
tech2024-03-24  89

I was going to title this post something like “Welcome to the New SitePoint Blog Section,” but because you’ve all already been here, and I’m the new guy, I felt like I was just welcoming myself. There is, however, some new newness going on here on the SitePoint Blogs. There are three changes in particular that affect the blogs that just went live today.

我本来打算用“欢迎使用新的SitePoint博客部分”这样的标题,但由于您已经来过这里,而且我是新人,所以我觉得我只是在欢迎自己。 但是,SitePoint博客上正在进行一些新的更新。 特别是有三个变化会影响今天刚发布的博客。

1:新版式 (1: New Layout)

Likely by now you’ve noticed that SitePoint’s main page has undergone a little bit of a face lift. The new design is aimed at bringing you timely content and more of it. Blogs posts are now intermingling with articles in a clean, uncluttered space where good content enjoys the spotlight regardless of where it originated. For more information about the new design and reasons why we think you’ll love it, check out Matt Magain’s intro post.

到目前为止,您可能已经注意到SitePoint的主页进行了一些整形。 新设计旨在为您带来及时的内容以及更多内容。 博客文章现在与文章混合在一起,在一个干净整洁的空间中,无论内容来自何处,良好的内容都会受到关注。 有关新设计的更多信息以及我们认为您会喜欢它的原因,请查看Matt Magain的介绍性文章 。

2:新焦点 (2: New Focus)

All the current SitePoint blogs are still here, but we’re putting an added focus on web tech news and trends. That means daily coverage of the big stories in web tech, along with analysis and opinion about the latest news. Current SitePoint blogs will now be grouped under three main categories: Business, Design, and Tech. A News & Trends category will carry posts about the latest web tech industry news, analysis and trends, as well as reviews of new web applications.

当前所有的SitePoint博客仍在此处,但我们将重点放在网络技术新闻和趋势上。 这意味着每天都会报道网络技术中的重大新闻,以及对最新新闻的分析和意见。 现在,当前的SitePoint博客将分为三个主要类别:业务,设计和技术。 新闻和趋势类别将发布有关最新Web技术行业新闻,分析和趋势以及新Web应用程序的评论的帖子。

3:新作家 (3: New Writer)

Just who is this Josh Catone guy, anyway? Some of you may know me from my last gig, as Lead Writer for the excellent web industry news and commentary blog ReadWriteWeb, where I have blogged daily for the past year (if you don’t have RWW in your RSS reader alongside SitePoint’s blogs, you really should). Interested parties can check out my catalog of posts. Others of you may remember me from the SitePoint Forums where I go by the moniker “Bleys” and was a long time Advisor and Team Leader. Many of you may never have heard of me.

无论如何,这个乔什·卡通(Josh Catone)的家伙是谁? 你们中的一些人可能最近一次认识我,担任出色的网络行业新闻和评论博客ReadWriteWeb的首席作者,在过去的一年中,我每天在那里写博客(如果您的RSS阅读器中没有RWW以及SitePoint的博客,您确实应该)。 有意者可以查看我的帖子目录 。 你们中的其他人可能还记得我在SitePoint论坛上记得我的经历 ,我曾被称为“ Bleys”,并且是长期的顾问和团队负责人。 你们中许多人可能从未听说过我。

Whatever the case may be, I am really psyched to be here at SitePoint. My goal is to bring you top quality blog coverage of the most interesting news and trends in the web tech industry.

不管是什么情况,我真的很高兴能在SitePoint待在这里。 我的目标是为您带来高质量的博客报道,内容涵盖Web技术行业中最有趣的新闻和趋势。

If you need to get in touch with me, please email me at or follow me on Twitter. If you have any news tips to submit or would like to submit your web app for possible review, please send a note to, which also goes to Matt Magain, SitePoint’s Managing Editor.

如果您需要与我联系,请给我发送电子邮件至josh.catone@sitepoint.com或在Twitter上关注我 。 如果您有任何要提交的新闻提示,或者想提交您的Web应用程序以进行审核,请发送电子邮件至 ,也可以发送给SitePoint的执行编辑Matt Magain。

(Yes, that is a picture of me in all of my bearded glory.)

( 是的,这是我所有胡子的荣耀中我的照片。 )

