
tech2024-03-24  95


From the Adobe camp


This week saw the beginning of the Adobe Community Summit, a briefing event for Adobe Community Experts and user group managers. According to Aaron West’s Day 1 summary post, there are over 150 attendees this year, catching up on the latest in Adobe tech and giving feedback on the various community programs they are involved in. Aaron also revealed that Rachel Luxemburg was introduced as the new user group manager, replacing Ed Sullivan who many people involved in their local user groups would have had contact with over the past few years.

本周是Adobe社区峰会的开始,这是Adobe社区专家和用户组经理的简介会。 根据亚伦·韦斯特(Aaron West)第1天的摘要帖子 ,今年有150多位与会者,赶上了Adobe技术的最新发展,并就他们所参与的各种社区计划提供了反馈。 亚伦还透露,雷切尔·卢森堡(Rachel Luxemburg)被介绍为新用户组经理 ,代替Ed Sullivan,过去几年来,许多本地用户组中的人都会与Ed Sullivan联系。

Adam Lehman, Platform Evangelist at Adobe, released his set of demo ColdFusion applications, covering the Ajax, Flex, PDF and presentation features of ColdFusion 8 (amongst others). The quick and dirty demos are designed to work with the standard cfartgallery sample database, an Apache Derby embedded database that gets installed with CF if you choose to include the samples, so if you’ve got a development server handy and you haven’t had a chance to try all the new features, check Adam’s demos out.

Adobe的平台传播者Adam Lehman发布了他的演示ColdFusion应用程序集 ,其中涵盖了ColdFusion 8的Ajax,Flex,PDF和演示功能(以及其他功能)。 快速,肮脏的演示旨在与标准cfartgallery示例数据库配合使用,如果选择包含示例,则该示例数据库将随CF一起安装的Apache Derby嵌入式数据库,因此,如果您方便使用了开发服务器,并且没有有机会尝试所有新功能,请查看Adam的演示。

Also from the Adobe camp, briefly:


Russell Brown has a controversial request for ColdFusion 9: drop the built-in Ajax and JavaScript libraries. Although it’s unlikely that Adobe would take action, his comments are an interesting read.

Russell Brown 对ColdFusion 9提出了有争议的要求:删除内置的Ajax和JavaScript库。 尽管Adobe不太可能采取行动,但他的评论很有趣。

Jim Priest is curious as to whether there are developers who are waiting for Adobe to release a ColdFusion IDE. Is that you? Leave a comment for Jim.

Jim Priest对是否有开发人员正在等待Adobe发布ColdFusion IDE感到好奇。 那是你吗? 对吉姆发表评论。

Adobe have released a hotfix for the image tags and functions in ColdFusion 8.0.1, so if you were affected by any bugs in image manipulation, you’ll want to download this (hat tip to cfsearching).

Adobe已在ColdFusion 8.0.1中发布了图像标签和功能的修补程序 ,因此,如果您受到图像处理中的任何错误的影响,则需要下载此文件( cfsearch的技巧提示)。

Stephen Moretti has posted his review of ColdFusion 8, nine months on… with a little help from some friends.

斯蒂芬·莫雷蒂(Stephen Moretti)在 9个月的时间里发布了他对ColdFusion 8的评论,在一些朋友的帮助下。

Open Source


OpenBlueDraon is still a hot topic. Neil Middleton thinks that Open BlueDragon makes CFML development easy again. Do you agree? While we’re talking about it, the official blog has been launched, and a VMWare “appliance” – built on CentOS with Tomcat, MySQL and Apache – has been released. Matt Woodward has posted about his new development setup running Open BlueDragon and ColdFusion 8 side-by-side and Per Kleven has written detailed instructions on how to get Open BlueDragon and Tomcat running in a manner which allows easy upgrades (hat tip to Mr Corfield). The MXUnit team has posted on how to setup and deploy OpenBD on JBoss and Tomcat for Windows.

OpenBlueDraon仍然是热门话题。 尼尔·米德尔顿(Neil Middleton)认为Open BlueDragon使CFML的开发再次变得容易 。 你同意吗? 当我们谈论它时, 官方博客已经启动,并且已经发布了在Tomcat,MySQL和Apache的CentOS上构建的VMWare“设备” 。 马特·伍德沃德(Matt Woodward)发布了有关其并行运行Open BlueDragon和ColdFusion 8的新开发设置的信息,Per Kleven撰写了有关如何使Open BlueDragon和Tomcat以易于升级的方式运行的详细说明(向Corfield 先生提示) 。 MXUnit团队发布了有关如何在Windows的JBoss和Tomcat上设置和部署OpenBD的文章 。

SourceForge have opened nominations for their 2008 Community Choice Awards, and for the first time it is not limited to projects hosted on SourceForge. Got a favourite open source project? Go nominate it! I think it would be amazing to see a CFML-based project short-listed for this award.

SourceForge公开了其2008年社区选择奖的提名 ,这不仅是第一次,不仅限于SourceForge上托管的项目。 有一个喜欢的开源项目? 去提名吧! 我认为看到一个基于CFML的项目入围该奖项将是令人惊讶的。

The Daemon team have announced that they are considering changing the licence under which FarCry 5.0 is released. While nothing has been decided yet,  the debate rages on the FarCry Google Group. Jeff Coughlin has written an interesting article about the issue on Fusion Authority: What’s in a License Anyway? : FarCry Considers Moving to a Dual License Model.

守护程序团队宣布,他们正在考虑更改FarCry 5.0的发布许可证 。 尽管尚未做出任何决定,但有关FarCry Google Group的争论仍在进行 。 杰夫·科夫林(Jeff Coughlin)在Fusion Authority上写了一篇有关该问题的有趣文章:许可证中有什么? :FarCry考虑迁移到双重许可模式 。

Oscar Arevalo has announced the release of ColdBricks, a free and open source content management system written in CFML for portals and dashboards (hat tip to a very excited Serge Jaspers).

奥斯卡·阿雷瓦洛(Oscar Arevalo)宣布发布ColdBricks,这是一种以CFML编写的,用于门户网站和仪表板的免费开源内容管理系统 (这对非常激动的Serge Jaspers来说是个技巧)。

“ColdFusion Conference Season” has started

“ ColdFusion会议季”已经开始

cf.Objective() is over – read my summary of what the blogosphere had to say about this event – next week is WebManiacs in Washington DC (May 19-23), Scotch on the Rocks in Edinborough, Scotland is on from June 4-6, then CFUnited is gearing up for their 10th anniversary event, June 18-21 in Washington DC. Sneaking in first however will be WebDU, held in Sydney, Australia on June 12-13, and I’m pleased to say I will be there covering all the happenings. Then, later this year, CFDevCon08 has been announced in Brighton, England in September, and Sean Corfield would like to know what you think he should present on.

cf.Objective()已经结束– 阅读我的博客圈对此事件的看法摘要 –下周是华盛顿特区的WebManiacs (5月19日至23日), 苏格兰爱丁堡岩石上的苏格兰威士忌将于 6月4日开播。 6月6日, CFUnited正为 6月18日至21日在华盛顿举行的10周年纪念活动做准备 。 但是,最先出现的将是6月12日至13 日在澳大利亚悉尼举行的WebDU,我很高兴地说我将在那里报道所有发生的事情。 然后,今年晚些时候,9月在英国布莱顿宣布了CFDevCon08 , 肖恩·科菲尔德 ( Sean Corfield)想知道您的想法 。



The ColdFusion book scene has been rather sparse of late – other than Ben Forta’s staple CFWACK volumes, as far as I can tell no new books have been released for ColdFusion 8. Niche publisher Pakt are looking to change all that, announcing that John Farrar’s ColdFusion 8 Developer Tutorial will be shipping in August this year. Described as an “intense guide”, the book covers the basics as well as some of the juicier CF8 features, so should be a useful addition to the CF developer’s bookshelf. Good on you Pakt and well done John!

最近的ColdFusion图书市场非常稀疏-除了本·福特(Ben Forta)的主要CFWACK卷之外,据我所知,没有针对ColdFusion 8 发行新书 。 利基出版商Pakt希望改变这一切,宣布约翰·法拉(John Farrar)的ColdFusion 8 Developer Tutorial将于今年8月发货 。 这本书被描述为“强力指南”,涵盖了CF8的基础知识和一些有用的功能,因此应成为CF开发人员书架的有用补充。 好的,您帕克(Pakt),约翰(John)做得好!

Ben Forta has a list of international web hosts that support ColdFusion, and he’s put out a call for people to update the list where it’s gotten out of date.

Ben Forta列出了支持ColdFusion的国际虚拟主机列表,他发出了呼吁人们更新列表的列表。

Charlie Arehart has a long way to go to cover all the categories in his Tools and Resources directory, but this week he’s highlighted CFMAIL Repalcements/Enhancements, CFML Documentation and Help Tools and CFML Caching Tools.

Charlie Arehart距离他的“工具和资源”目录中的所有类别还有很长的路要走,但本周他重点介绍了CFMAIL补给/增强功能 , CFML文档和帮助工具以及CFML缓存工具 。

Code cuts


Jedi master Raymond Camden shows how to easily get the current directory from a CF script, and Dan Switzer has followed up with how to get the URL path, without using cgi-scoped variables.

绝地大师Raymond Camden演示了如何轻松地从CF脚本获取当前目录 ,Dan Switzer跟进了如何获取URL路径,而无需使用cgi范围的变量 。

Chris Phillips was impressed at the cf.Objective conference by how Transfer ORM handles caching, using the Java SoftReference class, and has shared some information on how it works.

Chris Phillips在cf.Objective会议上对Transfer ORM使用Java SoftReference类处理缓存的方式印象深刻,并分享了一些有关其工作方式的信息。

Dan Vega runs through an example of how to use multiple filters in CFDIRECTORY as a follow up to Ben Nadel’s two posts on the same issue

Dan Vega 演示了如何在CFDIRECTORY中使用多个过滤器的示例,作为Ben Nadel关于同一问题的两篇文章的后续文章

Doug Hughes explains how search engine friendly URLs work in Model-Glue 3

Doug Hughes解释了Model-Glue 3中搜索引擎友好的URL的工作方式

Barney Boisvert has updated his Amazon S3 CFC

Barney Boisvert更新了他的Amazon S3 CFC

Gary Gilbert talks about speed and multiple CFQUERY inserts with some interesting test results

Gary Gilbert讨论了速度和多个CFQUERY插入以及一些有趣的测试结果

So that’s all, folks. Got a tip for me? Email kay at smoljak dot com, tag a link for:kay.smoljak in, or leave a comment.

就是这样,伙计们。 有给我小费吗? 通过smoljak dot com向kay发送电子邮件,在del.icio.us中标记以下链接:kay.smoljak,或发表评论。


