
tech2024-03-26  89


Get Satisfaction, which we recently said was a great place to monitor your customers’ concerns and speak to them directly, has added Google AdSense ads to their site. But most of the site’s users won’t see them.

Get Satisfaction (我们最近说这是监视客户的问题并直接与他们交谈的好地方),已经在他们的网站上添加了Google AdSense广告。 但是大多数网站用户看不到他们。

“We’re going to aim at keeping [ads] in one place on Get Satisfaction: in the spaces where active customers and companies won’t see them,” says Eric Suesz on the company’s blog.

“我们的目标是将[广告]放在“获得满意”的位置上:在活跃的客户和公司看不到的地方,”公司博客上的Eric Suesz说。

That may be a terrible proposition to advertisers, but it sounds great for users, and it’s actually an extremely smart roll out for the company that should make them more money — but not from ads. Let me explain.

对于广告商来说,这可能是一个可怕的主张,但这对用户来说听起来不错,对于公司来说,这应该是一个非常明智的部署,它应该使他们赚更多的钱,而不是从广告中赚钱。 让我解释。

Here’s how Get Satisfaction’s ad integration works: All guests and non-logged in users will see AdSense ads on the site, while all logged in users won’t see the ads. Further — and here’s the really brilliant part — any company that signs up for one of the premium accounts that the company announced earlier this week will have ads removed for all users, including guests.

获取满意度广告集成的工作方式如下:所有来宾和未登录用户将在网站上看到AdSense广告,而所有已登录用户将看不到广告。 此外,这是真正出色的部分,任何签署了本周早些时候宣布的高级帐户之一的公司, 都将为所有用户(包括访客)删除广告。

Because competitors often bid on keywords related to your product or services, restricting AdSense from those pages should be a major motivating factor toward signing up for a premium account for many companies. No one wants their competitors advertising on a page where customers are getting together to vent about issues they’re having with your product or service. My guess is that Get Satisfaction doesn’t expect to make much more than peanuts from these ads, but hopes that their presence will be an excellent sales tool for their new premium services.

由于竞争对手通常会出价与您的产品或服务相关的关键字,因此限制AdSense页面进入这些页面应该是许多公司注册高级帐户的主要动机。 没有人希望竞争对手在页面上做广告,在这个页面上客户聚在一起谈论他们在产品或服务方面遇到的问题。 我的猜测是,获得满意度并不期望从这些广告中获得比花生更多的收益,但希望它们的存在将成为其新的优质服务的出色销售工具。

Adding advertising to an existing service isn’t easy. When your users are used to getting everything for free, suddenly asking them to look at advertising or pay doesn’t always go over well. Get Satisfaction did both this week, and they did it in a way that makes a lot of sense, should keep users happy, and will likely help them sell premium accounts.

在现有服务中添加广告并不容易。 当您的用户习惯于免费获取所有内容时,突然要求他们查看广告或付费并不总是会很顺利。 “获得满意度”在本周都做过,并且这样做的意义很大,应该让用户满意,并可能会帮助他们出售高级帐户。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/smart-move-get-satisfaction-adds-ads/

