
tech2024-03-27  79


Chicago-based t-shirt shop Threadless is easily one of the most brilliant Internet businesses of the past decade. For those unfamiliar, Threadless is an ecommerce site set up as a weekly t-shirt design contest. Designers submit ideas for shirts and customers vote on the ones they’d like to see made. Winning shirts are printed in a limited run, and designers are rewarded with cash and free shirts. The beauty of the model is that the voting ensures that there is a group of customers ready to purchase the shirt before it is even printed — every shirt the site sells is pre-vetted and comes with a guaranteed market.

芝加哥的T恤商店Threadless很容易成为过去十年中最杰出的互联网企业之一。 对于那些不熟悉的人,Threadless是一个电子商务网站,被设置为每周的T恤设计竞赛。 设计师提交衬衫的想法,客户对他们想看的衬衫进行投票。 获奖衬衫的印刷数量有限,设计师将获得现金和免费衬衫的奖励。 该模型的优点在于,投票可以确保有一组客户准备在衬衫甚至还没印刷出来之前就购买它–该站点出售的每件衬衫都经过预先审查,并带有保证的市场。

Last month, Threadless launched a spin-off site called The Select Series. The site gives a permanent home to a special line of Threadless tees that have existed since 2006 that are curated by the Threadless staff and not chosen for printing by the usual vote-based selection method. Unlike Threadless, at which unknown artists can rise to fame via the user voting process, the Select Series prints t-shirts from some of the art and design world’s best known names, such as Andrew Bell of CreaturesInMyHead.com.

上个月,Threadless推出了一个名为The Select Series的衍生网站。 该站点为2006年以来一直存在的特殊系列的无螺纹T恤提供了永久的住所,这些T恤由Threadless员工策划,并未通过基于投票的常规选择方法进行印刷。 与Threadless不同,在Threadless中,未知的艺术家可以通过用户投票程序而声名,起,Select Series印刷来自某些艺术和设计界最知名名字的T恤,例如CreaturesInMyHead.com的 Andrew Bell 。

Now, the site is about to launch a series of shirts created by art professors at the prestigious Rhode Island School of Design, all based on the theme of “newness.” Curated by University president John Maeda, the collection of four t-shirts by professors was on display tonight at one of the University’s galleries, and will be available for purchase in the risd|works store — a store that sells works by RISD students and professors — and on the Select Series site starting Monday.

现在,该网站即将推出由著名的罗德岛设计学院的艺术教授创作的一系列衬衫,所有这些衬衫均以“新颖性”为主题。 由大学校长约翰前田(John Maeda)策划,教授的四件T恤的收藏今晚在大学的一个画廊中展出,并将在risd | works商店中出售-该商店出售RISD学生和教授的作品—以及从星期一开始在Select Series网站上。

“We’re part of this amazing community of learners, doers, and mentors that pursues the art and philosophy of human expression – and newness – with exhausting intensity,” said Maeda in a press release. “This project with Threadless has been a great opportunity to explore this timely theme together. We are amidst the election season here in the U.S., and a movement is arising driven by a palpable desire for change. Human nature and the creative spirit drive our desire for new tastes and new sensations, all of which can be synthesized into fresh perspectives and new experiences.”

前田在新闻稿中说:“我们是这个令人惊叹的学习者,行动者和指导者社区的一部分,该社区以极大的精力追求人类表达的艺术和哲学以及新颖性。” “与Threadless合作的这个项目是一个很好的机会,可以一起探讨这个及时的主题。 我们正处在美国的选举季节之中,在明显的变革渴望推动下,运动正在兴起。 人性和创造精神驱使我们对新口味和新感觉的渴望,所有这些都可以综合为新鲜的观点和新的体验。”

Threadless plans to have guest curators for the Select Series on an ongoing basis, and proceeds from the RISD collection will benefit a $15,000 donation to the school’s scholarship fund. Though its awesome to see Threadless branching out into the art world and letting artists have more freedom to create, and it’s great that they’re giving such a sizable donation to RISD, it is a bit disappointing that the shirts were created by professors rather than students.

Threadless计划不断有精选策展人担任策展人,RISD系列的收益将使向学校的奖学金基金捐款15,000美元。 尽管看到Threadless进入艺术界并让艺术家拥有更大的创作自由真是太棒了,而且他们为RISD做出了如此可观的捐赠,这真是太好了,但令人失望的是,衬衫是由教授而不是教授创造的学生们。

The animated GIF below cycles through the four t-shirts in the RISD series.


翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/threadless-goes-to-school-college-curates-shirt-collection/

