
tech2024-03-24  83


“Tracking consumer trends is one way to gain inspiration, helping you dream up profitable new goods, services and experiences for (and with) your customers,” says TrendWatching.com It can help make your business more profitable to know what sort of things people (your customers) are buzzing about. There are number of online tools available — many free — that will help you track buzz and measure consumer trends. Below is our list of the top 10 ways to track buzz online.

“跟踪消费者趋势是获得灵感的一种方法,它可以帮助您为客户(以及与客户)实现可获利的新商品,服务和体验,” TrendWatching.com说,这可以使您的业务更获利,了解人们会做些什么。 (您的客户)在嗡嗡作响。 有许多可用的在线工具-许多是免费的-可帮助您跟踪嗡嗡声并衡量消费者趋势。 以下是我们在线跟踪嗡嗡声的十大方式的清单。

牵引嗡嗡声图表 (Twing Buzz Charts)

Forum search engine Twing, which launched about about 6 months ago, released a new feature earlier this week called Buzz Charts. The Alexa-style charts graph keyword buzz in forum posts over time ranging from 7 days to 12 months. Buzz Charts can compare up to 5 different keywords, and can be filtered by forum, language, media, company, and other filters.

论坛搜索引擎Twing大约在6个月前推出,本周初​​发布了一项新功能,称为Buzz Charts。 从7天到12个月不等的时间,论坛帖子中的Alexa样式图表就会显示关键字嗡嗡声。 嗡嗡声图表最多可以比较5个不同的关键字,并且可以按论坛,语言,媒体,公司和其他过滤器进行过滤。

As Search Engine Watch noted earlier this week, 28% of US consumers read online forums — that’s more than blogs (25%) — so tracking buzz on forums is extremely important for anyone serious about trend watching. “While blog writing and usage is considered explosive, the facts show that much of the online conversation is happening in forums,” wrote Kevin Heisler at SEW.

正如本周早些时候Search Engine Watch指出的那样,有28%的美国消费者阅读在线论坛-比博客(25%)还要多-因此,对于认真关注趋势的人来说,跟踪论坛上的嗡嗡声极为重要。 SEW的凯文·海斯勒(Kevin Heisler)表示:“尽管博客的撰写和使用具有爆炸性,但事实表明,很多在线对话都在论坛中进行。”

Facebook词汇 (Facebook Lexicon)

In April, Facebook launched a very useful (for marketers and trend watchers) new feature called Lexicon. Lexicon graphs changes over time in the occurrence of keywords on public and semi-public user Walls. Year-over-year growth at Facebook is 77% in the US, and comScore ranks the site as the 6th most-trafficked in the world. With 80 million people talking to each other on the web site, Facebook can be seen as a highly useful resource for mining trend data.

今年4月, Facebook推出了一个非常有用(对营销人员和趋势观察者而言)的新功能,即Lexicon。 词汇图随着公共和半公共用户Wall上关键字的出现而随时间变化。 在美国 ,Facebook的同比增长率为77% ,comScore将该网站排名为全球第六大。 在网站上有8000万人互相交谈时,Facebook被视为挖掘趋势数据的非常有用的资源。

Google趋势 (Google Trends)

Google Trends has long been a favorite among bloggers as a way to compare the popularity of keywords, concepts, people, or brands. The tool measures both search volume for keywords on Google, as well as mainstream news mentions (via Google News) and creates trend charts that date back to 2004. One of the unique and useful features of Google Trends, is that because of the inclusion of news mentions the tool can attempt to explain spikes in popularity surrounding keywords by pairing them to news stories.

长期以来,Google趋势一直是博客作者的最爱,因为它可以比较关键字,概念,人物或品牌的受欢迎程度。 该工具既可以测量Google上关键字的搜索量,也可以测量主流新闻(通过Google新闻)的搜索量,并可以创建可追溯到2004年的趋势图。Google趋势的独特和实用功能之一是因为包含了新闻提到,该工具可以尝试通过将其与新闻故事配对来解释关键字周围的人气激增。

Nielsen BuzzMetrics Blogpulse趋势 (Nielsen BuzzMetrics Blogpulse Trends)

Blogpulse Trends creates “graphs that visually track ‘buzz’ over time for certain key words, phrases or links.” It works by mining data from blog posts over 1, 2, 3, or 6 month time periods. You can compare up to 3 terms at once with Blogpulse, which will then graph your results as a percentage of all blog posts.

Blogpulse趋势创建了“图形,这些图形可以随时间跟踪某些关键词,短语或链接的'嗡嗡声'。” 它通过在1、2、3或6个月的时间段内从博客帖子中挖掘数据来工作。 您最多可以使用Blogpulse一次比较3个字词,然后将其结果显示为所有博客文章的百分比。

Technorati (Technorati)

Another good tool for tracking buzz in the blogosphere is blog search engine Technorati. In January of 2006, Technorati introduced the charts feature, which allows any search on the site to be turned into a frequency chart showing the number of keyword occurrences in blog posts over the past 30 days. The charts are found on search results pages on the right hand side below the Google AdSense and Chitika ad blocks.

在Blogosphere中跟踪嗡嗡声的另一个很好的工具是Blog搜索引擎Technorati。 2006年1月,Technorati 推出了图表功能 ,该功能使网站上的任何搜索都可以变成频率图表,以显示过去30天内博客文章中关键字出现的次数。 这些图表位于Google AdSense和Chitika广告块下方右侧的搜索结果页上。

Unfortunately, charts are only good for one term at a time, so any comparisons have to be done manually.


美味的 (del.icio.us)

Searching del.icio.us tags is another great way to keep on top of buzz. Unlike other services in this round up, del.icio.us doesn’t offer buzz charts, so it takes some manual labor to track changes in tag occurrence over time. But for one to one comparisons of specific keywords, a del.icio.us tag search is a useful method of tracking consumer buzz and getting an inside view into the words people use to describe certain topics.

搜索del.icio.us标签是保持嗡嗡声的另一种好方法。 与本综述中的其他服务不同,del.icio.us不提供嗡嗡声图,因此需要花费一些人工才能跟踪标签随时间的变化。 但是,对于特定关键字的一对一比较,del.icio.us标签搜索是一种跟踪消费者嗡嗡声并深入了解人们用来描述特定主题的单词的有用方法。


Twist is a mashup that scans the public time line at microblogging/status service Twitter and graphs trends in the mentions of keywords. Because Twitter is now a place where breaking news breaks first, a tool like Twist can help you uncover new trends almost as they are happening. If people are buzzing about something on Twitter, chances are that they’ll be buzzing about it on blogs and in the mainstream press very soon.

Twist是一个混搭,可扫描微博客/状态服务Twitter的公共时间线,并绘制关键词提及趋势图。 因为Twitter现在是突发新闻最重要的地方,所以Twist之类的工具可以帮助您几乎在新趋势发生时就发掘它们。 如果人们在Twitter上嗡嗡作响,那么他们很快就会在博客和主流媒体上嗡嗡作响。

Twist was launched in April, about a month after a similar tool called Twittermeter stopped updating.


确实是工作趋势 (Indeed Job Trends)

Indeed’s Job Trends application won’t be right for all trend tracking projects — for example, it doesn’t tell us much for the “Coke vs. Pepsi” trend search we’ve been using to test services for this round up — but it can offer unique insight into trends in the job market. Such as, that despite all the hype, PHP jobs still vastly outnumber Ruby jobs, and are growing at a faster rate as well. Or, that there are apparently more companies searching for CEOs than for CTOs.

确实,“工作趋势”应用程序并非适用于所有趋势跟踪项目,例如,它并没有为我们用来测试本次综合服务的“可口可乐与百事可乐”趋势搜索告诉我们太多信息,但是它可以提供有关就业市场趋势的独特见解。 例如,尽管有很多炒作,PHP作业仍然远远超过Ruby作业,并且还在以更快的速度增长。 或者,显然有更多公司在寻找首席执行官而不是首席技术官。

Trackur (Trackur)

Trackur is the only commercial service in our roundup. It keeps tabs on blogs, video sites, image sites, news sources, and more to track buzz about any keyword you input. Think of it as Google Alerts on steroids. The reason we’re including Trackur in this round up is because for $18 per month (for one keyword), Trackur can track any keyword. With Trackur you can keep an eye on any keyword or phrase no matter how obscure. Most of the free services in this round up will balk at giving you data on terms that aren’t mentioned often enough to keep regular records about, which is why Trackur will be worth the cost for anyone tracking trends in less popular niches.

Trackur是我们综述中唯一的商业服务。 它在博客,视频站点,图像站点,新闻源等上保留选项卡,以跟踪有关您输入的任何关键字的嗡嗡声。 可以将其视为类固醇的Google快讯。 之所以在这次综述中加入Trackur,是因为Trackur每月只需支付18美元(针对一个关键字),就可以跟踪任何关键字。 使用Trackur,无论多么晦涩,您都可以随时关注任何关键字或短语。 在此综述中,大多数免费服务都会以不经常提及的术语为您提供数据,以至于无法保留常规记录,这就是为什么Trackur对于任何跟踪不太受欢迎的细分市场趋势的人来说都是值得的。

竞争 (Compete)

Compete is really the odd site out in this round up — more so than Trackur — because it doesn’t specifically track trends based around keywords, concepts, or phrases. Rather Compete is useful for comparing the traffic of one site to another so you can watch for spikes in traffic that may indicate a trend or buzzworthy event. Though Compete’s raw numbers are often rather off the mark, generally, when comparing sites the data is still useful.

实际上,竞争实际上是一个奇怪的网站-比Trackur更是如此-因为它没有专门根据关键字,概念或短语跟踪趋势。 “比较竞争”对于将一个站点的流量与另一个站点的流量进行比较很有用,因此您可以观察可能表明趋势或嗡嗡声事件的流量峰值。 尽管Compete的原始数据通常不太合理,但是通常来说,在比较站点时,数据仍然有用。

Interestingly, almost every site in this round up found that Coke was more popular than Pepsi, but Compete reports that Pepsi has the more trafficked web site, despite being talked about a lot less.


翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/top-10-ways-to-track-buzz/

