
tech2024-03-25  86


Pretty much every web developer I know uses Firefox as their browser of choice (apart from a handful of vocal Opera fanboys — you know who you are). Plugins like Firebug, Greasemonkey and the Web Developer Toolbar take a good browser and turn it into an indispensable development tool.

我认识的几乎每个Web开发人员都将Firefox用作他们的首选浏览器(除了少数人心的Opera歌迷-您知道自己是谁)。 诸如Firebug , Greasemonkey和Web Developer Toolbar之类的插件可以使用一个不错的浏览器,并将其变成必不可少的开发工具。

But what about for just browsing? Given the recent inroads Microsoft have made in terms of CSS support, development tools, security and privacy, would you ever consider switching (back) to IE?

但是仅仅浏览呢? 考虑到Microsoft最近在CSS支持,开发工具,安全性和隐私方面取得的进展,您是否考虑过将其切换回IE?

Today Microsoft released Internet Explorer 8 Beta 2 (download from While I haven’t had long to play with it, early indications are that Microsoft are making good on their promise to fully support CSS2.1 and pass the Acid2 test (without including non-standard markup) by the time it is out of beta.

今天,Microsoft发布了Internet Explorer 8 Beta 2( 可从microsoft.com下载 )。 虽然我玩了很长时间,但早期迹象表明,微软正在兑现其完全支持CSS2.1的承诺,并承诺在其超出beta版本时通过Acid2测试 (不包括非标准标记)。 。

The one new feature that seems to be most talked about, however, is the InPrivate browsing mode, which allows users to browse web sites undetected. When InPrivate browsing mode is enabled, the user’s browsing history, temporary Internet files, form data, cookies, usernames and passwords are not recorded.

但是,似乎最受关注的一项新功能是InPrivate浏览模式 ,该模式允许用户浏览未被发现的网站。 启用InPrivate浏览模式时,不会记录用户的浏览历史记录,Internet临时文件,表单数据,cookie,用户名和密码。

Of course, this is functionality that has been available via one of a number of Firefox plugins for some time. However it’s interesting that Microsoft have chosen to incorporate it as core functionality (perhaps an attempt to tap into new markets?).

当然,此功能已经可以通过许多Firefox插件之一使用了一段时间。 但是,有趣的是,Microsoft选择将其合并为核心功能(也许是试图打入新市场? )。

Also interesting is IE8’s InPrivateBlocking mode, which blocks the display of content that a web site pulls in from a third party, thus preventing those third party sites from tracking user browsing behaviour. Given that some of the ads blocked by this feature could theoretically include those served up by their own advertising platform, IE8 could impact negatively on Microsoft’s slice of the lucrative online advertising pie.

IE8的InPrivateBlocking模式也很有趣,它阻止了网站从第三方提取的内容的显示,从而阻止了这些第三方站点跟踪用户的浏览行为。 鉴于从理论上讲,此功能阻止的某些广告可能包括其自己的广告平台投放的广告,因此IE8可能会对微软在利润丰厚的在线广告市场中所占份额产生负面影响。

How do you think IE8 is shaping up? Based on the beta release, would you consider switching from your current browser to IE8? Let us know in the comments.

您如何看待IE8的发展? 根据测试版,您是否考虑从当前浏览器切换到IE8? 让我们在评论中知道。

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