
tech2024-03-26  88


Edit: Via one of our commenters, Valve has said this is purely fiction.

编辑: 通过我们的一位评论者,瓦尔说这纯粹是虚构的 。

According to the Inquirer, Google is closing in on a deal to acquire Valve, a US-based video game development house, and more importantly, creator of the highly popular video game content distribution system called Steam. Even though we’ve recently wondered if Google was losing focus with too many projects that don’t contribute to its core business of search, acquiring Valve and Steam might make some sense.

据《问询者》报道 ,谷歌正在完成一项收购美国电子游戏开发公司Valve的交易,更重要的是,它是广受欢迎的视频游戏内容发行系统Steam的创建者。 即使我们最近想知道Google是否失去了太多对自己的核心搜索业务没有贡献的项目,但收购Valve和Steam还是有一定道理的。

Steam is a beloved digital content distribution engine in the video game industry. There are hundreds of games available on Steam and generally about a million users logged into the system at any one time. When we wrote about why people pirate software in August, independent game developer Cliff Harris wrote that, “Lots of people claimed to pirate because it was easier than going to shops. Many of them said they pirate everything that’s not on [Valve’s] Steam. Steam got a pretty universal thumbs up from everyone.”

Steam是视频游戏行业中最受欢迎的数字内容分发引擎。 Steam上可以使用数百种游戏,通常任何时候大约有100万用户登录到系统中。 当我们在八月份撰写为何人们盗版软件的文章时,独立游戏开发商Cliff Harris写道:“许多人声称自己盗版是因为它比去商店容易。 他们中的许多人说他们盗版了[Valve] Steam上没有的所有东西。 Steam得到了所有人的普遍认可。”

Users love it. Developers love it. It’s an efficient system, provides a ton of valuable user data, and a hook into a $42 billion worldwide business that is expected to grow to $68 billion by 2012. Sure sounds like a fit for Google, and would definitely help them in their mission to control organize the world’s information.

用户喜欢它。 开发人员喜欢它。 它是一个高效的系统,可提供大量有价值的用户数据,并涉足全球420亿美元的业务, 预计到2012年将增长至680亿美元 。 当然,听起来确实适合Google,并且肯定会帮助他们完成控制组织世界信息的任务。

72% of Americans play video games — which is more than use Google — but just 42% play online. That number is growing however, and video games are an industry that Apple is now entering with its refreshed iPhone/iPod Touch line and that Google rival Microsoft has a major foothold in with its Windows monopoly and Xbox 360 console system.

72%的美国人在玩视频游戏 -比使用Google的要多 -但只有42%的人在网上玩。 然而,这个数字正在增长,视频游戏行业是苹果现在正以其更新的iPhone / iPod Touch产品线进入的行业,而谷歌的竞争对手微软凭借其Windows垄断和Xbox 360控制台系统而在其中立足。

Google also quietly announced plans to introduce a developer API to Lively, its recently launched online 3D virtual world, which would allow developers to create mini arcade games playable inside the world. Lively creative director Kevin Hanna told a small crowd at Austin GDC’s WorldInMotion event that the eventual goal was a complete toolkit for creating full 3D games distributable through Lively.

谷歌还悄悄宣布了计划向其最近发布的在线3D虚拟世界Lively引入开发者API的计划,这将使开发人员能够创建可在世界范围内玩的迷你街机游戏。 热闹的创意总监Kevin Hanna在奥斯汀GDC的WorldInMotion活动中对一小群人说,最终目标是一个完整的工具包,用于创建可通过Lively分发的完整3D游戏。

Acquiring Valve’s Steam content distribution engine and Source 3D engine might be helpful in seeing those plans through to fruition.

购置Valve的Steam内容分发引擎和Source 3D引擎可能有助于彻底了解这些计划。


