
tech2024-03-26  78


ColdFusion 8 is an award-winner once again – this time it’s the SIIA’s Codie Awards (hat tip to  Ben Forta). Ben also points out that UK based Software Editorial magazine has published a detailed review on ColdFusion 8 and they’re encouraging businesses to try ColdFusion out.

ColdFusion 8再次成为获奖者- 这次是SIIA的Codie Awards (向Ben Forta致敬 )。 Ben还指出, 英国的《软件编辑》杂志已对ColdFusion 8发表了详细评论 ,他们鼓励企业尝试ColdFusion。

Open Source


Two posts from Alan Williamson this week about the official Open BlueDragon Plugin API – firstly an overview of the API itself, and secondly a step by step overview of how to develop a tag.

Alan Williamson本周发表了两篇有关官方Open BlueDragon插件API的文章-首先是API本身的概述 ,其次是关于如何开发标签的逐步概述 。

Brian Rinaldi’s open source update highlights five new projects, including AnythingToXML, the Open BlueDragon Web Admin, and an interesting-sounding project called templateListener to help streamline use of the trusted cache. Brian also asks Does ColdFusion’s Cost Inhibit Its Development? – and he’s got a ton of comments expressing a variety of viewpoints, from some very well-respected members of the community. Well worth a read!

Brian Rinaldi的开源更新重点介绍了五个新项目,其中包括AnythingToXML,Open BlueDragon Web Admin和一个名为templateListener的有趣项目,以帮助简化可信缓存的使用。 Brian还问ColdFusion的成本会抑制其发展吗? –他从社区中一些非常受人尊敬的成员那里收到了大量表达各种观点的评论。 非常值得一读!

A new open-source ColdFusion content management system called Sava has been released. Gary Gilbert discusses the plethora of open source content management systems built in ColdFusion, and ponders the lack of widespread support for internationalisation in Not Yet Another CF CMS (citing FarCry as the only open source CMS with build in internationalisation). Ironically, yet another CF CMS is announced in the comments.

一个名为Sava的新开源ColdFusion内容管理系统已经发布。 加里·吉尔伯特(Gary Gilbert)讨论了ColdFusion中内置的大量开源内容管理系统,并思考在Not Not Another CF CMS中缺少对国际化的广泛支持(引用FarCry作为唯一具有国际化内置的开源CMS )。 具有讽刺意味的是,在评论中宣布了另一个CF CMS。

Andy Jarrett hints that the cfCommerce project is picking up again. I’ll be interested to see the outcomes of this one.

安迪·贾瑞特(Andy Jarrett)暗示cfCommerce项目正在重新启动 。 我将很感兴趣地看到这一成果。


Which is faster – array or structure iteration? Ben Nadel thought structures were faster – but Eric Stevens proved it was actually the other way around. Good info to keep in mind! Ben also has some helpful pointers for working with XML documents: Deleting XML Node Arrays From A ColdFusion XML Document.

哪个更快–数组或结构迭代? 本·纳德勒(Ben Nadel)认为构架更快 -但埃里克·史蒂文斯(Eric Stevens)证明,实际上是相反的做法 。 要记住的好信息! Ben还为使用XML文档提供了一些有用的指导: 从ColdFusion XML Document删除XML节点数组 。

Scott Bennett asks Do I Suck Because I Don’t Use Frameworks? Interesting comments on that post… essentially, it sounds to me as though Scott does use a framework – one of his own creation. He states that “anyone who understands MVC concepts would have very little trouble figuring out my code”, which to me, clearly signals that he has a system and one that sounds well-thought out. While there are many benefits to using a wide-spread, popular, public framework, any system that is adopted for organising code will offer benefits to the developer, albeit on a smaller scale.

斯科特·贝内特(Scott Bennett)询问我是否因为不使用框架而感到遗憾? 关于那篇文章的有趣评论……从本质上讲,这听起来像斯科特(Scott)确实使用了框架-这是他自己创造的。 他指出,“任何了解MVC概念的人,只要弄清楚我的代码,都不会遇到什么麻烦”,对我来说,这清楚地表明他拥有一个系统,而且听起来很周密。 尽管使用广泛,流行的公共框架有许多好处,但是采用任何组织代码的系统都可以为开发人员带来好处,尽管规模较小。

Scott Stroz busts a few myths about the open source embedded Derby database engine that is included with ColdFusion 8. I’d like to see some more work being done with Derby – it’s a great alternative to Access in that it’s light-weight in size and being embedded, it’s easily portable – but in no way is it light on features.

Scott Stroz打破了 ColdFusion 8随附的开源嵌入式Derby数据库引擎的一些神话 。我希望看到Derby正在进行更多的工作–它是Access的绝佳替代品,因为它体积轻巧且重量轻。被嵌入后,它很容易携带-但绝不取决于功能。

Also on code:


Mike Schierberl has released a critical update to varScoper, the tool to identify variables inside functions that have not been properly var scoped. If you write CFCs, you should definitely check out varScoper.

Mike Schierberl已经发布了varScoper的重要更新 ,该工具可以识别函数中未正确进行var作用域限定的变量。 如果编写CFC,则一定要签出varScoper。

Ever have a need for Compiling Java Classes On The Fly In ColdFusion? Todd Sharp did, and posts a solution.

是否曾经需要在ColdFusion中即时编译Java类 ? 托德·夏普(Todd Sharp)做到了,并发布了解决方案。

Raymond Camden shares a solution for a complex problem he came across with CFFEED and Date Values.

Raymond Camden与他在CFFEED和Date Values中遇到的一个复杂问题分享了一个解决方案。



Scotch on the Rocks is coming up next week, and Judith Dinowitz talks to organizer Kev McCabe about what’s in store for attendees.

岩石上的苏格兰威士忌(Scotch on the Rocks)将于下周发布, 朱迪思·迪诺维茨 ( Judith Dinowitz)与组织者凯夫·麦凯布(Kev McCabe)讨论了参加者的商店。

WebManiacs was last week. While the official list of downloads is quite large, a whole bunch of posts and presentations on the blogs of presenters and attendees have also now surfaced:

WebManiacs是上周。 尽管官方的下载列表很大,但主持人和与会者的博客上的大量帖子和演示现在也浮出水面:

Aaron West talks about the keynote presentation, by the one and only Ben Forta, as does Mark Kruger

艾伦·韦斯特(Aaron West) 和 马克·克鲁格(Mark Kruger)分别 由本·福塔 ( Ben Forta)谈论主题演讲

Raymond Camden shares his presentation slides on Dynamic Image Processing in CF8

Raymond Camden分享了他在CF8中进行动态图像处理的演示幻灯片

Scott Stroz shares materials from his two presentations, on Derby and CFExchange

斯科特·斯特罗兹(Scott Stroz)分享了他在德比(Derby)和CFExchange上的两个演讲的材料

Doug Hughes posts slides and sample code from his Advanced Model Glue session

道格·休斯(Doug Hughes)在其高级模型胶水会议上发布了幻灯片和示例代码

Peter Bell posts slides from his presentations on Practical Code Generation and RAD OO

彼得·贝尔(Peter Bell)从他的演讲中发表了有关实用代码生成和RAD OO的幻灯片

Terrence Ryan presented on AIR and SQL Lite

Terrence Ryan在AIR和SQL Lite上发表

and on a fun note, check out the flickr feed viewer (hat tip to Andrew Powell)

有趣的是, 请查看flickr feed查看器 ( Andrew Powell的帽子提示 )

That’s the week that was. Apologies for this roundup being a few days later than the usual schedule – sometimes real life gets in the way. This is the 20th weekly roundup I’ve done – I hope it’s useful to someone out there.

那是那个星期。 对于这次综述的歉意比平时晚了几天-有时现实生活会受到影响。 这是我完成的第20周每周综述-我希望它对外面的人有用。

Send tips to kay at smoljak dot com or tag links in with for:kay.smoljak. I’ll have a post about the upcoming WebDU conference in Sydney in the next few days, so watch out for that one.

通过smoljak dot com向kay发送提示,或使用for:kay.smoljak在del.icio.us中标记链接。 在接下来的几天里,我将发布有关即将在悉尼举行的WebDU会议的文章,所以请当心。


