
tech2024-03-26  95


With the world economy facing a potentially extended downturn, most industries are feeling the pressure. The TechCrunch layoff tracker has identified more than 35,000 layoffs over the last two months in the tech sector alone. But for freelance writers, it doesn’t have to be that way.

随着世界经济面临潜在的持续低迷,大多数行业正在承受压力。 TechCrunch裁员追踪器已经确定在过去两个月中,仅技术部门就裁员了35,000多个。 但是对于自由撰稿人来说,并不一定要那样。

“Luckily, freelance writing is a career that thrives in good economic times and bad,” says Yuwanda Black, publisher of InkwellEditorial.com. “Why? Simply put, we live in the information age. No matter what’s happening in the world, information needs to be disseminated.”

InkwellEditorial.com的出版商Yuwanda Black说: “幸运的是,自由写作是一个在经济繁荣时期和艰难时期都蓬勃发展的职业。 “为什么? 简而言之,我们生活在信息时代。 无论世界上发生了什么,信息都需要传播。”

If a company lays off their in house copywriting staff, the words still need to go out, says Black. The trick to bringing in freelance writing jobs is to identify the hot trends — hone your knowledge and ability to write about what people are interested in reading. The trick to identifying hot trends is to adjust your thinking and pay more attention to what the world is talking about, according to Black.

布莱克说,如果一家公司解雇了内部文案写作人员,那么这个词仍然需要删除。 聘请自由撰稿人的诀窍是识别热门趋势-磨练您的知识和能力来撰写人们对阅读感兴趣的内容。 布莱克表示,识别热门趋势的诀窍是调整思维方式,并更加关注世界在谈论什么。

“One thing I think helps freelance writers get more writing jobs is to consider themselves as ‘information consultants’ rather than freelance writers,” she says. For example, right now one of the hottest areas for freelance writers is real estate. Even as the real estate and mortgage markets implode in some Western nations, the opportunity to pitch quality content about those topics is on the rise. Whenever you have people interested in a confusing subject where there is a scarcity of quality information, there is an opportunity for freelance writers to capitalize on that niche.

她说:“我认为帮助自由作家获得更多写作工作的一件事是将自己视为'信息顾问',而不是自由作家。” 例如,目前,自由作家最热门的领域之一是房地产。 即使在某些西方国家房地产和抵押贷款市场崩溃的情况下,宣传这些主题的高质量内容的机会也在增加。 每当您对缺乏质量信息的令人困惑的主题感兴趣的人时,自由作家就有机会利用这一利基市场。

Black has put together a 2008/2009 Freelance Writing Jobs Report (PDF) that identifies the hot markets for freelance writing, from finance to technology to health to erotica. It’s a well researched report that may be helpful for freelance writers looking for a new niche to find work in.

布莱克撰写了一份2008/2009年自由职业写作工作报告(PDF) ,该报告确定了自由写作的热门市场,从金融到技术到健康再到色情。 这是一份经过充分研究的报告,可能对寻求新利基的自由职业者有所帮助。

We also can’t help but think that Black’s ideas might be relevant to freelancers in other areas as well. Companies may be cutting in house staff to save money, but they still have to turn somewhere to get the work done. Short term contract workers are the logical people to fill the void left by laid off employees.

我们也忍不住认为布莱克的想法可能与其他领域的自由职业者也有关。 公司可能会裁员以省钱,但是他们仍然必须转向某个地方才能完成工作。 短期合同工是填补下岗员工留下的空白的合乎逻辑的人。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/outlook-good-for-freelance-writers-report/

