谷歌docs 没有宋体

tech2024-03-25  72

谷歌docs 没有宋体

A few weeks ago on this blog we talked about why Microsoft might not need to fear Google Docs quite yet. Despite a lot of attention paid among the early adopter press (read: web 2.0 tracking blogs like this one), not many people actually use Google Docs. The free, desktop Microsoft Office competitor may have almost 4 times as many users as Google’s suite of web-based tools.

几周前,在这个博客上,我们讨论了为什么微软可能还不需要担心Google Docs 。 尽管在早期采用者媒体中引起了很多关注(阅读:像这样的Web 2.0跟踪博客),但实际上使用Google文档的人并不多。 免费的桌面Microsoft Office竞争对手OpenOffice.org的用户数可能是Google的基于Web的工具套件的近4倍。

New numbers from Compete suggest that things are even worse than they appear for Google’s hopes of competing with Microsoft in the office. Though Compete reports that the combined number of users for Google’s Docs and Spreadsheets is 4.4 million — peanuts compared to Microsoft’s Office install base and Google’s total traffic, but still a healthy number — more than half of those visitors don’t get past the landing page. 58% of unique visitors to Google Docs and Spreadsheets in September 2008 never actually touched the applications themselves.

来自Compete的新数据表明,事情变得比谷歌希望与微软在办公室竞争的情况还要糟糕。 尽管Compete报告称Google文档和电子表格的用户总数为440万,与Microsoft Office安装基础和Google的总访问量相比,实在是小菜一碟,但仍然是一个健康的数字-超过一半的访问者没有超过目标网页。 在2008年9月访问Google文档和电子表格的唯一身份访问者中,有58%从未真正接触过这些应用程序。

Even more disappointing for Google, according to Compete the time spent on site is miserable. One would expect that average time per user would be fairly high for a word processing application — after all, college students spend hours in front of Microsoft Word typing up papers each week. Compete found that visitors to Google Docs and Spreadsheets apps are only spending about 5 minutes per month on the site, and only visiting about 3 days out of each month.

据Compete称,对于Google而言,更令人失望的是,在网站上花费的时间实在令人痛苦。 人们会期望,对于一个文字处理应用程序,每位用户的平均时间会相当长-毕竟,大学生每周都要花费数小时在Microsoft Word前面打字。 Compete发现,访问Google Docs和Spreadsheets应用程序的访问者每月仅在该网站上花费大约5分钟,并且每月仅访问3天。

That suggests to us that Google’s tools might be used more for viewing and reading purposes — a way to send documents and be sure they will be readable when they arrive — rather than actual editing and writing. If that’s the case, that’s bad news for Google. Microsoft is preparing to launch their own free web-based Office tools to complement their desktop software. If people are really only using Google Docs as a document viewer and still using Microsoft Office for serious word processing, they may just switch to Microsoft’s online tools for convenience purposes to share and do light editing of documents.

这向我们暗示了Google的工具可能更多地用于查看和阅读目的(一种发送文档并确保它们到达时可以被阅读的方式),而不是实际的编辑和编写。 如果是这样,对Google来说是个坏消息。 微软正准备推出自己的基于Web的免费Office工具,以补充其桌面软件。 如果人们真的只是在使用Google Docs作为文档查看器,而仍然在使用Microsoft Office进行认真的文字处理,则他们可能只是出于方便起见而切换到Microsoft的在线工具,以共享和轻松编辑文档。

However, we’ve also noted that Google has been rapidly developing its web office offerings and they’re getting better at a quick pace. As Google’s tools become more feature rich, Microsoft may find itself in competition with Google based more completely on the merits of each company’s web office applications. Further, Google does appear to be making a push to get more mainstream users using Docs and Spreadsheets. They just added a Docs gadget to Gmail Labs, and they also booted StarOffice, a desktop office software suite based on, from their Google Pack software bundle, prompting us to wonder if the company is planning to replace it with desktop wrappers for Google Docs and Spreadsheets, perhaps linked to their Chrome browser.

但是,我们也注意到Google一直在Swift开发其Web办公产品,并且它们正在以更快的速度发展。 随着Google工具的功能变得越来越丰富,Microsoft可能会完全基于每个公司的Web办公应用程序的优点而与Google竞争。 此外,Google似乎确实在推动使用文档和电子表格吸引更多主流用户。 他们只是向Gmail实验室添加了一个Docs小工具 ,还从其Google Pack软件包中启动了基于OpenOffice.org的桌面办公软件套件StarOffice ,这使我们想知道该公司是否计划将其替换为适用于Windows的桌面包装器Google文档和电子表格,可能已链接到其Chrome浏览器。

If and when all that happens, things will definitely get more interesting. For now, though, Google has a huge uphill battle to climb.

如果一切都发生了,事情肯定会变得更加有趣。 不过,就目前而言,谷歌有一个艰巨的挑战要爬。


谷歌docs 没有宋体
