target 无jar包

tech2024-03-27  82

target 无jar包

Target yesterday settled its class action lawsuit with the National Federation of the Blind (a suit that was originally launched back in early 2006). In the settlement, Target agreed to pay damages of up to $6 million to the NFB, which would then be distributed to individuals affected by the fact that the web site was inaccessible.

Target昨天与全美盲人联合会(该诉讼最初于2006年初发起)一起解决了集体诉讼。 在和解协议中,Target同意向NFB支付最高600万美元的赔偿金,然后将其分配给受Target.com网站无法访问这一事实影响的个人。

I had to chuckle at the following part of the announcement:


Bruce Sexton, Jr., a named plaintiff in the case from the beginning, added: “This settlement marks a new chapter in making Web sites accessible to the blind. I commend Target for committing to being a leader in online accessibility.”

小布鲁斯·塞克斯顿(Bruce Sexton,Jr.)从一开始就是该案件的原告,他补充说:“这一和解标志着使盲人可以访问网站的新篇章。 我赞扬Target致力于成为在线可访问性的领导者。”

The very fact that this lawsuit existed in the first place is reason enough to conclude that Target is far from “a leader in online accessibility.” Sexton expended considerable energy lobbying Target to add basic accessibility features to their web site, including adding alt text to their images, but they refused to entertain the idea that they might be obligated to do so.

最初存在该诉讼的事实足以得出结论,Target远非“在线可访问性的领导者”。 Sexton花费了大量精力游说Target公司,以在其网站上添加基本的可访问性功能,包括在其图像中添加alt文本,但他们拒绝接受可能有义务这样做的想法。

The announcement that Target have finally agreed that they are obligated to accommodated blind visitors is basically a good one, despite concerns that visitors with other disabilities might not be taken into consideration, or that the settlement is too low a figure. The fact is that this settlement puts accessibility on the agenda for corporations who might otherwise think that ignoring disabled visitors to their web site is acceptable.

目标公司最终同意他们有义务接待盲人游客的声明基本上是一个好消息,尽管担心可能不会考虑其他残疾游客,或者解决金额太低。 事实是,这种解决方案将可访问性放在了公司的议程上,否则他们可能会认为忽略残疾人访问其网站是可以接受的。

Paying out $6 million to visitors who might sue Target because they have low vision, or cannot use a mouse, is not something that Target will want to go through again. The precedent has been set now; the next time there’s a problem with the accessibility of and someone complains, I’m betting Target will be listening.

向可能因视力低下或无法使用鼠标而起诉Target的访客支付600万美元,Target并不想再次这样做。 现在已经有了先例。 下次当target.com的可访问性出现问题并且有人抱怨时,我敢打赌Target会监听。


target 无jar包
