
tech2024-03-25  85


Without doubt the biggest news this week has been the announcement by New Atlanta that they are open-sourcing the J2EE edition of BlueDragon, one of their CFML server products. Other editions will remain as commercial products. The reactions from around the blogosphere have ranged from the enthusiastic gushing of SitePoint blogger Eric Jones in New Atlanta Does The Unthinkable!! to mild indifference in Terrence Ryan’s Yawn, Blue Dragon Goes Open Source; some see it as a great thing for ColdFusion the language, while others such as Adobe Engineer Damon Cooper, think it’s an admission of defeat by New Atlanta. For some good insight into the potential success and failure points of this move, check out Sean Corfield’s Open Source BlueDragon, Geoff Bowers’ BlueDragon is dead! Long live BlueDragon! and Charlie Griefer’s Here There Be Dragons! And if you’re wondering how this announcement might affect you personally as a CFML developer, Alan Williamson from New Atlanta has attempted to answer that question with Open Source BlueDragon, what does it mean for you?

毫无疑问,本周最大的新闻是新亚特兰大宣布将开放其CFML服务器产品之一的J2EE版BlueDragon。 其他版本将保留为商业产品。 来自Blog圈的React包括SitePoint博客Eric Jones在新亚特兰大的热情奔放! 对特伦斯·瑞安(Terrence Ryan)的《 打哈欠》(Harry)漠不关心 有些人认为这对ColdFusion语言来说是一件好事,而其他人,例如Adobe工程师Damon Cooper,则认为这是对新亚特兰大失败的承认 。 要了解此举的潜在成败点,请查看Sean Corfield的开源BlueDragon ,Geoff Bowers的BlueDragon已死! BlueDragon万岁! 和查理·格里弗(Charlie Griefer)的《 这里有龙》! 而且,如果您想知道此公告会对CFML开发人员的个人产生怎样的影响,来自新亚特兰大的Alan Williamson试图通过开源BlueDragon回答这个问题, 这对您意味着什么?

The announcement has overshadowed what would otherwise have been pretty big news this time around: Adobe ColdFusion 8 has won a Jolt Award in the Web Development category. This is the 18th Jolt Product Excellence Awards and the competition, judged by a panel of software industry experts, recognize those products, books, and web sites that have "jolted" the industry in the past year. This is a pretty nice achievement for Adobe, following up their shortlisting in the Codie Awards (winners to be announced in May).

这项声明使这次本来不算什么重大新闻的事实蒙上了阴影: Adobe ColdFusion 8赢得了 Web开发类的Jolt奖 。 这是第18届Jolt产品卓越奖和由软件行业专家小组评判的竞赛,旨在表彰在过去一年中“震撼”该行业的那些产品,书籍和网站。 对于Adobe来说,这是一个相当不错的成就,紧随其入围Codie奖 (将于5月宣布的获奖者)之后。

Snippets for this week:


The ColdFusion Weekly Podcast is still going strong – this time around it’s version 3.03, the Premiere CF_Roundtable Edition, where the CF panel discusses the Flex 3 and Adobe AIR launch.

ColdFusion每周播客仍然很强大–这次是围绕3.03版本的Premiere CF_Roundtable Edition进行的 ,CF面板讨论了Flex 3和Adobe AIR的发布。

Users of LinkedIn, the social networking application for business and professional users, can now join the ColdFusion Developers group, the Flex Developers group, and an AIR Developers group. Check out Ben Forta’s post for details.

LinkedIn的用户(企业和专业用户的社交网络应用程序)现在可以加入ColdFusion开发人员组,Flex开发人员组和AIR开发人员组。 有关详细信息,请查看Ben Forta的帖子 。

Andy Powell wants to know which new feature in CF8 did you think you would really use, but have lost interest in?

安迪·鲍威尔(Andy Powell)想知道您真正使用过CF8中的哪个新功能,但对它失去了兴趣?

Enough business talk, let’s cut some code! First, the ever-popular CF8/ExtJS combination: Scott Bennett shows us first how to add a minimize/maximize button to a CFWindow using a JavaScript function, and then how to disable selected row highlighting in CFGrid. Dan Vega adds two more sexy grid tutorials to his ever-expanding collection, outlining how to filter CFGRID results and how to add a custom toolbar. Andy Jarrett then shows us how to dynamically hide a CFGrid column. With all these fantastic grid tutorials showing how easy it is to extend the built in functionality, the ExtJS CFGrid fast becoming one of my favourite ColdFusion 8 features. If you’re not using CF8 yet, don’t despair: Justin Carter has released Alpha 3 of ColdExt, the ExtJS forms library that also works with ColdFusion MX7. As of this newest release, support for GridPanels has been added!

足够多的业务讨论,让我们削减一些代码! 首先,广受欢迎的CF8 / ExtJS组合:Scott Bennett首先向我们展示了如何使用JavaScript函数向CFWindow添加最小/最大化按钮 ,然后如何在CFGrid中禁用选定的行突出显示 。 丹·维加(Dan Vega)向他不断扩大的收藏中添加了另外两个性感的网格教程,概述了如何过滤CFGRID结果以及如何添加自定义工具栏 。 然后,Andy Jarrett向我们展示了如何动态隐藏CFGrid列 。 所有这些出色的网格教程都展示了扩展内置功能有多么容易,ExtJS CFGridSwift成为我最喜欢的ColdFusion 8功能之一。 如果您还没有使用CF8,请不要失望:贾斯汀·卡特(Justin Carter)发布了ColdExt的Alpha 3,该ExtJS表单库也可与ColdFusion MX7一起使用。 从此最新版本开始,已添加了对GridPanels的支持!

Ben Nadel shares a handy technique for extending Application.cfc and OnRequestStart() with the SUPER scope. He also shares the source code for a simple ColdFusion 8 image manipulation web service. As always, Ben explains concepts very clearly and includes lots of example code, so these two are well worth checking out.

Ben Nadel分享了一种方便的技术,用于使用SUPER范围扩展Application.cfc和OnRequestStart() 。 他还共享了一个简单的ColdFusion 8图像处理Web服务的源代码。 与往常一样,Ben非常清楚地解释了概念,并包含许多示例代码,因此这两个都值得一试。

Hat tip to Brian Rinaldi’s weekly open source update: Fusebox 5.5.1 is now available for download from the Fusebox site. This is a minor bug fix release, but is especially important for those developers using the no-XML style introduced in 5.5.

有关Brian Rinaldi每周一次的开源更新的提示 : Fusebox 5.5.1现在可以 从Fusebox网站下载。 这是一个较小的错误修复版本,但对于使用5.5中引入的no-XML样式的开发人员而言,这一点尤其重要。

Finally, if you’re not using the Firebug extension for Firefox to help with debugging HTML, CSS and JavaScript, you really need to check it out – it’s really a must-have tool for anyone working with web pages. ColdFire, the CFML debugging extension that makes Firebug even better, has been updated to version 1.004. According to Nathan Mische, this new release doesn’t add much in the way of features, but lays the groundwork for the next major version which will support Firefox 3.

最后,如果您没有使用Firefox的Firebug扩展来帮助调试HTML,CSS和JavaScript ,那么您确实需要将其检出-对于任何处理网页的人来说,它确实是必备工具。 ColdFire是使Firebug 更好的CFML调试扩展,现已更新至1.004版。 根据Nathan Mische的说法,此新版本并未在功能方面增加太多,但为支持Firefox 3的下一个主要版本奠定了基础。

So that’s it for this week. As always, if you have a link for me, email me, leave a comment here or tag it for:kay.smoljak on

这就是本周了。 与往常一样,如果您有我的链接,请给我发送电子邮件,在此处发表评论,或在del.icio.us上将其标记为:kay.smoljak。


