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tech2024-03-27  89

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Microsoft, which opened its Live Mesh service in a limited tech preview at the Web 2.0 Expo in April, has opened the service to all comers today, confirmed LiveSide. Microsoft’s data sync platform is now available to anyone with a Windows Live ID who resides in the United States. International users can join if they change their Windows operating system language and region to EN-US.

LiveSide证实 ,微软于四月在Web 2.0 Expo上以有限的技术预览版形式开放了Live Mesh服务,今天,它已向所有用户开放该服务。 现在,居住在美国的具有Windows Live ID的任何人都可以使用Microsoft的数据同步平台。 如果国际用户将Windows操作系统的语言和区域更改为EN-US,则可以加入。

The following was posted on the Live Mesh forum:

以下内容发布在Live Mesh论坛上 :

Live Mesh is now openly available to anyone in the U.S.

Live Mesh现在向美国任何人开放

The Live Mesh team is pleased to announce that anyone in the U.S. can now use Live Mesh just by signing in to www.mesh.com with a valid Windows Live ID. No sign up needed to participate!

Live Mesh团队很高兴地宣布,美国任何人现在都可以使用有效的Windows Live ID登录www.mesh.com来使用Live Mesh。 无需注册即可参与!

International Customers


With Live Mesh open to anyone in the US, our international friends can join in the fun early as well – with one caveat: you must be willing to change your Windows operating system region and language setting to EN-US. Once you do this you will be able to immediately sign in to Live Mesh with a valid Windows Live ID. Please be aware that this may cause other applications that specifically require your native country region and language settings to encounter problems.

随着Live Mesh对美国任何人的开放,我们的国际朋友也可以尽早加入有趣的活动,但有一个警告:您必须愿意将Windows操作系统区域和语言设置更改为EN-US。 完成此操作后,您将可以立即使用有效的Windows Live ID登录Live Mesh。 请注意,这可能会导致其他需要您所在国家(地区)和语言设置的应用程序遇到问题。



Once you’ve begun using Live Mesh, we’d love to hear from you! We are working hard to create the best experience and appreciate any feedback you have. Please send us feedback using our online form. You can also submit (and view others’) feedback and bugs here on the Microsoft Connect website.

一旦您开始使用Live Mesh,我们将很高兴收到您的来信! 我们正在努力创造最佳体验,并感谢您提供任何反馈。 请使用我们的在线表格向我们发送反馈 。 您也可以提交(并查看其他人的)反馈和错误在这里微软连接网站上。

Thank you, The Live Mesh team

谢谢Live Mesh团队

Though Live Mesh is now open to anyone, the service is still very much a beta/tech preview product. It syncs data only between your PC and the cloud — Mac and mobile phone support is still “coming soon.”

尽管Live Mesh现在向任何人开放,但该服务仍然是beta / tech预览产品。 它仅在您的PC和云之间同步数据-Mac和移动电话支持仍“即将推出”。

什么是Live Mesh? (What is Live Mesh?)

Live Mesh is an automatic data sync platform that synchronizes user data between devices — eventually that will mean basically anything with ones and zeros: mobile, PC, Mac, video game player, etc. — and the cloud. Mesh works as a collection of feeds that can be expressed as ATOM, JSON, FeedSync, RSS, WB-XML, or POX. Any piece of data that a user creates is rendered as information in the feed and then spread to other devices based on rules for how that type of data is to be shared (i.e., privacy settings).

Live Mesh是一个自动数据同步平台,可在设备之间同步用户数据-最终将意味着基本上所有带有零的东西:移动设备,PC,Mac,视频游戏机等-以及云。 网格作为提要的集合,可以表示为ATOM,JSON,FeedSync,RSS,WB-XML或POX。 用户创建的任何数据都将作为提要中的信息呈现,然后根据有关如何共享该类型数据的规则(即隐私设置)传播到其他设备。

Mesh follows Microsoft’s “software plus services” strategy and includes both a web platform component, and client software. For now, Mesh exists as a tech preview that automatically syncs files and folders on a Windows PC with web storage space in the cloud. The eventual goal is for Mesh to play with any number of devices so that a photo taken on your Blackberry at work could be automatically backed up to your desktop PC, Macbook Pro, iPhone at home, and the cloud.

Mesh遵循Microsoft的“软件加服务”策略,包括Web平台组件和客户端软件。 目前,Mesh作为技术预览版存在,可自动将Windows PC上的文件和文件夹与云中的Web存储空间同步。 最终目标是使Mesh可以与任何数量的设备一起使用,以便可以将在工作中在Blackberry上拍摄的照片自动备份到台式PC,Macbook Pro,家庭iPhone和云中。

该平台 (The Platform)

What sets Mesh apart from other data synchronization plays, such as DropBox or SugarSync, is that Microsoft looks at Mesh as developer platform as well as a user facing service. Microsoft’s hope is that Mesh will become the de facto platform for data synchronization for devices and web apps.

使Mesh与其他数据同步工具(如DropBox或SugarSync)区别开来的原因是,Microsoft将Mesh视为开发人员平台以及面向用户的服务。 微软希望,Mesh将成为设备和Web应用程序数据同步的事实上的平台。

Microsoft showed me a proof-of-concept demo in April in which a just-snapped cell phone photo was almost instantly synced to albums on Flickr and Facebook, a pair of laptops, a UMPC, and the cloud storage space (the whole process took under 5 minutes). The possibilities that arise when you think of Live Mesh as a platform for syncronization rather than just yet another data backup service are exciting. Microsoft is also hoping to sync all data associated with a Mesh account — not just files. So that means, for example, comments on your photo on Facebook might be copied to Flickr or back to your cell phone if you set up the file permissions that way, or it could sync Twitter tweets to other devices or web apps.

微软在四月份向我展示了一个概念验证演示,其中,刚刚捕捉到的手机照片几乎立即同步到Flickr和Facebook上的相册,一台笔记本电脑,一台UMPC和云存储空间(整个过程花费了整个过程。 5分钟以内)。 当您将Live Mesh视为同步平台而不只是另一个数据备份服务时,就会出现令人兴奋的可能性。 微软还希望同步与网格帐户关联的所有数据,而不仅仅是文件。 因此,这意味着,例如,如果您以这种方式设置文件权限,则可能会将对Facebook上的照片的评论复制到Flickr或重新发送到手机,或者将Twitter推文同步到其他设备或Web应用程序。

One of the most interesting things about Mesh is that the client software will allow web apps using the platform to create offline versions of their applications (existing as desktop wrappers for the web apps themselves). That means that on some level Mesh might be aiming to take on Google’s Gears and Mozilla’s Prism (and to a lesser extent, Adobe’s AIR). As often as we hear that the web is the new operating system, the desktop is still very important.

Mesh最有趣的事情之一是,客户端软件将允许使用该平台的Web应用程序创建其应用程序的脱机版本(作为Web应用程序本身的桌面包装器存在)。 这意味着在某种程度上,Mesh的目标可能是采用Google的Gears和Mozilla的Prism(在较小程度上是Adobe的AIR)。 我们经常听到网络是新的操作系统, 而台式机仍然非常重要 。

仍然只是预览 (Still Just a Preview)

For all the potential that Live Mesh has, Microsoft’s platform is still just a tech preview. With support for only PC to web storage syncing right now, it is hard to judge what impact Mesh might have on the way we interact with, store, and synchronize our data. Some of the proof-of-concept stuff that Microsoft has demoed is exciting, as is the idea of a complete synchronization platform for web apps, computers, and web-enabled devices, but for now, almost all of that stuff doesn’t yet exist outside of internal Microsoft demos.

尽管Live Mesh具有所有潜力,但Microsoft的平台仍只是技术预览。 现在仅支持PC到Web存储同步,因此很难判断Mesh对我们与数据交互,存储和同步的方式可能产生什么影响。 Microsoft演示的一些概念验证性内容令人兴奋,就像针对Web应用程序,计算机和支持Web的设备的完整同步平台的想法一样,但是到目前为止,几乎所有这些内容都还没有存在于内部Microsoft演示之外。

Hopefully the platform will live up to the hype and potential. In the meantime, anyone with a Windows PC and a Windows Live ID can check out the early iterations of Mesh for themselves at www.mesh.com. Try it out and let us know your thoughts in the comments.

希望该平台能够实现其炒作和潜力。 同时,拥有Windows PC和Windows Live ID的任何人都可以在www.mesh.com上自己检查Mesh的早期版本。 尝试一下,并在评论中让我们知道您的想法。

Edit: Look like Mesh isn’t completely open to the public, just more open than it was before. The tech preview is still capped at a finite number of users, that cap has just been doubled. So sign up while you can. Via LiveSide.

编辑:看起来Mesh并没有完全向公众开放,只是比以前开放了。 技术预览版仍然限制了一定数量的用户,该限制刚刚增加了一倍。 因此,请尽您所能注册。 通过LiveSide 。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/microsoft-opens-live-mesh-to-all/

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