
tech2024-03-24  93

With web music fan favorite Muxtape currently out of commission due to “a problem with the RIAA,” an open source — if no more legal — alternative has appeared: Opentape. Opentape describes itself as “a free, open-source package that lets you make and host your own mixtapes on the web.” Or, in other words, a Muxtape clone that’s free and open source.

由于“ RIAA的问题”,网络音乐爱好者最喜欢的Muxtape当前已退出使用,因此出现了一种开源(如果没有更多法律依据),那就是Opentape 。 Opentape将自己描述为“一个免费的开源软件包,可让您在网络上制作和托管自己的混合磁带。” 或者,换句话说,Muxtape克隆是免费的和开源的。

The demo mixtape is basically a straight up clone of the Muxtape site. The software uses PHP 5, Apache, and requires curl. The version 0.1 release hit the web a couple of days ago.

演示混合带基本上是Muxtape站点的直接克隆。 该软件使用PHP 5,Apache,并且需要curl。 几天前,该版本的0.1版本发布了。

Why would anyone want to create an open source version of an application that was shuttered due to legal trouble with the highly litigous American recording industry? Over at Hacker News, where I first heard about Opentape, the concensus seems to be that the idea is to become another thorn in the RIAA’s side. The more people running their own version of what is essentially Muxtape, the harder it will theoretically be for the RIAA to shut them down.

为什么有人要创建一个开源版本的应用程序,该应用程序由于诉讼激烈的美国唱片业的法律麻烦而被关闭? 在我第一次听说Opentape的Hacker News上 ,人们的共识似乎是,这个想法将成为RIAA方面的又一根荆棘。 从本质上讲,人们运行自己版本的Muxtape的人越多,RIAA从理论上将其关闭的难度就越大。

Opentape doesn’t solve any copyright issues, it just makes it harder for the RIAA to litigate. However, as others on Hacker News have pointed out, the RIAA has not been shy about going after individuals when it comes to P2P traffic.

Opentape不能解决任何版权问题,它只会使RIAA很难提起诉讼。 但是,正如Hacker News上的其他人所指出的那样,RIAA在处理P2P流量方面并不害羞。

A few weeks ago we posted about a new service called 8tracks that operates similarly to Muxtape — allowing users to create 8 song mixtapes and share them with friends — but is planning to do so legally by paying royalties to SoundExchange, ASCAP, BMI and SESAC.


Will Opentape succeed? That’s hard to say, but there are two potential issues holding it back. The obvious one is legal: how many people will be willing to risk the RIAA’s wrath to publish a mixtape on their server? The second is content. What made Muxtape great was the ability to browse other mixtapes and find great new music. Without a way to aggregate and discover the mixtapes people are making and publishing with Opentape, it will be less attractive as a distributed service.

Opentape会成功吗? 很难说,但是有两个潜在的问题阻碍了它的发展。 显而易见的是合法的:有多少人愿意冒险冒着RIAA的愤怒在他们的服务器上发布混音带? 第二是内容。 使Muxtape出色的原因是能够浏览其他混音带并找到出色的新音乐。 如果无法汇总和发现人们使用Opentape制作和发布的混音带,则作为分布式服务的吸引力将降低。

