Silverlight 2.0扩展了对.NET的支持,添加了控件

tech2024-03-22  96

Adobe Flash 10 wasn’t the only major web runtime to have a milestone release this week. Microsoft’s Flash competitor, Silverlight, officially hit version 2.0 yesterday.

Adobe Flash 10并不是本周发布里程碑的唯一主要Web运行时。 微软的Flash竞争对手Silverlight昨天正式发布了2.0版。

Silverlight 2 comes after a very good summer for the Microsoft cross-browser rich media and RIA plugin, one which saw adoption rise rapidly following some successful public deployments. According to Microsoft, Silverlight market penetration in some countries is already approaching 50%, in large part due to their rapidly growing developer ecosystem. The deployment of Silverlight for this summer’s online Olympic video coverage — perhaps the largest to date — saw 1.3 billion page views, 70 million video streams and 600 million minutes of video watched, and increased Silverlight penetration in the United States by 30%, says Microsoft.

微软跨浏览器的富媒体和RIA插件度过了一个非常好的夏天,Silverlight 2出现了。在一些成功的公共部署之后,Silverlight 2的采用率Swift上升。 根据Microsoft的说法 ,Silverlight在某些国家/地区的市场渗透率已接近50%,这在很大程度上是由于其Swift发展的开发者生态系统所致。 NBCOlympics.com为今年夏天的在线奥林匹克视频报道而部署的Silverlight(可能是迄今为止最大的)显示了13亿次页面浏览,7000万个视频流和6亿分钟的观看视频,并使Silverlight在美国的普及率提高了30% ,微软说。

Silverlight also handled the video for this year’s Democratic National Convention, which due to the high profile nature of the presidential race in the United States, was one of the most watched in history. And, Microsoft says, CBS College Sports Network is streaming more than 20,000 hours of live content each year using Silverlight.

Silverlight还处理了今年民主党全国代表大会的视频,由于美国总统大选的性质,该视频是历史上观看次数最多的视频之一。 而且,微软表示,哥伦比亚广播公司大学体育网络每年使用Silverlight播放超过20,000小时的直播内容。

Microsoft has signed an impressive list of corporate development partners for their plugin, with forthcoming applications from Blockbuster, Hard Rock Cafe, CBS, AOL, Yahoo! Japan, and Toyota.

微软已经为其插件签下了令人印象深刻的企业开发合作伙伴名单,其中包括来自Blockbuster,Hard Rock Cafe,CBS,AOL和Yahoo!的应用程序。 日本和丰田。

Silverlight 2的新增功能? (What’s New in Silverlight 2?)

Silverlight, which is essentially Microsoft’s answer to Flash: a cross-platform browser plugin that enables the delivery of rich media content and the development of .NET-based rich Internet applications, adds a number of compelling new features for version 2.


Text Rendering – Text rendering has been improved in Silverlight 2. According to Tim Heuer, program manager for Silverlight at Microsoft, text is an area that they will continue to focus on and improve.

文本渲染 – Silverlight 2中的文本渲染得到了改进。 据 Microsoft Silverlight程序经理Tim Heuer称 ,文本是他们将继续关注和改进的领域。

Silverlight Control Pack – Silverlight 2 adds a bunch of built-in controls that help developers rapidly build new applications. Via Scott Guthrie: “The Silverlight 2 release includes core form controls (TextBox, CheckBox, RadioButton, ComboBox, etc), built-in layout management panels (StackPanel, Grid, Panel, etc), common functionality controls (Slider, ScrollViewer, Calendar, DatePicker, etc), and data manipulation controls (DataGrid, ListBox, etc).” The plan is to continue releasing new controls over the next few months and eventually have more than 100 in the pack.

Silverlight控制包 – Silverlight 2添加了许多内置控件,可帮助开发人员快速构建新的应用程序。 通过Scott Guthrie:“ Silverlight 2版本包括核心表单控件(文本框,复选框,单选按钮,组合框等),内置布局管理面板(StackPanel,网格,面板等),常用功能控件(滑块,ScrollViewer,日历) ,DatePicker等)和数据处理控件(DataGrid,ListBox等)。” 该计划是在未来几个月内继续发布新的控件,并最终增加100多个控件。

Networking Support – “Out-of-the-box support allows calling REST, WS*/SOAP, POX, RSS and standard HTTP services, enabling users to create applications that easily integrate with existing back-end systems,” says Microsoft’s press release.

网络支持 –“开箱即用的支持允许调用REST,WS * / SOAP,POX,RSS和标准HTTP服务,使用户能够创建易于与现有后端系统集成的应用程序,”微软的新闻稿说。

Expanded .NET Framework Support – RIAs can now be coded for Silverlight using any .NET language, including C#, JavaScript, VB, IronRuby and IronPython.

扩展的.NET Framework支持 –现在可以使用任何.NET语言(包括C#,JavaScript,VB,IronRuby和IronPython)为Silverlight编码RIA。

Deep Zoom – Microsoft is really hyping the new “Deep Zoom” feature in Silverlight, which is essentially a control that allows smooth zooming and panning of ultra high resolution images without much load time. It’s pretty cool, but it seems like it would have only a limited, niche appeal and makes me wonder why it is included on such a low level in the plugin.

深度缩放 – Microsoft确实在宣传Silverlight中的新“深度缩放”功能,该功能本质上是一种控件,可以在没有太多加载时间的情况下平滑缩放和平移超高分辨率图像。 它非常酷,但是似乎只有有限的利基吸引力,这让我想知道为什么它这么低的级别包含在插件中。

“We wanted to build a cutting-edge, rich Internet application that enables our customers to search our vast database of content and metadata so they can access movie reviews, watch high-quality movie trailers, and either rent or buy movies from our new MovieLink application,” said Keith Morrow, chief information officer at Blockbuster in a press release. “Because Silverlight 2 now includes several new rich controls such as data grids and advanced skinning capabilities, as well as support for the .NET Framework, allowing us to access our existing Web services, we were able to easily maintain the high standards of the Blockbuster brand and bring the application to market in record time.”

“我们希望构建一个尖端的富互联网应用程序,使我们的客户能够搜索我们庞大的内容和元数据数据库,以便他们能够访问电影评论,观看高质量的电影预告片,以及从新的MovieLink中租借或购买电影申请”,百视达首席信息官Keith Morrow在新闻稿中说。 “由于Silverlight 2现在包括几个新的丰富控件,例如数据网格和高级外观功能,以及对.NET Framework的支持,使我们能够访问现有的Web服务,因此我们能够轻松维护Blockbuster的高标准品牌,并在创纪录的时间内将应用程序推向市场。”

Microsoft is also touting their commitment to “openness and interoperability” around Silverlight 2. They’ll be funding a project to add Silverlight development capabilities to the open source Eclipse IDE, will release the Silverlight Control Pack under an open source license, and plan to publish the Silverlight XAML vocabulary specification.

微软还宣扬他们围绕Silverlight 2的“开放性和互操作性”的承诺。他们将资助一个项目,以将Silverlight开发功能添加到开源Eclipse IDE中,并根据开源许可证发布Silverlight Control Pack,并计划发布Silverlight XAML词汇规范。

As we reported last month Microsoft is already working on Silverlight 3, which will feature support for h.264 and AAC audio.

正如我们上个月报道的那样, Microsoft已经在研究Silverlight 3,它将支持h.264和AAC音频。

