
tech2024-03-23  91


Amazon Web Services has announced the finalists for its Startup Challenge. The competition, which is designed to showcase web startups that utilize Amazon’s web services stack, will award one winner with $50,000 in cash and $50,000 in AWS credits, as well as a potential investment offer from Amazon.

亚马逊网络服务宣布了其启动挑战赛的决赛入围者。 该竞赛旨在展示利用亚马逊网络服务堆栈的网络初创企业,将向一名获奖者颁发50,000美元现金和50,000美元AWS积分,以及来自亚马逊的潜在投资提议。

Amazon is in the midst of creating videos about each startup that will be published soon, and the public will be able to vote on their favorites. The voting doesn’t determine the winner, however. Rather, each finalist will be flown to Seattle later this month to pitch a judging panel at Amazon and submit to a Q&A about their business model and use of Amazon web services. The winner will be announced on November 20th at an event in Seattle.

亚马逊正在创建有关每个创业公司的视频,这些视频将很快发布,公众将能够对他们的最爱进行投票。 但是,投票并不能决定获胜者。 相反,每个决赛入围者都将在本月晚些时候飞往西雅图,任命亚马逊评审团成员,并提交有关其商业模式和Amazon Web服务使用情况的问答。 获奖者将于11月20日在西雅图的活动上宣布。

Last year, 900 startups entered a similar competition and video management and ad-serving company Ooyala walked away with the top prize.


This year’s finalists are:

今年的决赛入围者是: – has transformed video encoding from a traditional software model to a software as a service (SaaS) platform. combines elastic computing resources with cutting edge video encoding software. – Encoding.com已将视频编码从传统的软件模型转换为软件即服务(SaaS)平台。 Encoding.com将弹性计算资源与最先进的视频编码软件结合在一起。

Knewton – Knewton supercharges any education content by teaching the exact concepts students need, in the medium and pacing best for each. Knewton’s self-optimizing “Darwinian” engine grows increasingly effective as each new student joins the network – so the learning plan of the 50 millionth student is powered by the combined data of all the others.

Knewton – Knewton通过讲授学生所需的确切概念,以中等程度和最佳节奏来充实任何教育内容。 随着每位新学生加入网络,Knewton的自我优化的“达尔文式”引擎变得越来越有效–因此,第500万名学生的学习计划由所有其他学生的合并数据提供支持。

MedCommons – MedCommons provides cloud-based Health 2.0 application services for patients and doctors, and enables third parties to customize and extend the MedCommons Platform for their own needs.

MedCommons – MedCommons为患者和医生提供基于云的Health 2.0应用程序服务,并使第三方能够根据自己的需求定制和扩展MedCommons平台。

Sonian – Sonian is a cloud compute email productivity service. Each day, 86 billion emails and IMs are created and most of this information needs to be saved and indexed for compliance and personal productivity. Sonian solves this problem with next generation software running on the Amazon Web Services cloud. Sonian archives electronic communications, files and unstructured content to unlock the actionable intelligence stored in this “dark data.”

Sonian – Sonian是一种云计算电子邮件生产力服务。 每天都会创建860亿封电子邮件和IM,并且大多数信息需要保存和索引以实现合规性和个人生产率。 Sonian通过在Amazon Web Services云上运行的下一代软件解决了这一问题。 Sonian会存档电子通信,文件和非结构化内容,以解锁存储在此“黑暗数据”中的可行情报。

Pixily – Pixily is an interactive document management service that organizes paper and electronic materials online so people can instantly find and share information whenever and wherever they need it. For consumers, Pixily serves as a digital organization assistant that reduces paper clutter and helps manage personal information more efficiently. Businesses rely on Pixily as an affordable on-demand document management service to streamline daily operations and be more productive.

Pixily – Pixily是一种交互式文档管理服务,可在线组织纸质和电子材料,使人们可以随时随地在需要的地方立即查找和共享信息。 对于消费者而言,Pixily充当数字组织助理,可减少纸张混乱并帮助更有效地管理个人信息。 企业依靠Pixily作为负担得起的按需文档管理服务来简化日常操作并提高生产力。

Yieldex – Yieldex delivers accurate forecasting of overlapping online advertising inventory and optimal campaign allocation for online publishers. Our tools help publishers get more revenue from their premium inventory through in-depth proposal analysis, scenario planning, and Yieldex’s proprietary yield index.

Yieldex – Yieldex为重叠的在线广告资源提供准确的预测,并为在线发布者提供最佳的广告活动分配。 我们的工具可通过深入的提案分析,方案规划和Yieldex专有的收益指数帮助发布商从其优质库存中获得更多收入。

Zephyr – Zephyr enables enterprises to manage their test departments more efficiently, boost productivity, reduce costs and provide IT leaders with real-time visibility into all aspects of their software quality cycle.

Zephyr – Zephyr使企业能够更有效地管理其测试部门,提高生产率,降低成本,并为IT领导者提供其软件质量周期各个方面的实时可见性。

Who do you think will win?




相关资源:arc42-template, arc42软件架构文档和通信模板.zip