Adobe宣布推出Flash Media编码服务器

tech2024-03-27  86

Adobe today announced the release of the newest product in their end-to-end platform for creating and deploying rich media content on the web to multiple screens (desktop and mobile), the Flash Media Encoding Server. Priced at $6,000, Adobe’s new product is an enterprise level encoding and transcoding server for converting video from a variety of formats to Flash. The software supports conversion from video in Windows Media format, DivX, H.264, MPEG-4, Quicktime and others to FLV or F4V video.

Adobe今天宣布在其端到端平台中发布了最新产品,该产品用于在Web上创建和部署富媒体内容并将其部署到Flash Media Encoding Server的多个屏幕(台式机和移动设备)上。 Adobe的新产品定价为6,000美元,是一种企业级编码和转码服务器,用于将视频从多种格式转换为Flash。 该软件支持将Windows Media格式,DivX,H.264,MPEG-4,Quicktime等格式的视频转换为FLV或F4V视频。

Adobe’s Vice President and General Manager of Dynamic Media Jim Guerard told me that they’re not trying to replace or compete with other encoding products — some of which, such as NCode from Silversoft, are free and open source — but rather the new product is aimed at enterprise customers who would rather purchase all pieces of their Flash workflow from one vendor.

Adobe的副总裁兼动态媒体总经理吉姆·瓜拉德(Jim Guerard)告诉我,他们并不是在尝试替代其他编码产品或与其他编码产品竞争-其中一些编码产品(例如,Silversoft的NCode是免费的和开源的),而新产品是针对希望从一家供应商那里购买其Flash工作流的所有部分的企业客户。

Geurard told me that Adobe’s corporate enterprise and education customers had been asking for a turnkey encoding solution, and this is a response to those requests. Indeed, an encoding server product was a glaring omission from their current enterprise Flash lineup. The Flash Media Encoding Server plugs a hole in their end-to-end Flash product ecosystem.

Geurard告诉我,Adobe的企业和教育客户一直在寻求完整的编码解决方案,这是对这些要求的回应。 确实,编码服务器产品是其当前企业Flash阵容中明显的遗漏。 Flash Media Encoding Server为其端到端Flash产品生态系统带来了漏洞。

Given the cost, and the free and lower-cost alternatives, however, it’s unlikely that small-time Flash publishers will opt for the new Flash Media Encoding Server. And Adobe seems fine with that.

考虑到成本以及免费和低成本的替代方案,小型Flash发布者不太可能选择新的Flash Media Encoding Server。 Adobe对此似乎还不错。

In addition to encoding and transcoding video to Flash, the Media Encoding Server can also apply pre-processing filters to video such as color space conversions, normalizing audio, and sharpening video.

除了将视频编码和转码到Flash外,Media Encoding Server还可以将预处理过滤器应用于视频,例如颜色空间转换,规范化音频和锐化视频。

Information about the Flash Media Encoding Server is available at

有关Flash Media Encoding服务器的信息, 请访问 。

