
tech2024-03-24  87

At a time when most companies are slimming down operations in order to lower their burn rate and stretch the cash they currently have on hand as far as possible, New Jersey-based AdaptiveBlue is in the lucky position to be announcing a large Series B round today. Led by RRE Ventures and with first round lead Union Square Ventures participating, AdaptiveBlue is announcing today that they’ve raised another $4.5 million in a second round that bring their total raised to just about $6 million.

在大多数公司都在缩减运营以降低燃尽率并尽可能扩大目前手头现金的时候,总部位于新泽西州的AdaptiveBlue幸运地宣布了今天的大型B轮融资。 在RRE Ventures的带领下,并由第一轮牵头的Union Square Ventures参与,AdaptiveBlue今天宣布,他们在第二轮融资中又筹集了450万美元,因此融资总额仅为600万美元。

BlueOrganizer变成胶水 (BlueOrganizer Becomes Glue)

More exciting than a funding announcement, though, the company is also announcing the second generation of their ultra popular BlueOrganizer Firefox extension. The new version of the semantic plugin will be called Glue, and is a complete overhaul of BlueOrganizer. In fact, though Glue includes the same sort of semantic discovery bits that made BlueOrganizer so popular, it is essentially a completely new product that adds a decentralized social networking layer on top of the web based around products and media content.

不过,比拨款公告更令人兴奋的是,该公司还宣布了其超受欢迎的BlueOrganizer Firefox扩展的第二代。 语义插件的新版本将称为Glue ,它是BlueOrganizer的全面改进。 实际上,尽管Glue包含了使BlueOrganizer如此流行的语义发现位,但它本质上是一种全新的产品,它基于产品和媒体内容在Web顶部添加了去中心化社交网络层。

That sounds complicated, but it really couldn’t be more simple. Glue is basically the ultimate vertical social network that connects you with like-minded users based around what you’re interacting with regardless of which networks you use. Glue is about tearing down walled gardens and freeing users from information silos.

这听起来很复杂,但实际上再简单不过了。 Glue基本上是最终的垂直社交网络,可根据您与之交互的内容将您与志趣相投的用户联系起来,无论您使用哪种网络。 胶水是要拆除围墙的花园并使用户摆脱信息孤岛 。

胶水如何工作 (How Glue Works)

Here’s how it works: Users install the free Glue extension and then browse the web as normal. Using the semantic technology developed for BlueOrganizer that recognizes when you’re looking at certain entities, Glue keeps track of the things you interact with on the web, in a wide variety of verticals, such as books, music, movies, TV shows, wines, restaurants, gadgets, stocks, and entertainers for a large number of supported sites. Whenever you visit one of the entities that Glue recognizes, it adds a bar to the top of the page.

它是这样工作的:用户安装免费的Glue扩展,然后照常浏览网络。 使用为BlueOrganizer开发的语义技术,当您查看特定实体时,Glue可以在各种垂直领域(例如书籍,音乐,电影,电视节目,葡萄酒)中跟踪您在网络上与之互动的事物。 ,餐馆,小工具,股票和娱乐场所,供大量受支持的网站使用。 每当您访问Glue识别的实体之一时,它就会在页面顶部添加一个栏。

The bar shows you other people who have interacted with that item — be it a book, movie, or something else — as well as which of your friends have interacted with the item. But here’s the kicker: It doesn’t matter where others interact with something. To Glue, a movie page on Wikipedia is the same as one on Amazon is the same as one on IMDB, and so on. If I check out he movie page for the new Indiana Jones movie on IMDB, for example, Glue will tell me if my friends checked out Indiana Jones on Wikipedia, Barnes and Noble, Fandango, Amazon, etc.

该栏会向您显示与该项目进行交互的其他人(无论是书籍,电影还是其他东西),以及您的哪些朋友已与该项目进行交互。 但是这里有一个关键点: 在其他地方与某事物进行交互并不重要。 对于Glue而言,Wikipedia上的电影页面与Amazon上的电影页面相同,与IMDB上的电影页面相同,依此类推。 例如,如果我查看他的电影页面以获取IMDB上新的印第安纳琼斯电影,那么Glue会告诉我我的朋友们是否在Wikipedia,Barnes and Noble,Fandango,Amazon等上签出了印第安纳琼斯。

As you can see in the screenshot below, Glue is providing information about a user who interacted with a book on Amazon to a user browsing the same book on Barnes and Noble.

正如您在下面的屏幕快照中看到的那样,Glue正在向与在Barnes and Noble上浏览同一本书的用户提供有关在Amazon上与一本书进行交互的用户的信息。

As AdaptiveBlue founder Alex Iskold told me, the ultimate example of how powerful this is, is that it means users of Blockbuster and Netflix can now interact and share their taste in movies when before they were locked in a silo on whichever site they used. Glue completely eliminates the walls around services.

正如AdaptiveBlue创始人Alex Iskold告诉我的那样,这有多么强大的最终例证是,这意味着Blockbuster和Netflix的用户现在可以在被锁定在任何使用过的网站上的筒仓中之前进行互动并分享电影中的品味。 胶水完全消除了服务周围的墙。

Glue also introduces the concept of “Likes” — so you can tag your favorite content — and “2 Cents” — short, 140 character reviews of items that are shared with friends. Users can also delete their interaction with an item, to avoid Facebook Beacon-style privacy faux pas where Christmas gifts are shared with recipients early, or require approval before allowing others to follow their browsing activity.

Glue还引入了“喜欢”的概念,因此您可以标记自己喜欢的内容,并标记“ 2美分”,这是对与朋友共享的项目的简短的140个字符的评论。 用户还可以删除与某项商品的互动,以避免Facebook Beacon式的私隐性假冒,因为圣诞节礼物很早就与收件人共享,或者在允许其他人关注其浏览活动之前需要获得批准。

The video below is a screencast from AdaptiveBlue introducing Glue to users:


