thinks that Google may also be reacting to recent comments by Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer that pooh-poohed the threat from Google’s web apps recently, saying, “We have better competition today than Google Docs and Spreadsheets. We get more competition from OpenOffice and StarOffice, frankly.”

PC Pro认为Google也可能会对微软首席执行官史蒂夫·鲍尔默(Steve Ballmer)最近发表的评论作出React,该评论最近对Google网络应用程序的威胁表示了强烈反对,他说:“今天,我们比Google Docs和Spreadsheets更具竞争优势。 坦率地说,我们得到了来自OpenOffice和StarOffice的更多竞争。”

Though his company is finally planning to bring Office to the web — a clear sign that Microsoft is feeling some pressure from its Internet rival, Ballmer may be at least partially correct. We reported a few weeks ago that the numbers currently paint as a bigger competitor to Microsoft’s office application dominance than Google. However, the agility that Google has shown in upgrading and improving their office suite is something that may give Microsoft some pause, at least internally.

尽管他的公司最终计划将Office引入网络 ,这清楚地表明了微软正在感受到来自互联网竞争对手的压力,但鲍尔默可能至少部分正确。 几周前 ,我们报道说,目前,OpenOffice.org的数量已超过Google,成为Microsoft办公应用程序的主要竞争对手。 但是,谷歌在升级和改进其办公套件方面表现出的敏捷性可能会使微软至少在内部有所暂停。

If pushing people toward their own suite of tools is what Google is playing it, we expect that there is a possibility that we’ll see Firefox dropped from the Google Pack eventually as well and replaced with Chrome (at least once that browser is out of beta). Google Chrome (recent coverage), remember, is built specifically for running web applications, so it would make sense for Google to push people toward running their web app suite in their own browser.

如果Google一直在努力使人们朝着自己的工具套件发展,那么我们期望有可能最终也将Firefox从Google Pack中删除,并替换为Chrome(至少在该浏览器退出浏览器之后) Beta)。 记住,Chrome浏览器( 最近的报道 )是专门为运行Web应用程序而构建的,因此Google促使人们倾向于在自己的浏览器中运行其Web应用程序套件是有意义的。

