
tech2024-03-25  92


Microsoft Chief Research and Strategy Officer Craig Mundie talked about the company’s vision for the future of computing and the web this morning at the Emerging Technology Conference at MIT. Mundie outlined Microsoft’s plan for a computing future he called the “client + cloud,” which marries computing devices with web-based services.

微软首席研究与战略官Craig Mundie今天上午在麻省理工学院的新兴技术大会上谈到了公司对计算机和网络未来的愿景。 Mundie概述了Microsoft的计算未来计划,他将其称为“客户端+云”,它将计算设备与基于Web的服务结合在一起。

Said Mundie, the platform of the future will combine the Internet (the cloud) with devices (the client) including desktop computers, laptops, mobile phones, video game players, appliances, and other web-connected devices. The client + cloud computing platform will be characterized, according to Mundie, by a more humanistic, adaptive, and immersive user experience.

Mundie说,未来的平台将把Internet(云)和设备(客户端)结合在一起,包括台式计算机,笔记本电脑,移动电话,视频游戏机,设备以及其他与Web相连的设备。 Mundie认为,客户端+云计算平台的特点是具有更人性化,自适应和身临其境的用户体验。

The new computing paradigm that Microsoft envisions will seamlessly connect computing devices to cloud services, such as Microsoft’s Photosynth (our coverage), and will use cheap sensors to make applications that are more context aware, personalized, and that recognize speech, vision, and gestures as common input methods.

Microsoft设想的新计算范例将把计算设备无缝连接到云服务,例如Microsoft的Photosynth( 我们的覆盖范围 ),并将使用廉价的传感器来制作具有上下文感知,个性化以及识别语音,视觉和手势的应用程序作为常见的输入法。

Mundie used a Microsoft Surface computer to demo his ideas, showing how in the company’s planned vision one could move from a photo of a magazine snapped on a mobile phone, to an online version of that magazine, to a 3D virtual representation of a real-world scene launched from a photo in the magazine. Mundie showed off a very Second Life-esque future web in which real-world locations were rendered in 3D online (via Photosynth data) and could be interacted with for informational or commercial purposes.

Mundie使用一台Microsoft Surface计算机演示了他的想法,展示了在公司的计划愿景中,人们可以如何从移动电话上拍摄的杂志的照片转换为该杂志的在线版本,再到真实的3D虚拟表示形式。世界风光从杂志上的一张照片开始。 Mundie展示了一个非常类似于Second Life的未来网络,其中现实世界的位置以在线3D形式呈现(通过Photosynth数据),并且可以与之交互以用于信息或商业目的。

The whole thing kind of reminded me of the future of the Internet comically depicted in a 2000 episode of the cartoon Futurama, in which everything was a virtual, 3D representation of the real world. Microsoft sees a future where the computing power of local clients draws on information and services in the cloud to create powerful, personalized mashups; what Microsoft calls the “spatial web.”

整件事让我想起了2000年卡通电影Futurama中漫画描绘的互联网的未来 ,其中所有内容都是真实世界的虚拟3D表示。 微软认为,本地客户的计算能力将利用云中的信息和服务来创建强大的个性化混搭,这是一个未来。 微软所谓的“空间网”。

In what was perhaps a more compelling demo, Mundie showed a video of a woman in Seattle looking at a live scene through the camera on an ultra mobile pc device. On screen, the client was pulling data from a web based service to tag items in the scene — the names of buildings, the number of public transportation buses, information about how far away taxis were via GPS, etc. That’s the sort of useful, real world application that makes Microsoft’s vision of the future exciting.

在一个可能更引人注目的演示中,蒙迪展示了一个视频,其中有一个西雅图的女人通过超便携式PC设备上的摄像头看着现场场景。 在屏幕上,客户正在从基于Web的服务中提取数据以标记场景中的项目-建筑物的名称,公交车的数量,有关通过GPS出租车到达多远的信息等。这很有用,现实世界的应用程序,使Microsoft的未来愿景令人兴奋。

Microsoft’s vision differs from that of rivals such as Google, in that rather than putting all software and services into the cloud and delivering them over the web to dumb clients, Microsoft feels that the client device still needs to do some processing. “I contend it makes no sense to try to push [lots of data and processing] up the wire [to the cloud, just] so that it can come back and talk to you,” Mundie told Technology Review this morning. “And so, ultimately, that leads us back to what I call this composite platform, where you’ve got a balanced set of roles between what you expect the cloud to provide and what you expect the clients to provide themselves.”

微软的愿景与谷歌等竞争对手的愿景不同,微软认为客户端设备仍需要进行一些处理,而不是将所有软件和服务都放入云中并通过网络将其交付给笨拙的客户端。 “我认为试图将[大量数据和处理]推送到[仅]云上是没有意义的,以便它可以返回并与您交谈,” Mundie今天早上告诉《技术评论 》。 “因此,最终,这使我们回到了我所说的复合平台,在这个平台上,您在期望云提供的功能和期望客户提供的功能之间拥有了平衡的角色。”

However, Mundie conceded, the killer app for the next generation of computing platform has yet to be created. And, he said, it is the applications that make people choose a platform, not any of the underlying infrastructure. That’s especially true in the early days of a new computing paradigm, and so whoever creates the dominant platform that delivers the client + cloud computing era will depend on who creates the killer app for it.

但是,芒迪承认,下一代计算平台的杀手级应用尚未创建。 他说,是使人们选择平台的应用程序 ,而不是任何基础架构。 在新的计算范例的早期尤其如此,因此,谁创造了交付客户端+云计算时代的主导平台的人,将取决于谁为此创造了杀手级应用。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/microsoft-talks-up-client-cloud-future/

