
tech2024-03-25  77


The life cycle of a new hot web application platform looks something like this: 1. the platform launches amid a lot of hype, 2. advertisers and speculators swoop in, 3. the platform is flooded with applications, most of which are silly or useless, 4. as a result the good applications get obscured, and people lose interest because discovery becomes such a big problem.

一个新的热门Web应用程序平台的生命周期如下所示:1.该平台在大量宣传中启动; 2.广告商和投机者蜂拥而入; 3.该平台充斥着许多应用程序,其中大多数是愚蠢的或无用的,4.结果,好的应用程序变得模糊不清,并且人们因为发现变得如此大的问题而失去了兴趣。

The flood of applications that inevitably follows the launch of a hot new web app platform leads to what we’ve termed app fatigue. Once the number of apps hits a saturation point, people start feeling overwhelmed by the sheer number of applications they’re presented with in the given app store or application gallery. That in turn leads to increased selectivity and the potential for people to dismiss the entire platform as just a collection of trivial time wasters.

在推出新的热门Web应用程序平台之后不可避免地出现了大量应用程序,这导致我们称之为应用程序疲劳。 一旦应用程序的数量达到饱和点,人们就会对给定的应用程序商店或应用程序库中展示的大量应用程序感到不知所措。 反过来,这会导致选择性提高,人们有可能将整个平台视为琐碎的时间浪费者而将其丢弃。

This is what happened to Facebook. When the platform launched, there was a huge amount of buzz around the potential for advertisers and app developers. Subsequently, a huge number of applications were created on the platform and users were faced with a rising tide of apps that demanded their attention. End result: app fatigue. We started seeing app fatigue set in less than a year after the platform’s launch when there were just over 15,000 total applications — there are now over 53,000 apps on the Facebook platform, according to Adomonics.

这就是Facebook发生的事情。 平台启动后, 广告商和应用开发者的潜力引起了极大的关注。 随后,在平台上创建了大量的应用程序,并且用户面临着不断增长的需要他们关注的应用程序的潮流。 最终结果:应用程序疲劳。 根据Adomonics的统计 ,在平台启动不到一年之内,应用程序总数就已经超过15,000个,而现在开始出现应用程序疲劳的情况 -Facebook平台上现在有超过53,000个应用程序。

Facebook has done some things to try to address the app fatigue and discovery issues — via design tweaks and rules on how apps can spread, but nothing has so far worked very well. Eventually, people who were once heavily invested in the success of the Facebook platform actually declared it dead.

Facebook已经做了一些尝试来解决应用程序疲劳和发现问题的方法-通过设计调整和有关应用程序如何传播的规则,但到目前为止,没有任何方法运行得很好。 最终,曾经为Facebook平台的成功投入巨资的人们实际上宣布它已死 。

The same thing looks like it might be happening with the much vaunted iPhone platform.


In November we reported that the iPhone platform had crossed the 10,000 app mark, but we wondered how many are really worth your time.

在11月,我们报道了iPhone平台已突破10,000个应用大关 ,但我们想知道有多少真的值得您花时间。

“The comparison with the Facebook platform is unavoidable,” we wrote in November. “Though there are clearly many differences (iPhone developers can charge for apps, for example, and iPhone users, since they paid for the phone and monthly service, are likely more willing on the whole to pay for apps), there are also similarities, so the comparison is warranted. As more and more developers flock to these platforms to try to make a quick buck, the noise level inevitably rises. We’re seeing it on Facebook, where the number of apps continues to grow steadily, but user engagement has leveled off.” (Note: there are about 5,000 new apps on the Facebook platform since November 30 when we ran that post, according to Adomonics numbers.)

我们在11月写道:“与Facebook平台进行比较是不可避免的。” “尽管显然存在很多差异(例如,iPhone开发人员可以为应用程序付费,并且iPhone用户由于他们为电话和月租服务付费,因此总体上他们更愿意为应用程序付费),但也存在相似之处,因此比较是必要的。 随着越来越多的开发人员涌向这些平台以快速赚钱,噪音水平不可避免地上升。 我们在Facebook上看到了它 ,应用程序的数量持续稳定增长,但用户参与度却趋于稳定。” (请注意:根据Adomonics的数据,自11月30日发布该帖子以来,Facebook平台上大约有5,000个新应用。)

The number one paid app right now in the iTunes App Store is iFart Mobile (iTunes), an application that simulates farting noises. Clearly, there must be some market for this $0.99 app, but it is also the type of silly/useless application that pushes down the good stuff while raising the noise level and might ultimately lead the iPhone application platform down the same path that Facebook’s has taken.

iTunes App Store中目前排名第一的付费应用程序是iFart Mobile( iTunes ),它是一种模拟放屁噪音的应用程序。 显然,这款售价0.99美元的应用程序必定会有一些市场,但这也是愚蠢/无用的应用程序类型,它会压低好玩的东西,同时又会提高噪音水平,并最终可能导致iPhone应用程序平台走出Facebook所采取的相同方式。 。

A recent survey from Compete found that 45% of iPhone owners had added 11 or more apps from the App Store. Compete concluded then (November), that “part of the application appeal may be how easy it is to find and add them to the iPhone.” By controlling distribution of applications, Apple has made it simpler for users to find and install apps on their phone platform. It’s a model that others are starting to emulate — there are now app stores available or coming from Microsoft, Blackberry, Google/Android, Nokia, Yahoo!, O2, and Palm.

来自Compete的最新调查发现,有45%的iPhone所有者从App Store添加了11个或更多应用。 然后,竞争者得出结论(11月),“应用程序吸引力的一部分可能是找到并添加到iPhone的容易程度。” 通过控制应用程序的分发,Apple使用户可以更轻松地在手机平台上查找和安装应用程序。 这是其他人开始模仿的模型-现在有可用的应用程序商店,或来自Microsoft,Blackberry,Google / Android,诺基亚,Yahoo!,O2和Palm。

The flood of applications is already becoming a problem, though. “With such a wide variety of platforms, stores, and applications, discovery is actually becoming the big problem these days,” writes Mobile Advertising News.

但是,大量的应用程序已经成为一个问题。 “借助如此众多的平台,商店和应用程序,发现实际上已成为当今的大问题,” 移动广告新闻写道 。

The big issue for these platforms isn’t so much how many apps are worth your time — with tens of thousands of applications there are undoubtedly a large number of good ones — but rather, how to weed out worthwhile apps from the fluff. With such a high level of noise, the signal is being lost and fatigue is setting in, causing users to lose interest.

这些平台的主要问题并不在于您值得花多少时间来使用应用程序-数以万计的应用程序无疑有大量的好应用程序-而是如何从绒毛中淘汰有价值的应用程序。 在如此高的噪声水平下,信号正在丢失,疲劳开始加剧,导致用户失去兴趣。

We’re not sure what the solution is, but clearly app fatigue is already visible on the horizon for iPhone users, and it’s already plaguing Facebook users. We predicted in October that fluff apps would start to fade away on the Facebook platform as developers determined that the opportunity to make a quick buck had passed, and eventually useful applications would rise up in their place to form a smaller, but more valuable application ecosystem. It was a nice theory, but so far nothing has happened to make us think that will actually come to pass.

我们不确定解决方案是什么,但是对于iPhone用户来说,应用疲劳很明显已经浮出水面,并且已经困扰着Facebook用户。 我们在10月份预测,随着开发人员确定快速赚钱的机会已经过去,绒毛应用程序将在Facebook平台上逐渐消失,最终有用的应用程序将取代他们的位置,从而形成一个更小巧但更有价值的应用程序生态系统。 这是一个很好的理论,但到目前为止,没有任何事情使我们认为这将成为现实。

Perhaps, though, that’s just the necessary evolution of any new web app platform — launch, hype, land grab, overload, fatigue, fall off … then, rebirth? We’ll see.

但是,也许这只是任何新的Web应用程序平台的必要演变-启动,炒作,抢地,过载,疲劳,脱落……然后,重生? 我们拭目以待。

Let us know your thoughts in the comments. How many apps have you installed on social networks or on your smartphone? With the sheer number of apps available are your starting to feel overloaded? Are you starting to notice discovery becoming a problem as noise levels rise?

在评论中让我们知道您的想法。 您在社交网络或智能手机上安装了多少个应用程序? 可用的应用数量之多,您开始感到超负荷吗? 您是否开始注意到发现随着噪声水平的升高而成为一个问题?

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/are-all-web-app-platforms-doomed-by-fatigue/

