
tech2024-03-27  91


Google VP Marissa Mayer talked about the future of search on the Google blog this afternoon. Mayer apparently spent Saturday keeping track of all the things that came up in conversations that she wished she could search for. The result was a long list of questions ranging from “Which school has a team called the Banana Slugs?” to “What are the dance steps to the Charleston?” to “What kind of bird is that flying over there?”

Google副总裁Marissa Mayer今天下午在Google博客上谈到了搜索的未来 。 梅耶尔显然是在星期六度过的,她希望自己可以寻找的对话中的所有事情都记录下来。 结果是一长串的问题,包括“哪个学校的团队叫香蕉弹头?” 到“去查尔斯顿的舞步是什么?” 改为“那只鸟飞过那儿?”

I would wager that for most of us, if we repeated Mayer’s exercise we’d each come up with an equally long and random list of potential search queries. According to Mayer, she could come up with answers to all of her questions (and does at the end of her post), but couldn’t do it “ideally or easily” using today’s search tools, which she calls “a 90% solution,” in which the remaining work will require the most effort.

我想对我们大多数人来说,如果我们重复Mayer的练习,我们每个人都会得出同样长且随机的潜在搜索查询列表。 根据Mayer的说法,她可以提出所有问题的答案(并且在帖子末尾也可以),但不能使用当今的搜索工具“理想或轻松地”做到这一点,她称之为“ 90%的解决方案” ”,其中剩余的工作将需要最大的努力。

“Search is a science that will develop and advance over hundreds of years. Think of it like biology and physics in the 1500s or 1600s: it’s a new science where we make big and exciting breakthroughs all the time,” wrote Mayer, saying that it could be a hundred years or more before we have “an understanding of the proverbial molecules and atoms of search.”

“搜索是一门将发展数百年的科学。 可以将其视为1500或1600年代的生物学和物理学:这是一门新科学,我们一直在不断取得重大而令人振奋的突破,”梅耶尔说道,他说,对我们的“认识”可能要一百年或更长时间。众所周知的搜索分子和原子。”

Mayer also presents a concise definition of Google’s ideal search engine, and presumably what they’re working toward:


“[The idea search engine is] your best friend with instant access to all the world’s facts and a photographic memory of everything you’ve seen and know. That search engine could tailor answers to you based on your preferences, your existing knowledge and the best available information; it could ask for clarification and present the answers in whatever setting or media worked best.”

“ [创意搜索引擎]是您最好的朋友,可以立即访问世界上所有的事实,并对您所见和所知的一切进行照片存储。 该搜索引擎可以根据您的偏好,现有知识和最佳可用信息为您量身定制答案; 它可以要求您进行澄清,并在任何效果最好的媒体或环境中提出答案。”

To reach that goal, Mayer talked about the things that she’d like to see improved upon in the near future.




Mayer says that search needs to be more accessible. For much of her Saturday experiment she wasn’t near a computer, so couldn’t just sit down and do a search. Mobile search is getting better, but it’s still slow and clunky and interrupts the flow of conversation. Mayer even throws out the wacky (and slightly creepy) idea of a wearable device that constantly listens to you talk and searches for answers to questions you voice.

梅耶说,搜索需要更易于访问。 在星期六的大部分实验中,她都不在电脑旁,所以不能坐下来进行搜索。 移动搜索正在变得越来越好,但是它仍然缓慢且笨拙,并且中断了对话流程。 Mayer甚至提出了一种可穿戴设备的古怪(有点令人毛骨悚然)的想法,该设备会不断听您说话并搜索您提出的问题的答案。

In addition to accessibility and better mobile search, Google wants to expand upon the ways we interact with search, which means voice, natural language, and images. “You should be able to talk to a search engine in your voice. You should also be able to ask questions verbally or by typing them in as natural language expressions,” writes Mayer. “You shouldn’t have to break everything down into keywords.”

除了可访问性和更好的移动搜索之外,Google还希望扩展我们与搜索交互的方式,这意味着语音,自然语言和图像。 “您应该能够用自己的声音与搜索引擎对话。 Mayer写道:“您还应该能够口头提出问题或通过以自然语言表达形式输入问题。” “您不必将所有内容分解为关键字。”

Mayer expects to see advances in these areas in the next ten years that will have us searching via cell phone using voice and speaking in natural language, or by playing a song or taking a picture.




Google bought YouTube for a reason, after all. Mayer says that links to information can be great, but some searches — like her need to remember how to dance the Charleston — can’t be readily solved with textual results. Mayer says that over the past year Google has been trying to figure out how to take advantage of rich media results and display them in the best way possible. She promises that we’ll see the “fruits of this experimentation in the coming months,” but that over the next 10 years things will change even more dramatically.

毕竟,Google购买YouTube是有原因的。 梅耶说,与信息的链接可能很棒,但是某些搜索结果(例如她需要记住如何跳舞查尔斯顿的信息)很难用文字结果来解决。 梅耶说,在过去的一年中,谷歌一直在努力寻找如何利用富媒体结果并以最佳方式展示它们的方法。 她承诺,我们将在接下来的几个月中看到“该实验的成果”,但是在未来10年中,情况将发生更大的变化。

We theorized in July that an iGoogle video search widget hinted at some of that future.

我们在7月推论出iGoogle视频搜索小部件暗示了这一未来 。

“The one thing that the search experience can’t be – especially in the face of the online media explosion we’re currently experiencing – is stagnant,” she says.




I’ve argued here that social search isn’t the future, but it is a feature of future search engines. “Don’t get me wrong, social search is a great idea. Leaning on data from Twitter, StumbleUpon,, Digg, and every other site you participate in to augment and enhance search results is something that someone will do soon,” we wrote. “And whenever someone figures out how to do it well — which will involve making social search run in the background during traditional searches, it will rock.”

我在这里辩称,社交搜索不是未来,但这是未来搜索引擎的功能 。 “不要误会我的意思,社交搜索是个好主意。 依靠Twitter,StumbleUpon,,Digg以及您参与的其他每个站点来扩大和增强搜索结果的数据,人们很快就会做到。” “每当有人想出如何做到这一点时(涉及在传统搜索过程中使社交搜索在后台运行,它都会动摇)。”

We put our money on Microsoft and Facebook innovating first in this area, but Google isn’t sitting still. “Search engines of the future will be better in part because they will understand more about you, the individual user,” promises Mayer. Mayer talks about Google learning from your previous search history, your location, and your social graph.

我们首先在微软和Facebook上投入资金,在这一领域进行创新,但Google并没有坐以待still。 Mayer承诺:“未来的搜索引擎会更好,部分原因是它们将对您(个人用户)有更多的了解。” 梅耶(Mayer)谈论Google从您以前的搜索历史,您的位置和您的社交图表中学习的内容。

“There’s a lot of expertise, knowledge, and context in users’ social graphs, so putting tools in place to make ‘friend-augmented’ search easy could make search more efficient and more relevant,” she writes.




Why is Google investing so much time and effort into machine translation? Simple, says Mayer, the web isn’t all in one language. “We know there are cases where an answer exists on the web, but not in a language you read,” she writes. “The basic concept is — if the answer exists online anywhere in any language, we’ll go get it for you, translate it and bring it back in your native tongue. This is an incredibly empowering idea that could really change the way that users experience the web and communicate with each other, particularly in languages where not a lot of native content is available.”

为什么Google要在机器翻译上投入如此多的时间和精力? 梅耶说,很简单,网络不是全部都用一种语言。 她写道:“我们知道在某些情况下网络上存在答案,但不是您所读的语言。” “基本概念是-如果答案在线以任何语言在任何地方存在,我们将为您找到答案,将其翻译并以您的母语重新带回。 这是一个令人难以置信的授权想法,它可以真正改变用户体验网络和彼此交流的方式,尤其是在没有很多本地内容可用的语言中。”

结论 (Conclusion)

This month, Google turned 10 years old, and Mayer’s look into the future is a thought experiment about how Google might look at 20. It’s an interesting read, though, and provides insights into where Google thinks search is going and where they might be investing their R&D money over the next few years.



