
tech2024-03-23  96

In my fourth blog post for SitePoint I called social search a feature, not the future of search technology. That’s not a belief held by some very smart people here at the Emerging Technology Conference on the campus of MIT. Yesterday, I sat in on a roundtable discussion moderated by blogger Robert Scoble that included Dave Morin from Facebook, David Recordon from Six Apart, Joseph Smarr from Plaxo, and Nova Spivack from Radar Networks.

在我的第四篇针对SitePoint的博客文章中,我将社交搜索称为功能,而不是搜索技术的未来 。 在MIT校园的新兴技术会议上,一些非常聪明的人并不相信这种想法。 昨天,我参加了由博主Robert Scoble主持的圆桌讨论,包括Facebook的Dave Morin,Six Apart的David Recordon,Plaxo的Joseph Smarr和Radar Networks的Nova Spivack。

Much of the panel focused on open platforms, social applications, and semantic data. But what was most interesting was the part of the discussion that dealt with the idea of social search. Search used to be a problem of finding content, said Dave Recordon, but now that we’re living in a world in which everyone is creating content, it’s become a problem of filtering all that information.

小组讨论的大部分内容都集中在开放平台,社交应用程序和语义数据上。 但是,最有趣的是讨论中涉及社会搜索概念的部分。 Dave Recordon说,搜索过去一直是查找内容的问题,但是现在我们生活在一个每个人都在创造内容的世界中,这已经成为过滤所有信息的问题。

According Joseph Smarr, the solution there will be social filters. The web of the future is going to be social, open, real-time and ubiquitous, according to Smarr, who used an anecdote to illustrate his point. The night before, the panel group wanted to go to dinner together somewhere near their hotel in Boston. “It was natural to get out my iPhone and ask friends for suggestions,” said Smarr. It worked beautifully — they were able to find a place to eat based on the real-time recommendations of their friends, then pull up a map and directions to find it

根据约瑟夫·斯马尔(Joseph Smarr)的说法,解决方案将包括社交过滤器。 根据Smarr的说法,未来的网络将是社交性,开放性,实时性和无处不在的。 前一天晚上,小组成员想在他们位于波士顿的酒店附近的某个地方一起共进晚餐。 “拿出我的iPhone并向朋友征求建议是很自然的,” Smarr说。 它工作得非常好-他们能够根据朋友的实时推荐找到吃饭的地方,然后拉出地图和路线来找到它

It struck me while listening that social search will be the way that Facebook can finally monetize its service. That’s more or less what Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg has been pitching since last year when he unveiled the fatally flawed Beacon advertising program. According to Zuckerberg, there is a lot of value in the personal recommendations of your friends, and brands will be able latch onto that for a price.

当我听到社交搜索将成为Facebook最终通过其服务获利的方式时,我感到震惊。 自从去年Facebook首席执行官马克·扎克伯格(Mark Zuckerberg)推出了致命缺陷的信标广告计划以来,这差不多就是他提出的建议。 根据扎克伯格的说法,您朋友的个人推荐中有很多价值,品牌可以以一定的价格抢购这些产品。

The problem has always been how that makes sense for users on the experience end. There’s no reason for users to spontaneously become pitchmen for their favorite products or services, and it feels slimy to have your purchases exposed to your friends. It has not been until recently that the shift toward the always-on, ubiquitous, device-agnostic web has started to push us toward that social search experience that makes sense.

问题一直是在体验端对用户有意义。 用户没有理由自发地成为他们喜爱的产品或服务的推销员,让购买的商品暴露给您的朋友感到很泥泞。 直到最近,向永远在线,无处不在,与设备无关的网络的转变已开始将我们推向有意义的社交搜索体验。

Facebook has started adding Twitter/FriendFeed-like communication tools that allow users to stay in both real time and asynchronous communication with one another. Tie that into always-on mobile access to the service, and the whole thing starts to come together. Suddenly, it makes sense to poll your friends for real time feedback when you are searching for a product or service. That is where social search makes sense.

Facebook已开始添加类似Twitter / FriendFeed的通信工具 ,该工具可让用户保持实时和彼此异步通信。 将其绑定到始终在线的服务访问中,整个过程开始融合在一起。 突然,当您搜索产品或服务时,轮询您的朋友以获得实时反馈很有意义。 这就是社交搜索的意义所在。

The big problem with social search, is that unlike traditional search that is based on concrete, mostly static information that has some permanence (and the irony of thinking of the ever-changing web as a concrete medium isn’t lost on me), social search results disappear very quickly, so they have limited long term utility. Finding that restaurant via recommendations from friends on Facebook and Twitter worked very well, said Dave Morin, but that information was then more or less lost for future use.

社交搜索的最大问题是,与传统搜索不同的是,传统搜索是基于具体的静态信息,这些信息具有一定的持久性(并且不断变化的网络作为一种具体的媒介,这对我而言并不具有讽刺意味,对我而言,这是具有讽刺意味的)搜索结果很快消失,因此它们的长期效用受到限制。 戴夫·莫林(Dave Morin)说,通过Facebook和Twitter上的朋友的推荐找到这家餐厅非常有效,但是后来这些信息或多或少地丢失了,以备将来使用。

Nova Spivack agreed, saying that the “ephemerality of the web today” was an important issue that we’ll have to address. We’re creating a ton of great content on services like Twitter that could be mined for social search applications, but right now it’s just disappearing. Said Smarr, the archiving isn’t the problem, it’s the curating of the information and filtering for shared use that is the real issue.

Nova Spivack表示同意,他说“当今网络的短暂性”是我们必须解决的重要问题。 我们正在Twitter之类的服务上创建大量精彩内容,这些内容可以用于社交搜索应用程序,但现在它正在消失。 Smarr说,归档不是问题,真正的问题是信息的整理和共享使用的过滤。

仍然是一种功能 (Still Kind of a Feature)

Of course, as great as the social search future laid out by this group sounds, I still don’t think it will replace traditional web search as a dominant paradigm. As I noted in July, social search only works for specific types of queries — generally things where your network of friends have some expertise. Further, maintaining a large enough social network that you can find utility in social search applications is not easy. There is a lot more work involved in curating a cadre of Twitter or Facebook friends who can respond to your queries than there is in just using a Google search box. And of course, there’s also something to be said for the serendipity of finding something based on the recommendations of strangers (and an algorithm).

当然,与这个小组提出的社交搜索的未来一样,我仍然认为它不会取代传统的网络搜索成为主导范式。 正如我在7月指出的那样,社交搜索仅适用于特定类型的查询,通常是您的朋友网络具有一定专业知识的事物。 此外,维护足够大的社交网络以在社交搜索应用程序中找到实用程序并不容易。 与仅使用Google搜索框相比,管理可以响应您的查询的Twitter或Facebook朋友干部要涉及的工作要多得多。 当然,对于基于陌生人(和算法)的建议找到某物的偶然性也有话要说。

So there will always be a market for traditional search, whether for reference searches, sensitive informational searches, or searches where your friend network lacks expertise. Facebook can be a leader there as well, though.

因此,无论是参考搜索,敏感信息搜索还是您的朋友网络缺乏专业知识的搜索,传统搜索总会有市场。 不过,Facebook也可以成为该领域的领导者。

They already serve enough traditional search queries each month (mostly event or people searches) to sneak into the top 10 US search engines, according to comScore. In July, there was a report that Facebook would finally add Microsoft search this fall, which is something that I’ve argued makes a lot of sense for both companies. So Facebook has an opportunity to make a splash as both a social and traditional search engine.

comScore表示,他们每个月已经提供了足够的传统搜索查询(主要是事件搜索或人物搜索),从而进入了美国排名前10位的搜索引擎。 今年7月,有报道称Facebook最终将在今年秋天加入Microsoft搜索 ,这一点我认为对于两家公司来说都是很有意义的。 因此,Facebook有机会在社交和传统搜索引擎中大放异彩。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/facebooks-future-is-as-a-search-engine/
