
tech2024-03-26  93

When I first heard about Zembly I got the wrong impression. I thought of Zembly as Yahoo! Pipes or Dapper for social applications. My expectation was that Zembly, which is still in beta and bills itself as a “place to create social applications, together,” would allow me — a non-coder — to whip out a Facebook or OpenSocial application with drag and drop simplicity. When I got a beta invite to the site, however, I found that I was mistaken. Zembly is none of the things I expected, but it is still a very cool service. We have 100 invites available for SitePoint users via the widget at the bottom of this post.

当我第一次听说Zembly时 ,给人留下了错误的印象。 我认为Zembly是Yahoo! 社交应用程序的管道或Dapper。 我的期望是Zembly仍处于测试阶段,并声称自己是“一起创建社交应用程序的地方”,它将允许我(非编码人员)以拖放的方式轻松开发出Facebook或OpenSocial应用程序。 但是,当我收到该网站的Beta版邀请时,我发现自己弄错了。 Zembly并不是我所期望的,但它仍然是一项非常酷的服务。 通过这篇文章底部的小部件,我们有100个邀请可供SitePoint用户使用。

Zembly isn’t about making the process of creating a social web application easier, it is about making the process of collaborating on creating a social web application easier. Zembly is an online environment that allows you to create applications for Facebook, OpenSocial, meebo, the iPhone, iGoogle, and other widgets in a social environment.

Zembly并不是要简化社交网络应用程序的创建过程,而是要简化创建社交网络应用程序的协作过程。 Zembly是一个在线环境,允许您在社交环境中为Facebook,OpenSocial,meebo,iPhone,iGoogle和其他小部件创建应用程序。

Though there is some automation (the service can set up a standard blank application for you on your platform of choice), this isn’t an drag and drop app development platform like Yahoo! Pipes. You’ll need to know some CSS, JavaScript, and XHTML to create an application that does anything useful using Zembly. But that’s their target audience — developers who already know how to develop and are just looking for a way to do it together.

尽管有一些自动化(该服务可以在您选择的平台上为您设置标准的空白应用程序),但这并不是像Yahoo!这样的拖放式应用程序开发平台。 管道。 您需要了解一些CSS,JavaScript和XHTML才能创建使用Zembly进行有用操作的应用程序。 但这就是他们的目标受众-开发人员已经知道如何开发并且正在寻找一种共同实现目标的方法。

Clearly, that means I am not their target audience, so it was a bit hard to test Zembly from a developer’s standpoint. Zembly offers a development environment tuned to creating social applications. Users can invite collaborators on their application, and create services that can be shared, reused, and called from other apps.

显然,这意味着我不是他们的目标受众,因此从开发人员的角度测试Zembly有点困难。 Zembly提供了适合于创建社交应用程序的开发环境。 用户可以在其应用程序上邀请协作者,并创建可以从其他应用程序共享,重用和调用的服务。

Zembly is also aiming to become a repository of reusable social code. Public applications on Zembly can be cloned, allowing developers to piece together social apps from bits that already exist. “The whole point of Zembly is to reuse and combine not just what other people at Zembly create, but to rely on the APIs and data from anywhere on the web,” says the service’s web site, which already integrates with APIs from Amazon, Dapper, del.icio.us, Facebook, Flickr, Google Maps, Meebo, Twitter, Yahoo!, YouTube, Zillow, and Zvents.

Zembly还旨在成为可重用社会代码的存储库。 可以克隆Zembly上的公共应用程序,从而使开发人员可以从已经存在的部分中组合社交应用程序。 “ Zembly的重点不仅是重用和组合Zembly上其他人创建的内容,还依赖于Web上任何地方的API和数据,”该服务的网站已经与Amazon,Dapper的API集成在一起。 ,del.icio.us,Facebook,Flickr,Google Maps,Meebo,Twitter,Yahoo!,YouTube,Zillow和Zvents。

Zembly, which is backed by Sun, claims that apps created and hosted on its back end infrastructure will be able to scale to millions of users. “When you create an application at Zembly, your application will transparently scale across our highly scalable infrastructure stack, without giving you the headache of having to make it all work,” promises the web site. For now, the site is free during the beta period.

由Sun支持的Zembly声称,在其后端基础架构上创建和托管的应用程序将能够扩展到数百万个用户。 该网站承诺:“当您在Zembly创建应用程序时,您的应用程序将在我们高度可扩展的基础架构堆栈中透明地扩展,而不必让您头痛不已,”该网站承诺。 目前,该网站在测试版期间是免费的。

If you can’t see the widget above, click here to sign up using one of SitePoint’s invites.

如果看不到上面的小部件, 请单击此处使用SitePoint的邀请之一进行注册。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/zembly-social-development-for-social-apps-100-invites/
