
tech2024-03-23  87

“The customer is not always right. The truth is you have to sort out who’s right and who’s wrong for your app,” advises 37signals in their book Getting Real. “If you try to please everyone, you won’t please anyone.” In order to create the software you want to create, you sometimes have to say no to your users.

“客户并不总是正确的。 事实是,您必须找出谁对您的应用是正确的,谁是错的。” 37signals在他们的书《 Getting Real 》中建议。 “如果您想取悦所有人,您将不会取悦任何人。” 为了创建您要创建的软件,有时您必须对用户说“不”。

Video hosting site Vimeo did just that yesterday. Lauded as one of the “classiest” video hosting sites on the web, Vimeo announced on its blog yesterday that it would no longer be accepting video game videos, including walk-thrus, strategy videos, game demos, etc. (Machinima-style videos are excluded) and will be deleting clips that fall into that category on September 1.

视频托管网站Vimeo昨天才这样做。 Vimeo昨天被誉为网络上“最经典”的视频托管网站之一, 在其博客上宣布它将不再接受视频游戏视频,包括步行视频,战略视频,游戏演示等。(Machinima风格的视频除外),并将删除9月1日属于该类别的剪辑。

The post caused a mixed reaction on their site, but a large number of the nearly six hundred comments expressed disappointment with the decision. Vimeo cited three reasons for the decision to nix game videos. First, they’re generally larger and cause longer transcoder wait times for other users (the single biggest reason for slow transcoding times, says Vimeo, has been game videos). Second, they open the site up to potential liability issues that they’re rather not deal with. And finally, they don’t match the mission statement of the site. “Vimeo was created with the intent of inspiring creativity and providing a place to share video with friends and family,” writes Vimeo. “The Vimeo staff does not feel that videos which are direct captures of video game play truly constitute ‘creative expression.'”

该帖子在他们的网站上引起了不同的React,但是近六百条评论中有很多对这一决定感到失望。 Vimeo列举了决定取消游戏视频的三个原因。 首先,它们通常更大,并且会导致其他用户的代码转换器等待时间更长(Vimeo表示,导致代码转换时间慢的唯一最大原因一直是游戏视频)。 其次,他们将网站开放给他们可能未解决的潜在责任问题。 最后,它们与网站的任务说明不符。 “ Vimeo的创建旨在激发创造力,并提供了与亲朋好友共享视频的地方,” Vimeo写道。 “ Vimeo工作人员不认为视频游戏的直接捕获视频真正构成了“创意表达”。”

A comparison of video sites by Webware in February found that Vimeo had one of the slowest transcoding times on the web. It also has some of the best quality, which may cause slower transcoding, but slow transcoding wait times have obviously been an issue.

2月份通过Webware 对视频网站进行的比较发现,Vimeo在网络上的转码时间最慢。 它还具有一些最好的质量,可能会导致转码速度变慢,但是转码等待时间缓慢显然是一个问题。

However, clearly, the main issue here was about the site’s focus — it seems obvious that Vimeo just doesn’t want to become known as a game video host. “We feel this decision will benefit Vimeo in the long run and better benefit the video makers it was created for,” said Blake Whitman of Vimeo. “Our resources are limited and they must be channeled towards maintaining our goals.”

但是,显然,这里的主要问题是关于网站的关注点-显然Vimeo只是不想成为游戏视频主持人而闻名。 Vimeo的布莱克·惠特曼(Blake Whitman)表示:“从长远来看,我们认为这一决定将使Vimeo受益,并更好地为其创建的视频制造商受益。” “我们的资源有限,必须将其用于维护我们的目标。”

At a conference I attended last fall, Jason Fried of 37signals advanced the idea that software development needs a leader willing to say “no.” Vimeo is following Fried’s theory of “opinionated software:” Figure out your vision and run with it — don’t always let your customers define your application. If some of your users want to take your app in a different direction, you don’t have to let them. Just tell them “no.” (Note: I argued an alternate view on ReadWriteWeb in February.)

在我去年秋天参加的一次会议上 ,来自37signals的Jason Fried提出了这样一个想法,即软件开发需要一个愿意说“不”的领导者。 Vimeo遵循Fried的“有条件的软件”理论:弄清楚您的愿景并运行它-不要总是让您的客户定义您的应用程序。 如果您的某些用户希望将您的应用转向其他方向,则不必让他们使用。 告诉他们“不”。 (注意:我在二月份对ReadWriteWeb提出了另一种观点 。)

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/sometimes-you-have-to-say-no-to-your-users/
