david lowe 论文

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david lowe 论文

L. Lee Lowe is an American-born novelist living in Germany and working on her second novel. By itself, that’s not very unique, but what caught my attention about Lowe is how she publishes her novels: via blog. Lowe’s first book, young adult fantasy novel titled Mortal Ghost, was serialized via blog last year with great success. The book is still being downloaded at a rate that would make most self-published authors green with envy.

L. Lee Lowe是一位美国出生的小说家,住在德国,正在从事第二部小说的创作。 就其本身而言,这不是很独特,但是引起我对Lowe的关注的是她如何通过博客出版小说。 Lowe的第一本书,年轻的成人幻想小说《 Mortal Ghost》 ,去年通过博客被序列化 ,获得了巨大成功。 这本书的下载速度仍使大多数自我出版的作者羡慕不已。

Lowe put up a preview of her second book, Corvus, last summer after the weekly chapter-by-chapter publication of Mortal Ghost had concluded, and plans to publish it in the same manner later this year. Lowe’s blog serialization is an interesting way to get long tail, long form content out to the reading public and start building a base of true fans, which I would venture to to say she has accomplished.

在每周的《 Mortal Ghost》逐章出版结束之后,Lowe于去年夏天对她的第二本书《 Corvus》进行了预览,并计划在今年晚些时候以同样的方式出版。 Lowe的博客序列化是一种有趣的方式,它可以使读者获得长篇幅,长篇幅的内容,并开始建立真正的粉丝群 ,我敢说她已经做到了。

We sat down with Lowe for an interview about the ins and outs of this unique self publishing format.


SitePoint: How did you decide to push out your work this way? Did you look into traditional publishing or query any publishing firms or agents?

SitePoint:您是如何决定以这种方式进行工作的? 您是否研究过传统出版或向任何出版公司或代理商查询?

L. Lee Lowe: Once upon a time in fantasyland I wrote a novel and then a synopsis, read up on the internet how to do these things, and sent my half-dozen manila envelopes off to publishers and another half-dozen to agents. Within a month or two I had a collection of rejection slips, one potential agent, and one actual one. It seemed too good to be true. And when things seem this way, they usually are.

L. Lee Lowe:从前在幻想世界里,我写了一本小说,然后写了一则剧情提要,在互联网上读到了如何做这些事情,然后将我的一半马尼拉信封寄给了出版商,又把一半的马尼拉信封寄给了代理商。 一两个月之内,我收集了拒绝单,一个潜在代理商和一个实际代理商。 似乎太好了,难以置信。 当事情看起来是这样时,通常就是这样。

Good writing is essentially rewriting. It had taken me two years and considerable rewriting and revising to produce the novel which gained me an agent’s contract. Six months and one major agent-prompted rewrite later, it began to dawn on me that I didn’t want to be told how to write — at least not by an agent, no matter how reputable, whose main objective is to produce a saleable manuscript. Perhaps it’s that I’m too old to desire any sort of literary career. More likely, I’m too ornery.

好的写作本质上是重写。 我花了两年时间和大量的改写和修改才能制作出这本获得代理人合同的小说。 六个月后,一次主要的代理提示进行重写,我开始意识到我不想被告知如何写-至少不是由代理,无论信誉如何,其主要目标是产生可销售的手稿。 也许是我年纪太大了,无法从事任何文学生涯。 更可能的是,我太讨厌了。

And there was the internet, willing to take me exactly as I am. Or so I thought. Now, three years on, I know better. Everywhere there are gatekeepers and power brokers and commercial interests, and the lit bloggers, many of whom are awfully keen to make the bestseller lists themselves, have little interest in the true indies — the writers like myself who have no interest in an editorial stamp of approval.

那里有互联网,愿意带我完全一样。 还是我想。 现在,三年了,我知道了。 到处都有看门人,权力经纪人和商业利益,而热心的博客作者(其中很多人都渴望使畅销书列出自己)对真正的独立著作几乎没有兴趣-像我这样的作家对编辑社论不感兴趣。批准。

So what was your next move?


In July 2006 I began to serialise Mortal Ghost, my first novel, in weekly instalments from a blog. Through the help of a fellow blogger, I also found a drama student, Bill Uden, who was willing to read the podcasts. The sound department of his college – Coleg Sir Gâr, Wales — undertook recording and producing the audiobook as a hands-on student project which eventually involved more than thirty students as well as staff.

从2006年7月起,我开始每周从博客中分批序列化我的第一本小说《真人快打》。 在同一个博客作者的帮助下,我还找到了一名戏剧学生Bill Uden,他愿意阅读播客。 他所在大学的声音部门–威尔士的Coleg SirGâr–录制并制作了有声读物,作为动手实践的学生项目,最终吸引了30多名学生和教职员工参与。

Did you consider self publishing, or print on demand (such as Lulu or Amazon CreateSpace)?

您是否考虑过自我发布或按需打印(例如Lulu或Amazon CreateSpace)?

Just recently I issued a POD edition of Mortal Ghost, first for family archival purposes, then to comply with a reader’s request. I charge no royalties, only the actual cost of production, since this is merely a reader service. However, I found it useful to have print copies to give as gifts and hence plan to POD my next novel even before serialising it online, to send to my beta readers for critique. Most of them still prefer print for a longer work.

就在最近,我发行了《真人快打》的POD版本,首先是出于家庭存档的目的,然后是为了满足读者的要求。 我不收取任何使用费,仅收取实际的生产成本,因为这只是一种读者服务。 但是,我发现将印刷本作为礼物送给我很有用,因此,即使在网上进行序列化之前,也计划将我的下一本小说POD,以发送给我的Beta读者进行评论。 他们中的大多数人仍然更喜欢打印以延长工作时间。

Can you talk a little bit about beta readers? Are these family and friends offering first pass feedback, or are you approaching novel writing more like software development, with a group of qualified “testers?”

您能否谈谈Beta版阅读器? 这些家人和朋友是在提供首过反馈吗,还是正在与一群合格的“测试人员”一起进行新颖的写作,更像是软件开发?

Family and friends don’t make for the best critics! I don’t want a pat on the head, but an honest and brutal critique. The beta readers are more like qualified software ‘testers’ in that they are all professionals of one sort or another, and I’ve chosen them to help me most particularly with what I perceive as my weaknesses — plot, for example. One reader is a published children’s author, one a YA librarian with extensive awards committee experience, one a literature professor, and one a mathematician and software engineer. The latter is a real find, because someone needs to scrutinise the science in my science fiction. And I’ve got to know all of them online, and in fact have only met one of them, very briefly, in person.

家人和朋友不会招来最好的批评家! 我不想轻拍,而是诚实和残酷的批评。 Beta版阅读器更像是合格的软件“测试人员”,因为他们都是一类或另一类的专业人士,因此我选择了它们来为我提供特别是我认为自己的弱点(例如情节)方面的帮助。 一位读者是已出版的儿童著作,一位是具有丰富的奖励委员会经验的YA图书馆员,一位是文学教授,一位是数学家和软件工程师。 后者是真正的发现,因为有人需要仔细检查我的科幻小说中的科学。 而且我必须在线上了解所有这些人,实际上,他们只是亲自见面了其中一个。

How successful have your serialized blog novels been? (Can you share any traffic numbers?)

您的系列博客小说取得了多大的成功? (您可以共享任何交通号码吗?)

So far I have only serialised one novel, my YA fantasy Mortal Ghost, but after three years of work on Corvus, hope to be able to begin serialisation in autumn.


How do you measure success? If you are talking about the quality of the work, I’m far from satisfied — the flaws in Mortal Ghost make me cringe. Reader feedback has been mixed — some people love the novel, others hate it, and the majority are silent, so it’s difficult to know how representative the commenters are.

您如何衡量成功? 如果您谈论的是工作质量,那么我就不会感到满意-《生死鬼》的缺陷使我感到畏缩。 读者的反馈意见参差不齐-有些人喜欢这部小说,有些人讨厌这部小说,而大多数人却保持沉默,因此很难知道评论者的代表性。

As to numbers, it’s a tricky game to play. Hit and download figures work better for blogs and websites than longer works of fiction, since such figures don’t reveal how many people actually read the novel in its entirety, or even more important, how closely. I suppose you could say I’m moderately successful, but nothing like the big names, usually SF writers like the ever-popular Cory Doctorow. On average there are 50-100 downloads of the PDF file of Mortal Ghost per day, plus a fair number of people who read online or from sites whose statistics are inaccessible to me (BitTorrent, for example). The podcasts are particularly popular, and there have been about 250,000 hits to date at the podcast site and about 23,000 downloads of podcast episodes.

至于数字,这是一个棘手的游戏。 对于博客和网站而言,点击和下载的数字比长篇小说更适合于博客和网站,因为此类数字并不能揭示到底有多少人真正阅读了这部小说,更重要的是,没有多少人读过这本书。 我想您可以说我取得了一定程度的成功,但没有什么比那些大人物要好了,通常是科幻小说家喜欢广受欢迎的科里·多克托洛(Cory Doctorow)。 每天平均有50-100次“凡人的鬼魂” PDF文件的下载,还有相当多的人在线阅读或从无法访问我的统计信息的网站上阅读(例如,BitTorrent)。 播客特别受欢迎,迄今为止,播客网站上的点击量约为25万,下载的播客集约为23,000。

You don’t run any ads on your site and sell your POD book at cost. Do you have any plans to make money from your work?

您不会在您的网站上投放任何广告,也不以成本价出售POD书。 您是否有计划从工作中赚钱?

No, not at the moment, and probably not at all. It seems to me that the effort to earn what would be, realistically, a very small amount is better directed, in my case — at my age — towards learning to write better.

不,暂时不,可能根本没有。 在我看来,以我的年龄(我的年龄),努力赚取实际上很少的钱会更好地指向学习更好的写作。

How did you get the word out?


Very haphazardly! I’ve registered my novel at all the suitable ebook and podcast sites I could find, joined some writing and discussion forums, and contacted the bloggers who might be interested in my writing, for example those who write about fantasy or YA literature. The social networking sites like MySpace have been largely unproductive. But I’m not very good at publicity, and to do it well takes a great deal of time and effort, which I’d rather channel into my fiction writing.

很随意! 我已经在所有合适的电子书和播客站点上注册了我的小说,并加入了一些写作和讨论论坛,并联系了可能对我的写作感兴趣的博客作者,例如那些撰写幻想或YA文学的博客作者。 像MySpace这样的社交网站在很大程度上是无效的。 但是我在宣传方面不太擅长,要做好宣传需要花费大量时间和精力,我希望将其投入到我的小说写作中。

Have comments and feedback people left on chapters/posts actually influenced the direction of the book? Or, do you write first then blog?

留给章节/帖子的评论和反馈是否真的影响了本书的方向? 还是先写博客然后写博客?

I read all feedback carefully, but am equally careful not to let it influence me very much. Of course I correct typos, and if a suggestion is particularly good, I pay attention, but in fact the comments have had an unexpected result: a sense of independence from popular opinion and confidence in my decision not to seek conventional publication, about which I was ambivalent at first. From comments and feedback I’ve learnt a certain amount about (online) reader expectations — a ‘grab-me’ style, for example, or lots of action. However, mostly I have no intention of fulfilling these expectations. I don’t want collaborators. Writing, like reading, is intensely personal. I don’t write to satisfy someone else, only to challenge myself. Readers will have to look after themselves.

我仔细阅读了所有反馈,但同样要小心,不要让它对我产生很大的影响。 我当然会纠正错别字,如果建议特别好,我会注意,但实际上这些评论产生了意想不到的结果:一种独立于大众的感觉,并且对我决定不寻求常规出版物的信心,我对此一视同仁。起初是矛盾的。 从评论和反馈中,我已经了解了一些有关(在线)读者期望的信息,例如“抢我”风格或采取了许多行动。 但是,大多数情况下,我无意实现这些期望。 我不要合作者。 写作和阅读一样,都是高度个人化的。 我不会写信满足别人,只是挑战自己。 读者将不得不照顾自己。

I always write, rewrite and revise, then rewrite and revise many more times, before blogging.


Since you’re planning to serialize your next novel this fall, it sounds like you’ve hit upon a publication format that really works for you. Do you think you’ll ever try the traditional publishing route again?

由于您打算在今年秋天序列化您的下一部小说,因此听起来您已经找到了一种真正适合您的出版格式。 您认为您会再次尝试传统的出版方式吗?

It’s always risky to predict the future, but the way things look now, I doubt it. And anyone who wants to earn money from my work will have to query me, not the other way round.

预测未来总是有风险的,但是现在看来,我对此表示怀疑。 任何想从我的工作中赚钱的人都必须向我询问,而不是反过来。

Do you have any advice for would-be novel authors out there?


Read and read and read — all genres, not just what you’re planning to write. Include poetry (where language is stretched to its limits), nonfiction, drama, graphic novels, cereal boxes — in short, everything.

阅读和阅读以及阅读-所有类型,而不仅仅是您打算编写的类型。 包括诗歌(语言受到其限制),非小说,戏剧,图画小说,杂粮盒-简而言之,应有尽有。

Write and write and write: worry most about learning your craft, not about selling it. And be patient with yourself as well as disciplined: I reckon it takes a five-year apprenticeship, full-time, to begin to approach competence; probably, however, closer to ten years.

编写以及编写和编写:最担心学习技巧,而不是出售技巧。 并且要对自己和纪律处以耐心:我认为需要五年的全职学徒才能开始能力培养; 但是,可能接近十年。

Remember that a writer also needs lived experience, otherwise how can you know if what you write is authentic? And preferably a wide range of interests to feed your imagination.

请记住,作家也需要生活经验,否则您如何知道所写内容是否真实? 最好有各种各样的兴趣来满足您的想象。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/interview-l-lee-lowe-a-blogging-novelist/

david lowe 论文

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